Farewell to Chen Xueniang and Zheng Jinrui, the group hurried back to the compound.

Grandma Ye was waiting at their house. When she saw them, she said: "You are back, what's the matter? I also went around the art troupe, and there were a few art soldiers who had performed abroad and permed their hair. , most of the art soldiers took out their performance clothes from more than ten years ago and wore one skirt each. "

"I don't care how they dress. If they dare to wear it, they must be in compliance with the regulations. So, you and Jiao Yang go there and ask Political Commissar Liu what the regulations are." My sister is an adult, so Feng Qingxue called her deal with.

Feng Qingyun didn't change her clothes anymore. She just braided her curly hair into a big braid and took Li Jiaoyang with her.

Political Commissar Liu also had a headache when encountering this kind of thing. He looked at Captain Li standing in front of him with his mouth pursed and his face serious, "Didn't I say it before? I will investigate it carefully. Without investigation, I have no right to speak. Why are you here again? How many trips have you made this day? Are you not doing any training, rehearsals, or condolences in the art troupe?"

"I heard that Feng Qingyun is back and will definitely come to find you." Captain Li was also a leading actor in the art troupe when he was young. He was as beautiful as a flower. Now he is already quite old. There are deep lines carved on the corners of his mouth, and he is even more beautiful. Look old.

Political Commissar Liu rubbed his brows, "So what? You can come to me to complain, but others can't come to me?"

If it were an ordinary person, that would be fine, but that was Feng Qingyun.

Although Feng Qingyun went abroad for several years and was not in the troupe, she was a key member of the art troupe before. Whether it was performances or singing and dancing, she was at the top level in the art troupe. She went abroad for further study.

Political Commissar Liu wanted to keep her, not because she was Lu Jiang's sister-in-law, nor because she was the future daughter-in-law of Army Commander Rong, nor because she was a student of Guan Yufen, Yang Fengying, and Fang Ning, but because she After studying abroad for such a long time, the vocal level must have improved greatly. How can such talents be allowed to be lost?

Captain Li didn't think so. She looked down on Feng Qingyun's fairy-like appearance and said confidently: "I'm afraid that you will be corrupted by the capitalist style, so I came to take a look!"

"Old Li, what are you talking about?" Political Commissar Liu slammed the table in anger. He did not dare to bear such a charge.

Captain Li pursed his lips and said nothing, his attitude not changing at all.

Political Commissar Liu's hand hurt from clapping, so he quickly took it back and pretended to drink water from the enamel basin. He finally recovered, "Old Li, you have led members of the art troupe to perform abroad many times. In the past six months, there have been many people who have come to me to write letters of introduction and get their hair permed. Right? Let me ask you, is the way you dress Comrade Feng Qingyun considered outrageous abroad? "

"It's not outrageous abroad." Captain Li told the truth. There are many lesbians abroad who wear skirts and pants. The skirts and pants are as short as the thighs, and short sleeves cannot cover the navel.

"In that case, why do you say that Comrade Feng Qingyun does not meet the image of the army."

"It just doesn't fit the image of the army. Didn't you hear what people said? Red dress, big curly hair, lipstick, and weird jewelry. What does it look like? Once you perform on stage, will the military and civilians watch the show or the people? ?”

Political Commissar Liu laughed angrily again, "Old Li, didn't you think carefully when you said this? Who in the art troupe goes on stage without wearing performance clothes? Can Comrade Feng Qingyun wear her red dress on stage? Don't coax her. I, Old Liu, have no idea. What do you mean by casual clothes? No one stipulates that art soldiers must wear military uniforms during non-work periods!"

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