Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1933 Good people never come 7

Section Chief Wang spread his hands. To be honest, he was also surprised.

Tang Xin resolutely broke up with Ye Zhengjun and Ye Qianqian when their father and son were in trouble. She did not hesitate to abandon her young son and ignored them for many years. Now she sees that Ye Zhengjun and Ye Qianqian have a bright future and wants to turn back. How can such a beautiful thing happen? ? What's more, she married someone else and gave birth to a daughter less than three months after she divorced Ye Xiangqian. Last year, she reported her remarriage to her husband, Li Chaoying, which shows how cold-hearted she is.

"Does she think I'm a fool? Does she think my dad and I will definitely accept her?" Ye Yan found it incredible.

Section Chief Wang smiled coquettishly, "Maybe she feels that children cannot lack maternal love."

Ye Yan snorted, "Mother's love is nothing! I came here without mother's love when I was a child. What mother's love is missing now? I want mother's love, and my godmother can give it to me, so I don't care about her mother's love!"

"Maybe she thinks your father can't forget her after not getting married for so many years." Section Chief Wang thought of Tang Xin's words.

"This is even funnier. My dad is too busy to take care of me. I haven't seen him in two years. I also said that I don't have time to get married again. How could she think that my dad didn't get married because of her? How dare she think that? !”

When his biological son said this, Section Chief Wang had to say that Tang Xin failed as a person.

Feng Qingxue did not comment on Tang Xin's whims, but asked: "Did Tang Xin say how she got in? Why was Su Meixiang willing to help her? I don't believe their relationship was so good back then."

After hearing her question, Section Chief Wang sat up straight and said sternly: "I asked, after all, according to her status, she should not step into the residential area of ​​senior cadres at will. She said that she asked Su Meixiang to come to her, and Su Meixiang felt that she It's a pity that she was brought in in the name of a friend. Because Tang Xin was indeed an art soldier who came to our military camp to express condolences, the guards did not investigate in depth. "

"Is Su Meixiang so kind?" When they were in Shanghai, Feng Qingxue didn't ignore the evil look in her eyes. There was also Su Jiaojiao who was always targeting Fubao. "What I'm confused about is why Su Meixiang can come in and out at will?"

Su Meixiang is Su Junlin's daughter, not Su Junshu's.

Even if they are Su Junshu's family members, Su Junshu has passed away. According to regulations, his family members can live in another residence arranged by the state, but they cannot still live in the house assigned by the state to Su Junshu.

"Don't you know?" Section Chief Wang said in surprise.

Feng Qingxue asked, "What do you know? Did I miss any important news?"

Grandma Ye said from the side: "I forgot to tell you that when you went to attend the Congress, Su Junlin was transferred to the capital to take up a post, but he was not in the army. He lived a little far away from our family. It was really in the area where senior generals' families live. A large group of children and grandchildren from his wife and ex-wife are living with him! Su Junshu's wife did not want to lose the natural protection of living here, so she also moved in with her grandchildren, saying that she should be filial to her mother-in-law, and Su Junshu's second floor There are not enough buildings to live in.”

"Isn't Bai Xue bored to death?" Feng Qingxue thought of Bai Xue's character. She had been traveling all over the world in the past few years and had not been in contact with her for a long time. She didn't know what she had become.

Grandma Ye shook her head and said: "It was very noisy. Not even a week after moving in, there were no less than ten quarrels. It almost became a joke in the whole compound. My mother scolded Su Junlin for being unfilial, and his children accused him of being unkind. Call Bai Xue cruel and a vicious stepmother, otherwise Su Junlin would not be so heartless and indifferent to my mother and children. "

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