Bank of The Universe

Chapter 335: 3 days deadline! (One)

Everyone present was irritated by the overbearing of Li Xiandao. The elders of the heavenly Dao face looked angry, pointing at Li Xiandao disdainfully: "Your Excellency is just a sword spirit, dare to slay in front of so many of us?"

Li Xiandao said coldly: "I'm just a sword spirit, I can kill you among thousands of miles, don't force me to come over."

The elder Huntiandao looked at Li Xiandao stubbornly, knowing that this was right, and Li Xiandao's real body must be terrifying.

But it is absolutely impossible to make him soft.

"Your overbearing is the first time you have seen it in your life. I don't know whether I am confident or arrogant." The head of the Qin family stopped Elder Hengtian Dao, facing Li Xiandao, and he was full of momentum.

Li Xiandao's sword-style doppelganger was not inferior, and he was indistinguishable from the Qin family's head.

"Okay, three days later, I would like to see how powerful you, Tianshan Lord, are on Tianchi." The Qin Family Master smiled coldly.

"But before that, this person was a traitor to my Qin family and must stay." The Qin family owner reached out his hand and said coldly.

Moon Angel is related to the death of his two sons. How could the Qin family head let her go?

"Qin family traitor?" Li Xiandao chuckled and said, "Angel Moon is now one of my four angels, not your Qin family traitor."

The owner of the Qin family stared angrily at Li Xiandao, and said coldly: "Lord of the Tianshan, are you determined to protect my Qin family traitor?"

Li Xiandao said indifferently: "If you have the ability to leave her, you can try it."

The owner of the Qin family smiled angrily and said, "Okay, let's try it. I want to see if your sword spirit can take my Qin family traitor in front of me!"

"Do you want to try my depth?" Li Xiandao's eyes lit up, and he was about to move.

He has just absorbed the soul power of the fairy stone soul stone, greatly improved his strength, and does not have a clear understanding of himself.

Since the head of the Qin family wanted to help Li Xiandao understand his own power, he could not ask for it.

Qin family head stepped out.


The momentum was rolling around like wind and thunder, quickly spreading, expanding, rumbling, and in an instant, the entire large courtyard was opened.


Within a few miles of the boundary, all became messy.

This is just momentum, the Qin family owner is really strong.

People from all major forces stepped back, watching the two masters at a great distance.

Numerous black lights haunted. The Qin family stared at Li Xiandao and warned: "Hand over my Qin family traitor, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind."

"I really want to see how you are welcome." Li Xiandao said coldly, even if it was a sword spirit, he had nothing to fear.

"You leave here now, I want to see who dares to block!" Li Xiandao said to Moon Angel.

"Observe, Master!" Moon Angel is very obedient, Li Xiandao told her to leave, she will leave, there will be no delay or worry about the safety of Li Xiandao.

In her heart, the master is invincible.

The owner of the Qin family is very powerful, but in front of the owner, it is definitely not an opponent.

Moon Angel's worship of Li Xiandao went deep into the bone marrow.

So she turned around and left.

The owner of the Qin family's eyes narrowed and smiled angrily: "You are underestimating me so much, today I will let you know that the Qin family's skills are so powerful."


The owner of the Qin family instantly killed him with a big hand and slapped it hard.

Optimus Handprint!

The power of this blow is huge, and the palm of the hand becomes larger, covering this side of the world. After it is over, the light and shadow become darker, and a vast force bursts out.


Void exploded into many cracks out of thin air, covered by a terrible aura.

Many people around were amazed by the Qin family head's blow. Sure enough, they were indeed the Qin family head. You can see the difference from ordinary people with one shot.

Li Xiandao calmly and unhurriedly looked directly at the big hand covering the sky and pointed at it as a sword, gently.


A sword qi burst, this is a sword move performed by Jian Qi avatar, the power is still not small, and a black light burst out, instantly splitting the big hands covering the sky and the sun into two.

This sword spirit of Li Xiandao was terrible. After the outbreak of the Qin family's [Dynamic Handprint], it bombarded directly between heaven and earth, but was still smashed by Li Xiandao's sword spirit.

The next second, Li Xiandao stepped out and said, "You gave me a slap, now it's my turn to give you a sword."

The face of the Qin family changed, without going backwards and forwards, and distanced him from Li Xiandao.

However, Li Xiandao didn't care, just a light drink: "When a flower blooms, the sword is like autumn!"

Taking a step out, Li Xiandao's sword spirit lingered, all gathered in this blow.


Li Xiandao's sword qi all converged into a beautiful flower, the sword qi was crystal clear, the flower was extremely beautiful, the breeze was blowing, and the petals scattered all over the sky.

At a glance, these petals are extremely beautiful and extremely scary. It is impossible to tell whether it is Li Xiandao or the petals. They are all flying towards the owner of the Qin family.

Qin family heads are inevitable!

When the flower blooms, the sword is like autumn!

This blow was the full strength of Li Xiandao's sword spirit, which gathered together and overshadowed the head of the Qin family, making the face of the Qin family greatly changed.

"Yuehua Tianjing!" The Qin family's master exerted the peerless exercises of the Qin family in the Moon Palace. A round of silver moon burst from his palm and rushed to the surroundings.


Li Xiandao's petals and swords hit the moon, and suddenly burst into a huge breath and light, flashing around, there was an unspeakable repression, oppressing the surroundings, as if it was a world-destroying momentum, burst out.


With this yard as the central area, a ten-mile radius of the ground, it was emptied in an Countless houses collapsed, but fortunately, it has been emptied by the people of all major forces, and all the injured were themselves.


The Qin family's moon was chopped up by Li Xiandao's petals, and the countless petals directly hit his chest. The Qin family's blood spit out, his body stepped back a few steps, his face looked horrified.

Li Xiandao is gone!

The petals are gone!

The moon angel is gone!

The Qin family master frowned, reaching out to wipe off the blood at the corner of his mouth, saying: "Good power, just a sword of energy has such terrifying power, this Tianshan Lord is not easy to provoke."

Seeing this scene, other powerful people were silent, and they all looked up at Tianshan Mountain. After a tens of millions of miles, they seemed to be able to see Li Xiandao standing on the edge of Tianchi, overlooking them.

"Three days later, the Lord of the Tianshan will die." The old parent of Beibei broke his arm, his face stubborn, turned around and left, he was going to find the master of Beijia to come to support.

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