Bank of The Universe

Chapter 342: Good day! (One)

Zhong Ziqi carefully examined himself, especially in his head, and finally found no trace of the devil.

"Great, I'm fine." Zhong Ziqi said excitedly.

Li Xiandao looked at him calmly, waiting for him to end excitedly, and said, "I have fulfilled my promise, what about your stuff?"

Zhong Ziqi calmed down, and while repairing his broken leg, he took out two fairy tools.

A very rough iron rod with potholes on it and many traces of collisions, as if it had gone through countless battles and its appearance shattered into this.

A roll of blue sea waves. After spreading out, the sea is turbulent and contains a small world. This is an auxiliary fairy. It is not powerful, but the space is large enough, and there is endless sea, which can gather auras and become a big family. Inheritance magic weapon.

Zhong Ziqi reluctantly said: "These two artifacts were obtained from the ruins. They are very powerful. Now it is worthwhile to change my life."

Although he said so, he still reluctantly gave the fairy to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao took two fairy tools, looked at the iron rod, and saw two small characters on it, carved on the bottom of the iron rod.

Jun Tian!

"This fairy is Juntian stick?" Li Xiandao wondered.

"It should be that I got this fairy artifact in Juntianli, so it is normal to have this name. I suspect that this fairy artifact is a long time ago, and it should have been cast when Jiutian was able to compete with Xianjie. "Zhong Ziqi nodded and said.

"After so many years, can it still be used?" Li Xiandao questioned.

"The ban inside is still there, of course it can be used," Zhong Ziqi said for granted.

Li Xiandao entered the Qi, all poured into this fairy, immediately found that there are many restrictions.

Although many immortal bans are broken, there are still many that can continue to be used.

Although worn, he is still a fairy.

Li Xiandao left two pieces of fairy artifacts and said, "There is one thing left."

Zhong Ziqi came up with a rough nine-day map and said, "This is an exclusive copy, which I have painted over nine days, and it is more detailed than other people's maps."

Li Xiandao took a closer look. It was indeed very careful. Most areas were marked, and even some small places were marked.

"Okay, I've solved your problem for you, and you have paid the price. You can leave now. I look forward to trading after you get the fairy." Li Xiandao waved his hand, and his body suddenly faded and disappeared. In the world bank.


In the deep forest and old forest, the broken doorway, in the dark and dark, a figure appeared, leaning against the wall.

Zhong Ziqi glanced around happily, gasping for breath: "It's incredible to be alive, almost lost."

His legs were still being repaired slowly. Zhong Ziqi didn't rush to stand up, but looked around. He was sure that there were no more people around before taking out his treasure house.

A fairy!

Mountain and river map!

Open the pictures of mountains and rivers, where you can see the golden light, pearl jewels, various magic weapons, and dazzling dazzles.

"I took two of the worst fairy tools for my life, and it was very worthwhile." Zhong Ziqi was very satisfied with his acting skills, and was not extorted by Li Xiandao for more fairy devices.

"I wandered for nine days, explored countless treasures, and got countless treasures. Could it be a fairy or two?" Zhong Ziqi smiled with pride.

He dare to say that in the entire nine days, no one has more than his fairy.

Give Li Xiandao two pieces, completely harmless.

"These fairy tools have to be kept. In the future, we will also collect blood-red pocket watches. In case of danger to life, we can also seek help from Tianzhuang Qianzhuang." Zhong Ziqi planned silently.

He estimated that his fairy device should allow Tiandi Qianzhuang to save himself a dozen times.

If Li Xiandao knew this situation, he would regret it very much, he was still too kind.


In Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao looked at these two fairy tools, and he was not suitable.

"Call the Titan Giant." Li Xiandao said to Xiao Qidao.

"Do you want to give Jun Tian Bang to the Titan Giant?" Xiao Qi asked.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "He is very suitable."

Titan giants, infinitely powerful, can throw stars, and even the peak Titan giants, carrying a world, is a very powerful race.

Jun Tianbang is also a powerful fairy. Li Xiandao thought about his men carefully, as if he was the most suitable.

Xiao Qi thought carefully, it was indeed very appropriate, she immediately informed the Titan giant.

"What about the blue sea waves?" Xiao Qi asked.

Li Xiandao looked at the blue sea waves, this is an auxiliary magic weapon, not too aggressive.

"This fairy is for adults, donkeys, it has the ability to find treasures and treasures, this fairy is also suitable for it." Li Xiandao said.

"Then I will notify it now?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Tell it to bring the Phoenix Dragonfinch of the Golden Family together for so long, and I haven't talked to her. Has the donkey accepted her as a pet or a wife?" Li Xiandao asked.

Xiao Qi shook his head: "These don't know if you wait for Lord Donkey to come over."

Li Xiandao was sitting in the trading hall. After waiting for a while, a three-meter figure rushed in and thundered, shouting, "Master, do you call me?"

Li Xiandao didn't speak, just reached out and Jun Tianbang flew out suddenly.


Jun Tian Bang is powerful, covering the past, rumbling, very terrifying, as if carrying a force of terrifying terror.

The Titan Giant's eyes glared, his muscles burst, and he reached for a grasp.


Jun Tianbang was caught in the hands of the Titan Giant, and he punched the ground fiercely. The whole trading hall made a dull sound.

It seems that Wanjun force hit the hall, UU reading www. is also fortunate that the defense of Tianzhuang Bank is full, otherwise this hall will definitely suffer.

"Master, what is this?" Titan Giant held the Tiantian stick, and he was excited and excited.

"Xianqi, Jun Tianbang!" Li Xiandao looked at him lightly.

"For me?" Titan Giant looked at Li Xiandao in surprise.

"Yes." Li Xiandao nodded and said.

"Thank you Master!" The giant Titan moved tears to the eyes of the tiger, pushing Jinshan down the jade pillar at once, kneeling on the ground, a loud knock, very loud.

"This fairy is very old, I feel that it seems to have a long history. You are born to sacrifice, and later I will be able to help you repair the broken fairy ban in it and restore it to its former glory." Li Xiandao Satisfied with the attitude of the Titan Giant, he said gently.

"I must sacrifice well. This fairy is really too appetizing for me. If an iron rod hits it, any enemies will die. There is nothing bells and whistles, but the power has reached the extreme." Titan Titan stood up, yes Jun Tianbang couldn't put it down.

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