Bank of The Universe

Chapter 336: Young is good! (two)

In Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"My strength is still not good. If I improve it a little bit, the sword energy just now can kill the Qin family." Li Xiandao regretted.

If the Qin family head heard this, he would definitely spit blood.

You have been spitting up blood with a sword avatar, and you are not satisfied yet?

In fact, Li Xiandao was really dissatisfied. He looked at the Soul Calm Stone and his eyes flickered: "There are still a lot of huge energy. These three days will be when I take a big step. After three days, solve the troubles of Tianshan in Tianchi. ."

Li Xiandao actively asked Moon Angel to hand in the invitation letter, just to buy himself some time.

They are now deterring them, and they will be safe in three days. After three days, no matter how loud they are, Li Xiandao will also have the confidence to deal with them.

Moreover, Murong Dragon City, Titan Giant, Poison Python, and Zero Wu are also working hard to repair the baggage Xiandao.

They are also extremely powerful.

The four cooperated to nail Ma Qing into an emperor 10,000 years ago and died in the Tianshan Mountains.

Ten thousand years later, how terrible should these few people join forces?

So Li Xiandao only needs three days. After three days, Tianchi will start a grand event.

"Xiaoqi, go ahead and let them open a grand venue in Tianchi. Three days later, we will welcome Han Yuetian's major forces," Li Xiandao said.

Xiao Qi replied: "I know, but you still have to be careful, in case someone of the strongest kind comes, it's not easy to mess with."

Li Xiandao said with a smile: "If someone like that comes, I will hide in the Tianzhuang Bank, concentrate on it for a while, and then deal with him."

"However, according to the current form, the major forces have only dispatched outstanding disciples, elders of one level, and real hidden masters are rarely seen." Xiao Qi communicated with Li Xiandao.

The two were in their rooms, did not meet and whispered.

"That's nature, these big forces are not stupid, there are plenty of resources in the Tianshan Mountains, but it's not worth letting the hidden masters of the big forces go out, not to mention that there are people in the fairy world behind them, and everyone doesn't want to be a target in the fairy world. "Li Xiandao guessed.

Didn't the people of the major forces know that Xianmen was closed?

They must have known, only tens of thousands of years have passed? At that time, there was a lot of trouble, and some people lived to the present. The people of Xianjie want to open the Xianmen, and they will attack the Tianshan with various forces.

The major forces have come, and after a closer look, they are all outstanding disciples, elders, and the most powerful is to send out the head of the family.

"But now that we have killed so many people, there must be someone who can't sit still, or be careful." Xiao Qi reminded Li Xiandao.

"I know." Li Xiandao nodded, ended the call with Xiaoqi, and called Murong Longcheng and four others.

These four are now the most powerful combat force under Li Xiandao, and Li Xiandao will naturally take care of them.

This time in order to prevent the hidden masters of the major forces from committing crimes, Li Xiandao decided to open the hall to them.

Let them spend hundreds of years in the time hall, so even if they can't break through, they can control all the exercises that Li Xiandao gave them.

Li Xiandao will also enter the Hall of Time, completely absorbing the soul power in the Soul Calming Stone.

An endless black sea can definitely improve Li Xiandao a lot.

After a while, Murong Dragon City, Titan Giant, Poison Python, and Zero Wu came.

"Master!" Several people sincerely visited Li Xiandao.

After receiving the exercises given by Li Xiandao, several people went back to practice and felt that they had made rapid progress. Especially the Titan Giant, who was very huge before, ten meters high, and now has shrunk to about three meters, and his strength has skyrocketed several times.

The magic of the Titans is really powerful, and the blood of the Titans makes the Titans progress quickly.

He is also the most loyal to Li Xiandao among the four, because he has no mind, or even a little dumb, simply a rib, and all his thoughts are put on practice.

Whoever treats him well, he will be loyal to him and will never betray him.

Murong Dragon City treats him well and adopts him. He has kept the Tianshan Mountains for 20,000 years for Murong Dragon City.

Now Murong Dragon City has submitted to Li Xiandao, and he has also followed Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao was kind to him, and he was allegiance wholeheartedly.

This thought Li Xiandao liked very much.

"You all get the exercises, come with me now." Li Xiandao got up and took them to the time hall.

In general, Li Xiandao does not use the time hall very much.

Because it takes five hundred years to enter, it will cost a thousand years.

And it’s impossible to improve by blindly practicing.

As hard work is useful, there is no need for chance and resources. Everyone retreats and practices in Dongfu. After tens of thousands of years, they are all fairies.

Only at special times will Li Xiandao enter the Hall of Time.

For example, this time absorb the soul power in the Soul Calming Stone.

This needs to be absorbed silently, so it is suitable for the time hall.

And Murong Longcheng and others who want to completely control the exercises given by Li Xiandao are also suitable for entering the time hall.

Other people entered the time hall, and like the outside world, closed their doors and practiced hardly, making little progress.

It's better to go out and fight with others, to realize the great horror between life and death, and to give birth to a great understanding.


At the entrance of the Time Hall, Li Xiandao brought them here and explained the rules of the Time Hall.

"How many years can you choose to pay now?" Li Xiandao asked.

The four people in Murong Dragon City looked at the time hall and were shocked in their hearts. But this involved the time domain. It’s terrifying to build a time hall.

They looked at Li Xiandao and were even more in awe of the master.

"Master, the old age is very old, and there is not much time, just one hundred years." Murong Longcheng said.

It's a lot of age, and the old Tianchi is a generation, just a few hundred years younger than the old Tianchi.

The old people in Tianchi have been dead for tens of thousands of And Murong Longcheng also traded with Tiandi Bank before paying 10,000 years.

So this century has been quite a lot.

Li Xiandao nodded and could stay in the Hall of Time for fifty years in a hundred years.

Fifty years, it is enough for Murong Dragon City to control the exercises given by Li Xiandao.

"Master, I'll have a thousand years." The Titan Giant's urn urn airway, he wants to thoroughly complete the titanic practice of the Titans, but also to purify the blood and improve himself, just a thousand years.

"I am also a thousand years." Poison Python smiled and looked at the host, hoping to make a good impression on the host.

Toxic Python also knew that he was very serious on weekdays, unsmiling, and looked somber. In order not to leave this impression on Li Xiandao, he began to practice smile.

"I am also a thousand years." Zero Wu said.

Murong Longcheng looked at the three men, silently envious, young is good.

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