On the first day of 1977, Feng Qingxue was busy until late at night before getting off work, but Lu Jiang who came to pick her up felt very distressed.

"How can you survive like this?" Human energy is limited.

"I have no choice, work comes first, the hospital has arranged it, and I can go to work later tomorrow. There is no surgery arranged for me, so I can still get enough sleep." Feng Qingxue followed the car door he opened and sat in, saying earlier I don't plan to use the bus for personal use. In such a cold weather, I still have to use it. I just pay for the gas myself, and it doesn't count as an advantage to the country.

Lu Jiang opened the thermos bucket and handed it to her, along with chopsticks and a long-handled spoon, "Acheng invited us to have dinner in Quanjude at noon. I left half a roast duck for you to bring back. It has been cold for a long time and is too greasy. I will call you Zhang My sister-in-law stewed the soup with the duck rack and gave you some hand-rolled noodles. Eat them while they are still hot. They may be a bit lumpy after being brought all the way. "

Feng Qingxue picked up her chopsticks and ate, "It's easier to digest when the dough is lumpy. I just want to eat something easy to digest."

Today I had one meal in the morning and had surgery during the day. It lasted for thirteen hours without stopping. I only drank two sips of water after the surgery. I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." Lu Jiang motioned to guard Wang Qiao to drive, and he reached out to hold the thermos bucket for her. Then he told her everything he and Chen Xueniang had missed, and couldn't help but laugh. He said: "Who would have thought of such a coincidence? We went to find them, but they came to the compound."

Feng Qingxue disagreed, "Otherwise, how can we say that it is a coincidence? It's normal to miss it since we didn't make an appointment. I won't be free for a while, so I'll go and play with her when I'm free."

"Can I take a break before and after the Spring Festival?" Lu Jiang asked.

"It's hard! I didn't know until I got off work that I took two months of leave from October to December. If I hadn't been away from the capital, I would have been called back to work. After taking such a long break, I would definitely not be able to work around the Spring Festival." Arrange a holiday for me, I guess I won’t have anything to do on Sundays.” Fortunately, there are subsidies other than salary allowances, otherwise, hum!

For the sake of Lu Jiang's future, she declined the few promotion slots available in the hospital after the disaster last year. Lu Jiang didn't know about this, and the hospital knew very well and would not go too far in this regard.

After Lu Jiang heard this, he wondered: "You are so busy, why haven't you been given a raise in salary?"

Feng Qingxue glanced at him and said, "There are only a few places for promotion. It can't be my turn every time. I'm still young. If I work hard, I will be promoted sooner or later. I have already planned it. Wait. When the university resumes classes in the future, I will take the postgraduate examination and improve my academic qualifications so that the diploma from the Workers’, Peasants and Soldiers University will not be lower than the normal university qualifications.”

Coming from a later generation, she had an inexplicable desire for academic qualifications and wanted to be a good example to her children.

The quality of the University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers was too low. In order not to be discriminated against by formal college students, she had to study hard and make progress every day to increase her confidence, so as not to be accused of relying on connections even though she had made progress in medicine.

"Listen to what you say, I have to work hard." If his education is too low, he will probably be laughed at by the children.

It is very easy for senior cadres in the army to improve their academic qualifications. As for further education, some military academies arrange such advanced training for senior cadres. It is not that Lu Jiang has not done short-term training in the past two years.

Feng Qingxue laughed, "Then you have to study now. We have a lot of learning materials."

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