Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1934 Good people never come 8

After listening to Grandma Ye's words, Feng Qingxue was secretly grateful that her family had a simple population and a peaceful personality.

As for the two brothers and sister-in-law from my mother's family, they haven't seen each other for more than ten years. They have long since ceased to know each other and have no contact with each other.

Section Chief Wang listened quietly, did not speak, and did not make any comments on the Su family's affairs. It was not until Grandma Ye and Feng Qingxue ended the topic that he spoke: "This is the whole story. I have already informed the Security Department. In the future, people with unknown background or bad intentions cannot be let in at will to avoid hurting others. "

The people who live here stomp their feet and the country trembles.

"How did Tang Xin deal with it?" Grandma Ye asked.

"Send it back to the art troupe and let them organize the punishment. After all, she just stopped Ye Yan and wanted to recognize her relatives. There is no big crime. If you feel dissatisfied, I will tell the troupe later and send her back to her original station. No. Ask her to take a step into the Capital Military District."

Grandma Ye waved her hand, "Public is public and private is private. They cannot be confused. Let them handle it in the group!"

When Ye Zhengjun and Lu Jiang reached such a position, their every move was watched by someone!

Feng Qingxue had no objection, "As long as it doesn't disturb the lives of our family and the children, we are mainly worried about the children. Tang Xin's behavior and temperament can easily have a bad influence on the children."

Seeing that she and Grandma Ye were so easy to talk to, Section Chief Wang felt relieved, "Don't worry, this will never happen again."

Before he left, Feng Qingxue suddenly said: "Chief Wang, can I trouble you with something?"

"Tell me." Section Chief Wang didn't dare to slack off at all when it came to the lesbian in front of him. Even if he didn't have many contacts, he also knew the connections of this lesbian. Most of the old leaders here had good relations with their family. It’s amazing, we often see old leaders taking their children for walks and shopping together.

Feng Qingxue said: "Please help us pay attention to whether Su Meixiang has any unexplained large income recently."

Now there is no evidence to prove that she has ill intentions towards her family.

Anyway, she didn't believe that Tang Xin wanted to see her son, so she asked Su Meixiang, and Su Meixiang brought her in because she felt sorry for her.

Su Meixiang, for the sake of dressing up, would not even ask for her husband or son, but only for alimony. She has a selfish personality that few others can match, and she also has a mentality that I don't want you to have a good life if I'm not doing well.

Judging from her character, Su Meixiang must have benefited from Tang Xin.

Section Chief Wang was stunned for a moment, "Are you suspicious?"

Feng Qingxue showed a faint smile, "I don't have any suspicion, I just want to be careful, lest someone deliberately targets our family without knowing it and wants to cause trouble for our family."

Section Chief Wang's heart trembled, "We will definitely investigate carefully."

The Su family's character has never been very good, so it's normal for Feng Qingxue to be suspicious.

However, for the Ye family and the Lu family, Tang Xin's appearance was like a flicker of water, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Probably because there is no emotion, Tang Xin's appearance will not cause pain to Ye Yan.

Section Chief Wang's investigation results came very quickly. In less than three days, he visited the Ye family again and invited Feng Qingxue, who had just gotten off work. "As you expected, Su Meixiang did have a large sum of unknown origin." income.”

After listening to Section Chief Wang's words, Feng Qingxue no longer felt strange, and felt as if the dust had settled.

. . I'm going home today for the Chinese New Year. I need to spend a long day on the road. Please vote. . .

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