Teacher Guan is Feng Qingyun's teacher Guan Yufen. She used to work in the art troupe, but she quit last year because she felt lack of energy.

At first, Fubao wanted to learn to sing and practice her voice, and to learn to dance and practice her body. Feng Qingxue brought her gifts to find Guan Yufen, and asked her to give Fubao some guidance in music. Sometimes she would also study with the art soldiers during the training of the art troupe.

The head of the art troupe felt that Fu Bao had a sweet voice and was a good prospect, so he wanted to recruit her into the army, but Feng Qingxue did not agree.

The era was different from when her younger sister joined the army. At that time, it was a way out for Feng Qingyun. For Fubao now, it is better to focus on her studies, and her talent in calligraphy and painting far exceeds that of vocal music.

Whether it's singing or dancing, now I'm just cultivating my daughter's talent, and my daughter has no plans to pursue a career.

After listening to her niece's words, Feng Qingyun did not answer her question. Instead, she clasped her hands together and put them to her mouth, "Oh, honey, if you didn't mention it, I almost forgot. I brought some books and books on vocal music to the teacher. The flute, long flute, a woolen coat and two scarves were given to her after dinner."

Because Feng Qingxue wanted to respect the teacher, all the children in the family did not dare to neglect the teacher.

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes at her, "It's your turn, teacher, why did you think of giving her vocal music books and musical instruments to the elderly? You have the time and money to buy me clothes and jewelry, why not buy me some medical books. In this regard , Our country is too far behind other countries, it’s time for me to continue studying!”

"How could I have forgotten you, sister?" Feng Qingyun chuckled and pointed to one of the boxes, "In this whole box, one-third are vocal music books and two-thirds are medical materials. Give it to sister Yours are just books in the original language.”

Feng Qingxue suddenly became happy, "If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have studied it carefully when I came back."

"You didn't even ask me!" Feng Qingyun made a face, "There are still some things on the way. I really can't carry that much luggage by myself. I have to leave everything I brought here and what I left behind for Brother Jiaoyang in Shanghai. I asked my colleagues for help.”

"Okay, it will take a while before the meal is ready. You change your clothes and go visit Teacher Guan with Jiaoyang first. Don't wait until after dinner."

Feng Qingyun was slightly startled, "Sister, if you ask me to run so far now, can I make it in time to eat?"

Feng Qingxue said helplessly: "Do you know where your teacher lives?"

After hearing this question, Feng Qingyun shook his head.

Fu Bao laughed and said, "Teacher Guan lives in the family area, but it's not the villa area."

Feng Qingyun's eyes lit up, "Okay, I'll stop by the art troupe when I get back to ask about my work after returning to China."

Fu Bao took her to his room upstairs, carrying the lightest suitcase, and changed into a V-neck white dress with small floral flowers. Her big wavy curls were tied up with a white handkerchief and hung behind her head, and she took them off. Jewelry is still radiant.

Li Jiaoyang returned to the house with his children and the inflated basketball and football. When he heard that he was going to visit Guan Yufen, he quickly came over to help distribute the gifts that his girlfriend planned to give to the teacher, tied them to the bicycle that the orderly rode back, and then told Feng Qing Xue said: "Sister, if we come back late, you should eat first and don't wait for us."

Feng Qingxue waved her hand to help them catch the wind and wash away the dust. How could she leave the rightful owner behind? Anyway, I have nothing to do today, I can afford to wait.

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