Bank of The Universe

Chapter 299: 捍天光明! (three)

"My loyalty, I swear in the name of Divine Phoenix, will be loyal to you all my life, life and death will be between your thoughts." Huang Jiuer stood up firmly.

She is willing to give up freedom, willing to give up self-esteem, willing to give up everything in exchange for this opportunity.

Chance to change fate!

In Huang Jiuer's eyes, this is his biggest chance to change his destiny.

In this life, there are not many chances to change our destiny.

Li Xiandao looked at Huihuang Jiuer. She now has no capital to trade except for mortgage.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "I don't believe in your Divine Phoenix, I only believe in the contract of Tiandi Qianzhuang, you sign it, and then give me your soul origin."

"No problem!" Huang Jiuer agreed to come down in one bit, without hesitation.

Xiao Qi handed the prepared contract to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao slowly pushed the contract to Huang Jiuer, saying: "Sign the contract, from now on, your life and death will be between my thoughts, if you do things for me, you will be safe, and I will Will reward you."

Huang Jiuer signed decisively, looked firmly at Li Xiandao and shouted, "Master."

Li Xiandao looked at the large characters on the contract, which were different from the gentle fonts of women. Huang Jiuer's writing was more bold than that of men.

This is her eager performance.

She looked forward to Li Xiandao helping her solve her current predicament.

Li Xiandao withdrew the contract and handed it to Xiaoqi, saying: "Go to Fuku to bring the spirit of the goddess of light."

Xiaoqi nodded and turned away.

Huang Jiu'er stared at Xiao Qi with envious eyes. This figure is almost perfect, she must strive to have it.

Li Xiandao said lightly: "Wait a minute, Xiaoqi can bring you something and you can solve the problem for you."

Huang Jiuer nodded excitedly and said, "I'm not in a hurry!"

The corner of the mouth under Li Xiandao's mask curled up, don't worry?

Who believes!

Restlessness is not enough to describe what Huang Jiu'er looks like now.

It was as if there were nails under her ass, and she sat down to pierce her butt, but faced with the cold eyes of Li Xiandao, she had to sit down again.

Not so anxious!

Li Xiandao looked in his eyes, but did not comfort her.

Now any words are pale and weak!

Huang Jiu'er can't hear anyone's words, and the most beautiful words in the world can't compare to the pace of Xiao Qi holding things over.

Da da da!

In Huang Jiuer's long-awaited look, Xiao Qi came over with a jade box.

After brushing it, Huang Jiuer stood up and looked excitedly. A round face was full of excitement and he couldn't control himself.

Xiao Qi smiled gently at her, and said softly: "Don't be nervous, the master will help you heal."

Huang Jiuer nodded excitedly, watching Xiao Qi handing the jade box to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao stood up and walked to Huang Jiuer with the jade box.

"Sit down!" Li Xiandao said lightly.

Huang Jiuer sat down neatly, and the whole body of fat formed waves.

Li Xiandao reached out and twirled on top of her head and said, "Close your eyes!"

Huang Jiu'er is very obedient and closed his eyes, but clenched his fists, still excited, worried, afraid of disappointment, mixed tastes...

Li Xiandao stretched out his hand and slammed into Huang Jiu'er's sea of ​​knowledge, comatizing Huang Jiu'er in a sudden.

"Is it necessary to make her comatose?" Xiao Qi asked.

"No." Li Xiandao answered.

"Then?" Xiao Qi looked puzzled at Li Xiandao.

"I was afraid that she was too excited and disturbed me, so I stunned her directly and woke up and everything was fine." Li Xiandao calmly said.

Xiao Qi looked at Li Xiandao silently.

Li Xiandao took out the spirit of the goddess of light.

This was stripped from the **** of Tianguangming. Tianguangming did not want to merge in life and death, did not want to become a woman, and did not want to squat down to pee, so Li Xiandao stripped the goddess of the goddess of light.

I thought I would not use the spirit of the goddess of light, but now it seems that it is still used.

The spirit of the goddess of light awakened from a muddled state, met Li Xiandao, and immediately put on a judo: "I'm wrong, don't shut me up, I'm willing to be a slave."

The goddess of light, once proud of heaven, now began to sigh that life was not easy, and the angel sighed.

"I can give you a chance to merge with this woman. Both of you are incomplete people. After completion, you can become a normal person." Li Xiandao said.

"I dominate?" The goddess of light shined.

Li Xiandao smiled and said, "Do you think it is possible?"

"It's impossible." The goddess of light also simply said the answer.

"Thanks to you and her as the main, if she is willing to let you come out from time to time, you should thank the world." Li Xiandao said lightly, stretched out his hand, banged, and directly took the goddess of light into the soul Huang Jiuer's knowledge of the sea.

Then, Li Xiandao used the power of Tiandi Bank to start the integration of the two.


In Huang Jiuer's sea of ​​knowledge, she stood alone, looking at the goddess of light, and asked, "Are you the soul given to me by the master?"

The goddess of light nodded helplessly and said, "I am here to supplement your lost soul."

"You have your own consciousness?" Huang Jiuer asked That's right, I have my own consciousness. I now imagine you pleading for something. As long as you agree, I will be willing to talk to you Fusion. "The Goddess of Light solemnly said.

"What is it?" Huang Jiuer asked.

"After we merged, after you grew up, help me to beat someone hard." The goddess of light gritted her teeth.

"Who beat?" Huang Jiuer asked curiously.

"A villain who is mean and shameless, mean and indecent, abandoned by all gods and gods, and shameless." The goddess of light gritted her teeth and wished to unload the person in her mouth, burning the body and mixing the ashes.

This really hates the bone.

"Who is it?" Huang Jiuer asked helplessly.

"The sky is bright!" the goddess of light said coldly.

"Where is he? How did he offend you?" Huang Jiuer asked curiously.

"In this world bank, just like you, became the master of the world bank, so as long as you beat him, I didn't let you kill him."

"As for how he offended me, I let him merge my soul and memory. He was unwilling to take my divine possession and drove me out, letting me enter the little black room, it was damn. You said Don't agree?" said the goddess of light.

"I promise you, as long as I can beat the sky, I will beat him fiercely." Huang Jiuer firmly said.

"Okay, let's integrate." The goddess of light also simply knew that she didn't cooperate, and the end would be the little black house, the never ending little black house. I don't know how long it will be until next time.


The two began to merge and complement the soul.

Li Xiandao watched the whole process and gnarled: "Here is a big enemy in Tianguangming, Huang Jiuer is a peerless genius who returned to his ancestors. He will be beaten."

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