Political Commissar Liu's words aroused Captain Li's resistance. He held it in for a long time and then said: "You are using strong words to make sense!"

"I think you are the one who speaks forcefully!" Political Commissar Liu was not polite at all. "More than ten years ago, you, Mr. Li, didn't say you had never worn Bragi, permed your hair, or put on lipstick! Now, what are you doing now? At that time? Our country strives to integrate with international standards and constantly establishes diplomatic relations with foreign countries. Only then do you have the opportunity to perform abroad. Why are you still lagging behind than more than ten years ago? The era of eight model operas has passed, and the regulations of those ten years have to be How can you still support and support someone who has been overthrown?”

Why is hair perming allowed? Why are skirts allowed? Rather than the strict controls of the past decade? I just want to show my attitude, my political attitude.

Political Commissar Liu was a bit bitter in his words.

It's a pity that Captain Li doesn't understand and still stubbornly believes that Feng Qingyun should not continue to stay in the army and affect the good socialist soldiers. "Ten years ago, wearing a skirt, perming your hair and wearing lipstick was allowed by the state. It is different from now."

"Why is it different? The state has explicit regulations?"

"That's not true." But they all look at it one by one, and if more people follow it, it becomes a trend.

Thinking of this, Captain Li had even more reasons, "Aren't I afraid that Feng Qingyun will take the lead after returning to the art troupe, and others will learn one thing and another, and will all be infected with the bad habits of capitalism?"

Li Jiaoyang and Feng Qingyun just walked to the door and were about to knock on the door to make a report. When they heard Captain Li's sharp and high-pitched voice, Feng Qingyun sneered, knocked on the door, and said loudly: "Reporting to the leader, I am Feng Qingyun. I heard that someone filed a lawsuit against me and wanted to expel me from the army. Let me ask what happened and whether I need to cooperate with the investigation! "

Political Commissar Liu's head was aching. Well, before he went to investigate in person, the person involved came to his door.

It's strange, he didn't even give the order, how could she know?

Since the information was not leaked from him, then it must be that Captain Li was not rigorous in her work. Perhaps she made her opinions known from the beginning to the end and did not even hide the purpose of the complaint from everyone, so it is not surprising that the Lu family got some information.

It seemed that Captain Li was determined not to let Feng Qingyun return to the art troupe.

"Come in and talk!" Political Commissar Liu spoke directly. When he saw Li Jiaoyang accompanying Feng Qingyun, he was in a trance. He almost thought he had met Rong Yuan, the eldest son of Army Commander Rong. Fortunately, the two were very different. Big, it's not that I can't tell the difference. Looking at Feng Qingyun's appearance now, she will definitely attract everyone's attention when she takes the stage. Political Commissar Liu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder Captain Li couldn't tolerate her. Feng Qingyun was so beautiful, with snowy skin and beautiful appearance, and her movements were filled with a natural and outstanding temperament. At first glance, she was destined to eat this bowl of rice on the stage.

Focus, appearance is the focus.

Feng Qingyun didn't squint her eyes and didn't even look at Captain Li. Anyway, she hadn't returned to the art troupe yet. "Comrade Political Commissar, I just came back from abroad. I haven't adapted to the situation of our country for a while. I'm not dignified or simple enough. It's my fault that it's not dark enough, and I will correct it. However, the regiment leader forced me to straighten my hair and cut it short without any hesitation. I was not allowed to wear lipstick and wear skirts. I wanted to ask whether female soldiers in the art troupe must wear short hair. Military uniform? Oh, by the way, I’m not wearing any lipstick.”

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