Bank of The Universe

Chapter 306: Is there such a good thing? (Fives)

This powerful momentum directly overturned the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

Going forward, the powerful Phoenix Dragonfinch was directly knocked off at this moment, blood swelled, a spit of old blood spurted out, and his body shivered violently.

"Phoenix blood, you are a member of my golden family!!!" The phoenix bird stopped his body in midair, staring at the visitor in disbelief. He couldn't believe it at all. Is this true?

Such a powerful phoenix blood appeared in the golden family?

Why didn't she know?

Moreover, since it is a member of the Golden Family, why should he save that dead donkey?

The Phoenix Dragonfinch stared at the visitor with an unknown face.

She really doesn't know this person.

None of the people familiar in the memory, or the gold family in the memory, was in front of the heroic woman in front of her.

Qinghui came to the Phoenix Dragonfinch and asked, "Are you all right, sister Dragonfinch?"

The Phoenix Dragonfinch stared at the person without blinking. The blood in the corner of her mouth forgot to wipe. She had to figure out, who is this person?

"Are you from my gold family?" The Phoenix Dragonfinch ignored Qinghui, but stared at him and asked.

Qinghui frowned, and the woman who rushed into the battlefield seemed very powerful.

Qingling and Donkey looked at each other and asked each other with their eyes.

"It's your friend?" asked Donkey.

"I have no friends!" Qing Ling rolled his eyes.

"Is it your friend?" Qing Ling asked.

"My friend is not so fierce." Lord Donkey thought carefully and answered Qingling with his eyes.

The next second, the two looked at each other

Since they don't know, who is this person?

Why save them?

The four people in the war all stared at the visitor.

The question of the Phoenix Dragonfinch made Huang Jiuer calmly smile and said, "I used to be a member of the Golden Family."

"Once?" Huang Longque's eyes narrowed.

"Who the **** are you, I remember everyone in the Golden Family, without you." Phoenix Dragonfinch asked.

"Remember everyone in the Golden Family, do you really not blush when you say this?" Huang Jiuer sneered and looked at the Phoenix Dragonfinch, his eyes contemptuous.

When she was mad, how could she not know that Miss Huang Longque, one of the heirs of the golden family, remembered herself?

If the only intersection of Huang Jiuer and Huang Longque in this life is, it is probably when he tested the bloodline when he was six years old.

The blood pressure of the Phoenix Dragonfinch has reached the top, which is a lot higher than others. If there is no accident, the Phoenix Dragonfinch is the first in that year.

But then Huang Jiuer stood up, and she used the crushed blood concentration to kill the Phoenix Dragonfinch on the spot.

When the blood concentration of Huang Jiu'er came out, the entire Golden Family came around excitedly. The people who were still touting the Huang Longque just now became the fans of Huang Jiu'er.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch has gone through a process of overjoying to great sorrow. Her mentality is completely out of balance. She stares at Huang Jiuer with a pair of eyes, and the hatred and viciousness revealed in it are not what a six-year-old child should have.

That is the look that Huang Jiu'er still remembers so far.

All of this is accompanied by the fact that Huang Jiu'er was tested to be incomplete, and it is impossible to support the family cause, so the first place is the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

Huang Jiu'er quickly lost value, and the people around her went back to compliment the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

Under the compliment of everyone, the Phoenix Dragonfinch had a smug smile on his small face, and looked at Huang Jiu'er's eyes, full of disdain and fear.

All this, the Phoenix Dragonfinch has long been forgotten outside Jiu Xiaoyun. She can't even remember what happened when she was six years old, so she didn't know who Huang Jiuer was.

If she remembers what happened when she was six years old, she should remember that Huang Jiuer, who has lost weight now, is so similar to her childhood appearance.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch stared at Huang Jiu'er, frowning deeply, and said, "Who the **** are you, I know everyone in the Golden Family, don't pretend to be fooled here, I'm straightforward and blushing."

"I'm pretending to be a ghost, you're right, haha!" Huang Jiuer sneered and looked at the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

"Since you want to know who I am, then I will tell you now." Huang Jiuer said coldly.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch was shocked and stared at Huang Jiuer carefully.

Everyone else looked at Huang Jiu'er and wanted to know the specific situation.

Who is this person?

Under the attention of everyone, Huang Jiuer stared at the eyes of the Phoenix Dragonfinch and calmly said: "Twelve years ago, the Golden Family tested the bloodline. You were the first at that time, but some people's bloodline concentration directly crushed you. remember?"

Quite a quiet question, but it seemed like Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation was in the heart of the Phoenix Dragonfinch.


The dusty memory, the long-forgotten past, opened up incomparably clear at the moment.

At the age of six, the person whose blood concentration directly crushed her!

At the age of six, the person she hated!

Twelve years later, the gold family maniac she had long forgotten is said to be fat like a ball, completely different from the brave woman in front of her.



However, Huang Jiu'er can clearly tell the story when he was six years old, how can the Phoenix Dragonfinch not believe it?

For the first time in her life, she was so jealous of someone!

For the first time, I wanted to let someone die!

The first time I was so disgusted that someone snatched my own halo!

All this happened at the age of six.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch breathed quickly: "Impossible, you can't be her, she is a lunatic, a shame of my golden family, a fat woman, was abandoned, you will not be her."

The phoenix dragon subconsciously believed that the woman in front of him was Huang Jiu'er, but on the bright side, she still questioned.

"Yeah, I'm a lunatic. I'm a shame from the Golden Family, so I'm out of the Golden Family. From now on, I'm just me, Huang Jiu'er, not from the Golden Family." Huang Jiuer smiled coldly. , Chic and clean.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch was silent.

This person whose bloodline concentration is stronger than himself is not is not stupid, then is her status as the gold family's "first bloodline" not guaranteed?

Lord Donkey looked at this grievance between women and couldn't help but interjected and asked: "The grievance between you for a while, can tell us, why do you want to save us?"

Qing Ling also asked: "We never knew each other, there is no graciousness, you saved us, to avenge the golden family, revenge the Phoenix Dragonfinch?"

Phoenix Dragonfinch and Qinghui also stared at Huang Jiu'er and wanted to know the specific answer.

"I saved you, it was the request of the master." Huang Jiuer smiled and said firmly.

When it comes to the owner, she is admired and respected.

Qingling hesitated, master?

The boss of Tiandi Qianzhuang!

Lord Donkey jumped up and excitedly said: "Are you sent by the master?"

"Yes, the master asked me to save you." Huang Jiuer nodded.

"Great, I know that the master will not give up on me. My donkey is the master's best mount. Long live the master." Donkey is very excited, and can't wait to let the sky grow loud and let out his excitement.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch and Qinghui looked at each other, they didn't understand who the owner was.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch couldn't help but say angrily: "You are a member of the Golden Family, and you even admit that others are the masters? I have lost all the dignity of my Golden Family."

"Shut up, I won't allow you to insult your master!"

"In my eyes, the dignity of a hundred gold families is not as valuable as one of the master's fingers." Huang Jiuer burst into rage at this moment, glaring at the Phoenix Dragonfinch, his eyes very angry.

"You humiliate my master, I want to take you down and give it to Master Donkey as a pet!" Huang Jiuer said coldly.

Lord Donkey looked at Huang Jiuer in surprise, what kind of good thing?

Hi from heaven!

There is no psychological preparation at all, making it strange to be embarrassed.

The donkey blushed!

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