Bank of The Universe

Chapter 307: The storm is over! (six)

Huang Jiuer said he could do it, and said that he would catch the Phoenix Dragonfinch and treat him as a pet, so he would definitely do it.

Huang Jiu'er's strength lies in her blood.

Her bloodline is inherited from the original Phoenix, which is many times the bloodline concentration of the Phoenix Dragonfinch.


She was irritated by the phoenix dragonfinch at the moment, and in an instant her strength was fully on.

The strength of the immeasurable realm is fully open. A huge **** phoenix vision emerges behind her, vast and holy, the clouds are flowing around, and the **** phoenix screams, exploding into a huge momentum.

Along with this momentum, Huang Jiuer shot suddenly and made a huge attack, and the world was shocked. She was like a goddess of war, her body was radiant, and the blood-red qi and blood burst into the night, covering the heaven and earth.


Huang Jiuer has been improving herself these days, and this moment is her first shot, for her master, Li Xiandao!

"He who humiliates my master, die!" Huang Jiuer's new life was given by Li Xiandao. She would not allow anything to humiliate Li Xiandao. She would give up her life and maintain the master's dignity.

Boom Boom Boom!

Huang Jiuer's blow was too strong, and her blood was full of fear, as if she was not a woman, but a great demon, blood sacrificed to all people, this blood was too rich.

The blood of Huang Jiu'er's blood spread to the past, directly covering the Huang Longque and Qing Hui. She was very violent, or she was very confident, playing two alone.

These two people are not ordinary people.

The phoenix dragonfinch is one of the three golden flowers of the golden family, and its strength is terrible in the young generation.

Qinghui is hailed as the third emperor of the Qing family in the future. His strength is very terrifying, and the Qinglings he fights can only be passively defended.

Whoever these two take out is the existence that everyone looks up to.

But now, Huang Jiu'er wants one person and singles them out.


Huang Jiu'er's body was as if exposed to electricity, flashing in it, Qianqianyu pinched his fist and smashed it directly.

"You hit me twice, look down on me so much?" Qing Hui was furious and felt humiliated, but he was the third emperor of the Qing family in the future.

He didn't hesitate and directly punched him hard.


But the result was that Qinghui was smashed by Huang Jiuer with a fist, and his body shook violently, looking at Huang Jiuer in disbelief.

"This... how is this possible?" Qing Hui stabilized his body, but his blood was rolling and could not be suppressed. The terrible pressure made him stare at Huang Jiuer dullly.

One punch to one punch, he was blown away by a hammer?

"How is this possible?" Qinghui muttered to himself.

Huang Jiu'er didn't care about his feelings. There were only Phoenix Dragonfinch in her eyes. Now, she is powerful and bloody, and turned into a blood phoenix.

An extremely horrible move, shaking the earth and earth, scrolling the wind and clouds, chaos of everything, misty, a blood phoenix soaring in it, as if dragging a world, striking towards the phoenix dragonfinch.

No tricks!

Don't talk about exercises!

I beat you, it is blood suppression!

This is a rogue play, but it is extremely powerful. Under the suppression of the blood, the Phoenix Dragonfinch becomes extremely uncomfortable. At this moment, she understands why the family cares so much about the continuation of the blood.

This sense of oppression that penetrates into the bone marrow makes the Phoenix Dragonfinch resist and is extremely strenuous.

Her bloodline was terrified, her power was shaking, facing Huang Jiuer, Huang Longque felt the enemies she had encountered before.

The blood of the original Phoenix is ​​so scary!


In an instant, the blood-red qi and blood flooded the Phoenix Dragonfinch, crushing her resistance, and followed him by the punch of Huang Jiu'er.


This punch directly hit the Phoenix Dragonfinch's neck, stunning the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

"Master Donkey, we will be the master's men in the future. This gift is my gift." Huang Jiuer shouted and shook his hand to throw the Phoenix Dragonfinch out.

"It's polite, too polite. If you have anything to say in the future, ask me if you don't understand. Lord Donkey is grateful." Lord Donkey jumped up, caught the Phoenix Dragonfinch, and grinned.

This is so white, it's a luxury.

This is the first time I have played with this kind of flower.

Ask online, how to play with pets to get the most out of it?

The blood-red qi and blood slowly withdrew into his body, and Huang Jiuer looked at Qinghui.


No people!

Qinghui disappeared without a trace. When Huang Jiuer stunned the Phoenix Dragonfinch, he knew that things weren't going well.

Just now everyone was attracted by Huang Jiuer, but no one noticed that Qing Hui had escaped.

"It slipped fast." Huang Jiuer clapped his hands, muttering.

Qingling looked around. As Qinghui escaped, the Phoenix Dragonfinch was stunned. The Qing family and the Golden family were almost hungry.

"Is it safe?" Qing Ling felt unreal.

Is Huang Jiuer too powerful?

Lord Donkey proudly said: "That is, of course, the person sent by the master, can it be great?"

Huang Jiuer slowly landed, striding over and asked, "Aren't you injured?"

Lord Donkey carried a phoenix dragonfinch on his back and shook his head: "We are all okay, the rough skin is Nothing at all."

Qing Ling wondered: "How did Master Qianzhuang know that we are in danger?"

"It's needless to say, my master must be worried about my mount, watching me all the time, so I will let Huang Jiuer come to rescue me at the crucial moment." Master Donkey shamelessly said.

Huang Jiu'er and Qing Ling could not refute.

"I'm really grateful to the owner. I don't think it's worth repaying, otherwise I will give this owner the master's favor?"

"Aren't you afraid of Xiaoqi Master?" Huang Jiuer said lightly. Although she had only seen her master once, she could still guess the intimate relationship between Xiaoqi and Li Xiandao.

It must be greasy!

"Yeah, I can't give this pet to the owner, otherwise I will offend Master Xiaoqi." Lord Donkey was afraid, which pleased Li Xiandao and offended Xiaoqi, but it was not worth the loss.

"You can enjoy this pet for yourself." Qing Ling patted Master Donkey's **** and smiled.

"Well, how embarrassing." Lord Donkey blushed old. He hadn't been in contact with the opposite **** in his entire life. He hadn't even talked about the female donkey. Now he suddenly became more petted and a little bit excited.

"Then you give it back to me, I just wanted to kill her to vent her anger." Huang Jiuer reached out his hand.

"Cough, cough, let's go, the fight here attracted the attention of others, we hurried away." Donkey big life changed the topic hard, and left the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

"Serious donkey!" Huang Jiuer whispered, followed with a smile.

She found that although she only met with Master Donkey, she got it very well, probably because of the master's staff.

If Li Xiandao knows that she thinks so, she must shake her head and tell her: "You and Tianguangming are my men, but you can't get along."

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