Bank of The Universe

Chapter 332: Devour the fairy energy! (four)

The news of the death of Master Beichen and Qin Ku was spread, causing an uproar, and then fewer people entered the Tianshan Mountains.

The peerless genius in the younger generation was killed, scaring other people and daring not to enter easily.

Especially the Moon Angel, who is portrayed as a beautiful female killer, kills people everywhere and spreads with great enthusiasm, many people are beginning to worry.

These circumstances, Li Xiandao in Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, are also paying attention.

Seeing that Tianxin monk killed an immortal reincarnation, Li Xiandao was satisfied, saying: "I gave you so many dragon teeth rice without wasting any expense."

The monk of Tianxin can gather such a huge energy so quickly, to a large extent, it is the support of Li Xiandao behind.

Over the past few months, the range of Longya rice cultivation has expanded and the number has increased. The ancestors of Longya rice have been responsible for the cultivation and harvest of Longya rice in Tiandi Qianzhuang.

For the distribution of these dragon-toothed rice, Li Xiandao took five floors, and the monk Tianxin took four floors to share with the others on the next floor.

Taking away the four-layered Dragon Tooth Rice, the monk of Tianxin can practice so fast, and now even kills the reincarnated fairy.

This is also the monk of Tianxin. After getting the fairy stone soul stone from Master Beichen, he immediately returned to Tiandi Qianzhuang and gave the stone stone to Li Xiandao.

"Master, this is Master Immortal Artifact of Master Beichen, which acts on the soul." Monk Tianxin gave the Immortal Artifact to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao reached over and took a closer look.

The Soul Calm Stone is a dark stone with many engravings in it, which are matched together to form the nine immortals.

Li Xiandao found that inside this fairy, there are a lot of soul power.

All the Soul Calm Stones have been stored over the years.

In addition to the young master Beichen, there are people killed by the soul killer.

Li Xiandao stretched out his hand and beat it on the beautiful Soul Calm Stone.


The Soul Calming Stone waved up, trembling tremblingly, and a wave of energy stirred, struggling to free Li Xiandao's palm.

The fairy has a spirit, it knows that its owner is dead, and now the person holding it is not the owner.

But Li Xiandao can let it steal?


With a flick of power, a terrifying force instantly penetrated into the Soul Calm Stone, bursting into a huge light, flashing, and suppressing the Soul Calm Stone.

The Soul Calming Stone lies in Li Xiandao's hand.

"In Tiandi Qianzhuang, you can't violate me." Li Xiandao said calmly.

Just now Li Xiandao was not exerting his own power, and his power could not make a fairy device so subdued for the time being.

What Li Xiandao displayed was the power of Tiandi Qianzhuang. In the Tiandi Qianzhuang, even the Lord of Immortal Realm came in, there was no such thing as Li Xiandao.

In the World Bank, Li Xiandao is always a god!

"Master, then I retired." Monk Tianxin saw this scene and said respectfully.

"Go on, take a good rest, you killed Master Beichen, then the major forces will not make small noises, they will attack aggressively." Li Xiandao said softly.

Monk Tianxin nodded, turned around, and continued to consolidate the strength in the body and enhance his own strength.

Li Xiandao looked at the Soul Calm Stone.

"You have too much soul energy contained in your fairy, give me them obediently. I will help you find a master and let you continue to exert your power." Li Xiandao said lightly, putting the Soul Calm Stone on the table , Reached out and knocked on the table.

The Soul Calm Stone is indifferent, like a stubborn stone, it seems to tell Li Xiandao that even if you suppress me, I will not succumb.

Li Xiandao took off his mask and smiled softly, saying: "I can suppress you, I can cut you apart, and then slowly decompose, so that you can no longer recover, I can still get the soul power contained in your body."

The Soul Calm Rock shook a little, and was scared by Li Xiandao, and then slowly opened his internal space.


A huge black sea!


The choppy waves!

Beat the shore!

Extremely shocking!

The water in the Black Sea is all soul power, which is too scary.

Soul power is so rich that it liquefies, and then gathers into the sea, boundless.

This is simply a huge treasure.

Master Beichen has killed many people for tens of thousands of years. No one knows, but every time he kills, he will absorb the soul power of the other party and enter the Soul Stone.

This ten thousand years of unremitting efforts have gathered into this piece of the Black Sea.

Li Xiandao is now an unexpected joy, looking at the Black Sea carefully.

Not only the quantity is high, but the quality is also high.

Young Master Beichen spent ten thousand years in the fairy land. Most of the people he killed were fairy people.

Can the soul of the fairy be worse?

Even if the immortal is the lowest, the origin of the soul can't be worse.

Master Beichen originally planned to use these to help him break through to the next level.

But after the lower bound, he was reluctant to use it. He always felt that it was a foolish act to use the family business that was accumulated in nine days.

Therefore, Li Xiandao was cheaper in the end.

Li Xiandao took a deep breath, a ray of black air entered his nose, and then entered the sea of ​​knowledge, increasing the strength of Li Xiandao.

"Okay, it is really the soul power of excellent quality. These are enough for me to break through." Li Xiandao is extremely satisfied. These huge soul energies are not much to see, but he has ten places, and the breakthrough energy is far greater than that. other people.

This piece of the Black Sea is a breakthrough for people who are also in the epic realm, and they will not need it for 10,000 people.

This is an ocean.

For Li Xiandao, he felt that he could break through the epic realm.

Li Xiandao broke into the epic realm, and he became familiar with it. Now with the help of Soul Calming Stone, Li Xiandao feels that he can leap out.

"Give me all the source of the soul." Li Xiandao ordered.

The Soul Calm Stone dared not to give, and was completely open to Li Xiandao.


Li Xiandao is like a cow chewing a peony, swallowing it all in one bite.

Another example is the pig Bajie eating ginseng fruit and entering the stomach without knowing the taste.

He is bathed in the soul of the whole person, every pore is absorbed, every hair is absorbed.


Li Xiandao's cultivation of started a big step forward.

His soul power is the most advanced, moving towards a higher realm.

Throughout the room, Li Xiandao was frantically absorbing and improving himself.

Outside the Tianshan Mountains, all the major forces watched silently around the bodies of Young Master Beichen and Qin Ku.

"The loss is heavy!" Qin family head said angrily.

"These people in the Tianshan Mountains are simply too powerful. Relying on the younger generation, they can't break through." Some people said with a somber face.

"Don't worry about the younger generation or the older generation, all killed me on the Tianshan Mountain. The people of all your powers will push up together. I will not believe it. There are so many masters who can resist us?" The owner of the Qin family said coldly, looking around, with fierce eyes.

Only when looking at Qin Ku, angry and guilty eyes appeared in his eyes.

Qin Ku, his illegitimate child, also died.

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