Bank of The Universe

Chapter 333: 1 invitation letter! (Fives)

Qin Ku is the illegitimate child of the Qin family head. Apart from the Qin family head and Qin Ku's mother, no third person knows about this matter.

Qin Ku's father did not know.

Qin Ku didn't know.

The elders of the Qin family did not know.

Even after Qin Ku, the owner of the Qin family never met Qin Ku's mother.

They just wanted to hide this relationship and give Qin Ku a home, a perfect home.

Therefore, Qin suffered a terrible death, and the sadness of the Qin family owner could only be expressed as the "owner". He could not be expressed as a father.

The owner of the Qin family is almost crazy.

He has two children in his life, Qin Kun and Qin Ku.

Qin Ku was just killed, and now Qin Ku is killed again.

He is getting older, so he can't give birth again.

This also means that the heirs of the Qin family are severed.

Of course, the heirs of the Qin family did not break, but for the owner of the Qin family, he is now full of anger and nowhere to vent, so he has to watch the Tianshan Mountains coldly.

The man who killed his two sons was in the Tianshan Mountains.

The head of the Qin family was informed that Qingling and the dead donkey were in the Tianshan Mountains, which also meant that the person who killed Qin Kun was in the Tianshan Mountains.

It may even be a person!

"Don’t try it out anymore. My Bei family has lost a promising young master. This hatred must be reported. You originally proposed to let the younger generation take the lead. Our Bei family responded. Now, the Beichen young master If you are dead, don’t show your powers, just sit here and wait?” An elder from Beijia glanced around coldly, extremely angry.

The people of the Bei family do not know that Beichen is the reincarnation of the fairy, but Beichen's genius is obvious to all. This future must be a master of the emperor level.

Now dying here, still dying so miserably, these forces must take an attitude.

The major forces were silent and looked at the head of the Qin family.

He is the commander of this time, so naturally he has to listen to him.

"I don't know what attitude Beijia wants?" Qin Jiazhu asked, closing his eyes.

"Naturally it is to kill the Tianshan Mountain, to avenge the young master Beichen, and to avenge the thousands of people who died this time." The elders of the north said angrily.

This time it was not just the death of Young Master Beichen, the others were also very powerful.

In addition to more than 1,000 people killed by Moon Angels, there are more than 4,000 people killed by other people.

More than five thousand together...

It can be said that each family suffered heavy losses.

These disciples are not ordinary disciples who are new to entry, nor are they disciples outside, but are the real core disciples.

The core disciples died more than 5,000 people, and all the major forces were in full steam.

It was originally intended to sharpen these disciples, who knows that Li Xiandao let go of these horrible men under his command.

The blood was slain in this time, and these forces hated their teeth.

"I also agree to the Tianshan Mountains." A powerful elder Shen said.

"I also agree that this matter can't be left alone." The elders of Hengtiandao said coldly that their elders died, which made them unacceptable.

Brothers are the disciples they focus on.

It can be said that the future Master Tiantian Dao was killed in this way.

One or two said this, and then everyone said so. For a time, the group was angry, and the Qin family head opened his eyes, looked around, and said, "You all think so?"

All forces nodded together.

The owner of the Qin family smiled coldly and said, "Since everyone has said so, prepare for it and kill Tianshan directly."

The Qin family's voice fell to the ground, and suddenly someone came in to report it.

"Adults, there is a woman who came from Tianshan and said he was here to send a copy." The guard reported loudly.

"Send something?" The owner of the Qin family frowned, looking at the guard.

"Let her come in, I'd like to see what tricks the people on the Tianshan play." The elders of Beijia stood up furiously, their expressions cold.

"Yes, let her come in. I'd like to see if this person is really not afraid of death and dare to come in front of us?" The elder of Hundiandao said coldly.

The guard immediately looked at the owner of the Qin family. Without this person's consent, he would not dare to go out easily.

"People come in, the visitor is a guest, I want to see if this is a good guest, or a bad guest." Qin Jiazhu coldly said.

The guards ran out immediately, fast.

And all the forces in this yard were silent, looking at the gate, they were the first time they were in contact with the people in the Tianshan Mountains.

Da da da!

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed, accompanied by the sound of armor rubbing, and a scent came.

Moon Angel Usuna walked in catwalk and gracefully entered the courtyard.

Brush brush!

At this moment, countless eyes fell on her.

Suspicious, full of lust, full of murderous, doubtful eyes...

The head of the Qin family stared at the moon angel, and he instantly remembered what Qing Ling said when he was beaten.

Qin Kun was killed because of his moon sister.

And his younger sister is the woman in front of her who is outstanding in appearance and cultivated well.

"Qin Yue!" The owner of the Qin family gritted his teeth.

He affirmed the identity of Moon Angel Wusuna. This cannot be wrong. Moon Angel is Qin Yue.

Moon Angel also looked at the head of the Qin family, and she could not forget this face. It was this person who announced that she was a new generation of martyrs.

It can be said that the Moon Angel is today because of the owner of the Qin family.

So when the moon angel bowed, the corners of her mouth were raised, and she did not know whether she was grateful or disdainful. She said lazily: "Moon angel Wusuna, please visit the head of the Qin family."

The owner of the Qin family sneered with his hands behind his back, "I judged the Qin family, gave others a job, and even changed their names?"

This is ridiculing that Moon Angel is only a dog of the owner of the Tianshan Mountains.

"Yes, my name is still given to me by the owner. I think it's much better than Qin Yue." Moon Angel is not ashamed, but rather proud, said.

The owner of the Qin family was cold and pressed like a mountain: "Do you really think you can compete with me now?"

Moon Angel took a step back, and the horror of the Qin family's headmaster made her dare not easily meet, it must be a complete defeat.

At this moment, Moon Angel suddenly remembered an invitation letter from the I sent the invitation letter on behalf of the host. Please invite you to a banquet in Tianshan Tianchi three days later. It will be clear where Tianshan belongs. Too. "Angel Moon took out the invitation letter that Li Xiandao gave her before."

In the Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao absorbed the soul power in the countless Soul Calming Stones and improved himself. At the same time, he saw that the major forces outside gathered together and seemed to be ready to attack. So he called the Moon Angel and asked her to send one Invitations.

This is why the Moon Angel came here.


As soon as the invitation letter was taken out, a momentum that was not weaker than that of the Qin family head burst out.

In the invitation letter, this sentence came.

"Three days later, Li Xiandao was waiting for everyone's visit in Tianchi. Those who weren't coming would still want to get involved in Tianshan and kill without amnesty!"

Li Xiandao's domineering voice echoed in the courtyard.

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