Guan Cheng allowed his son to run around the house, using his toys to greet Er Xiong.

Probably because of the bright eyes of the child, he actually found out that Lu Erxiong was the one who liked to play the most. They were one big and one small, with their heads touching each other. They were playing happily, and they even stuffed their tin frogs into Lu Erxiong's pocket, which was so generous. very.

Guan Cheng looked closely at the pile of information in front of him, "Uncle, if there is really hope, I will definitely review hard, take the college entrance examination, get the academic qualifications I deserve, and will also write letters to urge Ayu. You don't know, just because of me I have a high school degree. Even though I learned more professional knowledge from my teachers than the average college student, I was still not taken seriously when I first came to work. Later, when I showed my abilities, Wenxiu was always resentful because she did not go to college. , she will definitely review it carefully.”

Lu Jiang smiled slightly and said, "You know how to study hard, so your aunt and I can rest assured that you can learn more knowledge. We have no other requirements for you children. We just hope that you will grow up healthy and upright." As a human being, you have your own plans for your own life, and we won’t interfere if your path doesn’t go astray.”

"Thank you uncle and aunt for your concern. We will not let you down." Guan Cheng was extremely grateful. If he had not met them, it would have been a question whether he and his brother would have survived.

The older you get and the more you experience, the more you can feel the value of being able to help others in the snow.

So, we entertained them in Quanjude at noon.

The roast duck cost eight yuan a piece. Four of them were ordered at one go. Even so, they were almost eaten. After all, there were three guards. Fortunately, half of them were reserved for Feng Qingxue in advance.

Lu Erxiong was satisfied and full of energy after eating.

Before going home in the afternoon, Lu Jiang took his children to Zheng's house again, but there was still no one there, so he had to temporarily leave the things Feng Qingxue had prepared for them at Guancheng, and told him to give them to Zheng Jinrui and Chen Xueniang when he saw them. .

Where are Zheng Jinrui and Chen Xueniang at this time? What a coincidence, it's in Xishan Courtyard.

Ever since Chen Xueniang rescued Han Ye, she has been very valued by the Lu family, and their relationship has been maintained well. Han Ye even regards her as a mother. The Lu family has greeted the guard early, and the two of them do not need to check when they come. Just register.

Today, Han Ye returned to Beijing with his parents and picked them up to have dinner at home.

However, in terms of relationship, Chen Xueniang is definitely better with Feng Qingxue.

At the Lu family's dinner table, she heard that Feng Qingxue had brought her child back and lived not far away. Without saying anything, she said to Lu Shuai and Han Ye: "It's been a long time since I've seen their children, especially Xibao, I want to go see them. I don’t know what Xiaoxue was thinking. She didn’t even look for me when she picked up the children. Unfortunately, I left a lot of food for them.”

Lu Shuai laughed, "I remember she went to work a few days after she came back. She was very busy and it was normal to work overtime. She had to preside over a major surgery today. She is an old subordinate of mine. I just went to see her yesterday."

Chen Xueniang immediately said: "Then I will go to the hospital to find her, and then I will go see the child."

The operation lasted for thirteen hours. Chen Xueniang did not see her figure when she entered the hospital. When she visited the Lu family, she learned that Lu Jiang had taken the child out. In desperation, she had no choice but to return to Lu. Fortunately, Chen Xueniang was smart and left a message to Feng Qingxue, asking her to play with her and take her children with her when she had time.

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