Bank of The Universe

Chapter 300: Another looting treasure house! (four)

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the fusion of Huang Jiuer finally ended after an hour.

She opened her eyes and looked at the world, so clear.

Looking at her body, moving every inch of cells, very active, she no longer has the feeling of uncontrollable in the past.

She completely controlled the body!

Huang Jiu'er cried out excitedly!


Cry out of grievances and hatred for all these years!

Outside the trading hall, Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi stood side by side. Xiao Qi smiled and said, "Is it very fulfilling to hear this excited cry?"

Li Xiandao smiled and said, "Are you talking about a sense of accomplishment with a businessman?"

Xiao Qi asked with a smile: "What's wrong, businessmen can't have no sense of accomplishment?"

"It seems there can be!" Li Xiandao thought for a while, said.

"Be a profiteer, but also have a sense of accomplishment, at least did you save her?" Xiao Qi said with emotion.

"Yeah, I saved her. Although she will serve me in the future, but without my rescue, she will really die in depression." Li Xiandao nodded, thinking of it, there was a sense of accomplishment .

When Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi said, the crying in the hall dissipated, Huang Jiuer wiped away his tears, came out, and excitedly knelt down directly to Li Xiandao.

"Thank you Master for his life-saving grace. From now on, Huang Jiu'er will be the Lord's most loyal man." Huang Jiuer firmly said.

If there is a loyalty, a full score of one hundred, she is now one hundred.

In her most desperate, dim, and powerless life, Li Xiandao pulled her out of the abyss.

Even if she has devoted her life to this, but how about that?

Reach out to those in purgatory and give them a little light, they will remember this light for life.

Only in the boundless darkness will the yearning light shine.

Subject to darkness, it will eventually disappear into darkness.

"Get up, just play for me in the future." Li Xiandao stood down, said.

"Thank you Master!" Huang Jiuer stood up and looked at Li Xiandao gratefully.

"You can control your body now, and you will no longer be mad and crazy, then your cultivation should be able to improve quickly." Li Xiandao said.

"I'm sure, I will break through the cave realm within one month." Huang Jiuer boasted about Haikou. She is now the peak of the immortal. She dared to say that she has continuously crossed the legendary 33 steps in a month, and entered the next realm.

Li Xiandao also believed.

Without him!

Because the blood in Huang Jiu'er is too rich.

From the age of six to the age of eighteen, in the twelve years, one after another, the practice time has not been added up for six months.

But it was so intermittent, she still practiced to the realm of human fairy.

Even if Han Yuetian's environment is good and her aura is full, her speed is appalling.

It is because of the blood in her body.

Phoenix blood!

In short, the direct bloodline of the original Phoenix.

Among the dragon clan, there are ancient dragon clan, and in the Phoenix clan, there is also the primitive phoenix, that is the powerful existence of ruining the heavens, ruining the nine heavens and the earth and the fairy world.

The primitive phoenix has been silent for a long time to find traces in the nine days, so its bloodline has long disappeared. Huang Jiuer can have the direct bloodline of the primitive phoenix. I can imagine how terrifying she is.

Li Xiandao was worried about Tian Guangming before, not deliberately teasing Tian Guangming.

He really distressed the sky and waited for Huang Jiuer to practice. This beating was indispensable.

"Since you are so sure, then I will give you a task now." Li Xiandao calmly said.

"Master, please command!" Huang Jiuer immediately listened respectfully.

"After returning to Hanyuetian, help me collect the best aura dragon veins. I need 10,000 pieces. You can collect as many as you want." Li Xiandao ordered.

"Follow the order!" Huang Jiu'er remembered.

"Also, in Hanyuetian, I also sent a donkey and Qingling at the end of the Qing Family Ten Tigers to find the Reiki Dragon Vessels. When they met, you helped them." Li Xiandao urged.

Huang Jiu'er remembered it, nodded and said, "Master, please rest assured, Huang Jiu'er will do his best to complete the master's task."

"Well, go back." Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his sleeves, an invisible force wiped Huang Jiu'er from the Tiandi Qianzhuang.

"Xiaoqi, are you interested in having dinner together again?" Li Xiandao invited Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi suddenly remembered something and covered his mouth with a small smile: "Will you continue to eat fried rice?"

Li Xiandao laughed, took off his mask, and said, "I also made the fried rice by myself. I wonder if Ms. Xiao Qi can appreciate her face?"

Xiao Qi smiled lightly and said, "For hard work, try to eat a little harder."


The territory of the Golden Family, the Golden Mountains!

Huang Jiu'er returned to his place.

A cave, tens of meters deep, looked up to see a small piece of sky.

In the cave, it was very wet, the mud was mixed with water, and it was dirty, but on the side, there was only a small bed.

Huang Jiu'er has been held here for three years.

Three years ago, someone in the family wanted to kill her, not letting her lose the gold family’s face, some people wanted to drive her away, let her die on her own, and someone wanted to take her blood to study...

Finally, the patriarch ordered to imprison Huang Jiuer in this cave, not allowed to go out.

When you see Huang Jiuer, no one will be bored or distressed...

Over time, everyone forgot Huang Jiu'er, and occasionally one or two people remembered it, and came over and threw down a little food.

Everyone put her in captivity.

Huang Jiuer looked at all of this at the moment and sneered.

She doesn't blame the people of the Golden Family, this is human nature.

People have good and evil, she just has not met good people.

Similarly, she has no affection for the Golden Family.

Living in this kind of burrow, and having feelings for the Golden Family, it was really a sick brain.

"I remember there are a lot of aura dragon veins in the golden family?" Huang Jiuer suddenly lighted up.

Before she planned to leave the gold family, she searched for her master.

Like Qing Ling, she is an underrepresented existence in the Golden Family.

Even if she went out to sway now, no one cared. Everyone was just going to recover temporarily, and after a while, they went crazy again.

So she completely engraved the road of Qingling, went to the treasure house of the golden family, and then used the blood concentration to open the treasure house of the golden family.

Go in and loot!

The treasure house of the Golden Family is not guarded at all, and they use the method of opening blood concentration.

The blood vein cannot reach a certain concentration, and this treasure chest cannot be opened at all.

Then, the seven treasures of the Golden Family joined forces to open the treasure house, which is now opened by Huang Jiu'er alone.

Walked in easily, took all the treasures, ransacked, and helped Li Xiandao to get a thousand excellent aura dragon veins.

Li Xiandao was having dinner with Xiao Qi in Qianzhuang Qianzhuang. When he got the news, he happily pulled into the distance with Xiao Qi.

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