Feng Qingyun shrugged, "I have been abroad for so many years and my personality has changed. The position that originally belonged to me in the art troupe will not be vacant waiting for me. Naturally, some people will not welcome me back."

There is only one piece of cake. If she takes a piece of it, others will get a piece less. Who would be happy?

Competition in this industry has always been fierce.

"Oh, it's not easy. I thought you couldn't think of this!"

Hearing her sister's teasing, Feng Qingyun chuckled, "I'm not a fool, how could I not think of it? I have discussed it with Brother Jiaoyang. If the art troupe allows me to return to my original position, I will stay and sing well. ”

"What if not? Or I can't let you return to your original position?" Feng Qingyun was a solo performer in the troupe before going abroad.

"If not, or if I am not satisfied with the new position, I will go abroad to develop and bring Brother Jiaoyang with me. Hong Kong is a good choice. Music has no borders, and I have gained a bit of fame outside in the past two years. ." At this point, Feng Qingyun couldn't help but said: "Sister, after I went abroad, I realized how big the world was and how prosperous the economy was, and I realized that I was just a frog in the well."

She seemed to feel that her words were a bit wrong, and continued hurriedly: "I'm not saying that our country is not good. I really hope that our country will prosper. I just feel that our country has been closed off for too long and is far behind others. We need us more." To contribute to its prosperity, I think it is not a bad idea to go abroad for development. When I return with a great reputation, I can repay the motherland well. "

"Repay, what should I get in return?" Feng Qingxue was a little curious.

Feng Qingyun said seriously: "The country's biggest shortage is probably foreign exchange, right? Sister, I have played an Asian supporting role in Hollywood, and I can get a salary of one thousand to two thousand US dollars. In Hong Kong, I have also made movies. I received a salary of 50,000 yuan for a musical film. Before that, I released a record with the help of my friends, which sold more than 200,000 copies and received a lot of money. What is the concept of getting this money back? Foreign exchange can do a lot of good things.”

Feng Qingxue frowned after hearing this, "Do you want to become an actor?" Join the entertainment industry?

She thought that her sister would develop well in the army after returning to China. Unexpectedly, she would become ambitious after going abroad.

Of course, there is no high or low profession, what is high or low is the human heart.

"No, sister, music is my main job. I have won many awards in international music competitions, and I have also participated in other people's concerts and concerts as a guest. I have held small concerts myself with the help of friends. and concerts, the response was very good. As for acting, I can act part-time. Isn’t that what I did in China? I made a lot of money from this, you don’t know what it is like abroad. Musical instruments are so expensive, so expensive. I bought a piano for Fubao. I don’t know when it will arrive. At this time, I feel that the biggest advantage of our country is the low price. Compared with foreign countries, it is really super. No wonder Adrian and the others bring a lot of things with them every time they come back from our country, including imported goods.”

Fu Bao's eyes widened, "Auntie, you bought me a piano? Is it the piano like in the art troupe? At the end of last year, the art troupe moved out the piano that had been dusty for many years, and Teacher Guan took me to practice it."

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