Bank of The Universe

Chapter 298: New guests! (two)

Li Xiandao said in surprise: "Are you here again?"

It didn't take long for a hundred pocket watches to come out, and a second guest arrived, which was a bit fast.

Xiao Qi smiled and said: "It may be that many people in Hanyuetian need a miracle."

Li Xiandao asked: "What is this person's name and identity?"

Asked, Li Xiandao put on a mask, changed a dress, and went to the trading hall.

Xiao Qi followed Li Xiandao and said, "The comer is called Huang Jiu'er, a golden family from Hanyue heaven, which contains the blood of Phoenix, but because of her imperfect soul, she has been haunted all year round, and she rarely wakes up."

Li Xiandao asked: "Is it a fool?"

"Most of the time, but when she was awake, it was normal, but there was very little time for such awake." Xiao Qi regretted.

"Then she found me Tianzhuang Bank when she was sober this time?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Yes, this is a very special guest!" Xiao Qi nodded.

Li Xiandao came to the trading hall and saw the Huang Jiuer.

a little fat!

Unlike ordinary slender girls, Huang Jiuer looks very round, her small face is very three-dimensional and marked, but the round place and the round place should be round, and she looks a little bloated.

At the moment, Huang Jiu'er watched Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi vigilantly, his eyes dodged, he dared not stare at Li Xiandao, and secretly looked at Xiao Qi, very envious.

Which girl doesn't love beauty?

The beauty of Xiaoqi made Huang Jiuer feel inferior. She looked at her bloated body and was very annoyed, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh.

"Please sit down!" Li Xiandao said softly.

Huang Jiuer pointed at himself in surprise.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "You are my guest, you should naturally sit down."

"Your Heaven and Earth Bank can really change my destiny?" Huang Jiuer sat down hurriedly and asked hurriedly.

Li Xiandao looked at her, and the pupil under the mask seemed to see through Huang Jiu'er.

Her cultivation base is at the peak of human fairy!

Among Han Yuetian's peers, she was inconspicuous, but in comparison, she spent most of her time insane and groggy, and this revision was incredible to Li Xiandao.

"Tiandi Qianzhuang can change your destiny, but what can you pay for?" Li Xiandao asked.

"I..." Huang Jiuer was speechless.

"I am a madman, I have nothing..." Huang Jiuer said in frustration.

Li Xiandao looked at her calmly and asked, "Do you mind talking about your own affairs?"

Huang Jiuer frowned and looked at Li Xiandao. She was very reluctant to talk about her past.

That is a shame!

In Huang Jiuer's view, his body is a huge shame, and even more than half of his soul is a shame!

She was ashamed to mention it.

Li Xiandao explained: "I don't want to humiliate you, I just want to know your experience, and then from your experience, you can see what value you have to make a deal with my heaven and earth bank."

Huang Jiuer was silent for a while, and said, "I am an ordinary child of the Golden Family. When I gave birth, a phoenix flew and landed on a sycamore tree in front of my house. The ethnic group thinks this is a good sign and looks forward to it. I was born."

"But after I was born, my mother and father died a year later because of an invasion of foreign enemies. Both of them died. I was adopted by the ethnic group and pulled me up until I was six years old."

"At the age of six, everyone had to test talent and blood vessel concentration. Among hundreds of children, I won the prize in one fell swoop. The blood vessel concentration was unprecedentedly strong and reached the level of returning to the ancestor." Huang Jiuer said here, a little proud, but Immediately couldn't help sighing.

"I thought I would fly Huang Tengda and became a key child of the family. But at the same time I was tested, I was found to have a soul defect, and the original soul was scarce. After the inspection, I couldn't take the blow. I fell into a coma and woke up. It’s been crazy for a year.” Huang Jiu’er’s state of mind was very painful. With great joy, she was crazy for a year. This was very cruel to her six-year-old.

"After a year of coma, I woke up for half a month. After everyone thought I was fine, I went crazy for three months. After three months, I woke up for ten days." Huang Jiuer calmly told.

"In these years, I have had enough madness and madness. I also tried to change. I used my sober time to practice hard, but I didn't have much time to practice, and only now has reached the peak of the human fairy." Huang Jiuer said bitterly.

"Because I was so crazy when I was crazy, they always advised me to be expelled, but because some people opposed, the people of the ethnic group tied me up and held me in a dark and damp dungeon every once in a while. I lost some food, so I became what I am now." Huang Jiu'er introduced his life.

Short words, but the pain in it is hard for ordinary people to understand.

Huang Jiuer didn't want Li Xiandao to feel empathy either. When she was awake, she was more awake than anyone else, knowing that there was no such thing as empathy in this world.

Without experiencing what she has experienced, she cannot empathize with what she said!

She just hopes that the heaven and earth bank represented by Li Xiandao will change her future life.

She didn't want to be mad, she was kept in a pig-and-dog cage by the Golden Family.

So now she looks at Li Xiandao with expectant eyes and asks: "Can Tiandi Qianzhuang help me?"

Li Xiandao was silent for a moment. He was carefully analyzing Huang Jiu'er's life experience and her personal value.

Huang Jiuer saw that Li Xiandao didn't heart kept sinking.

Hope... it's gone!

Li Xiandao looked at the dead gray Huang Jiuer and smiled softly, saying: "You came to Tiandi Qianzhuang, there is naturally a way, I can help you."

Huang Jiuer's eyes widened at once, and looked at Li Xiandao in surprise, just like a drowning man, grabbed a life-saving board, and refused to let go.

"Can you really help me?" Huang Jiuer's voice was shaking, her heart was full of excitement, she had never seen the dawn in her ten-year life, and at this moment the dawn came, she was not even sure, this Is it a dream or reality?

"Of course. The reason why you are muddy is because the blood concentration is high, but the primitive spirit is incomplete. To a large extent, your primitive personality cannot control this body. Everything can only act instinctively, that is, crazy, muddy. "Li Xiandao gave his own opinion.

While Huang Jiuer is telling, Li Xiandao is also observing her, and has been permeating her body with real energy, slowly checking, and confirming that the problem is the primal spirit.

This problem may not have been easily solved by Li Xiandao in the past.

However, Li Xiandao was inspired by the primitive spirit of the goddess of light that had not merged before the sky.

Tian Guangming didn't want to merge the spirit of the goddess of light, Li Xiandao was storing this spirit in the house.

And now, it can be taken out and merged with Huang Jiu'er to complement her primitive spirit incompleteness.

"I can help you solve your problems. I can let you control this body. I can let you get rid of the muddy life now. How about you?"

"What can you give me in exchange for a chance to completely change yourself?" Li Xiandao pointed at Huang Jiuer, his finger a little on the table, and with a loud sound, Huang Jiuer raised his head and looked firmly at Li Xiandao.

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