Bank of The Universe

Chapter 343: Courtship (2)

Titan giant Dali got Jun Tian Bang, extremely excited, touching Jun Tian Bang, couldn't put it down, smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

When Lord Donkey came here and saw the giant Titan who was standing in front of the trading hall, smiling like a fool, the tail of the donkey flicked and asked, "How are you laughing so happy?"

"Master just rewarded me with a fairy." Titan Titan proudly showed off his Juntian stick.

"Xianqi!" Master Donkey's eyes straightened. He had heard that Li Xiandao would give the fairy reward to his men early in the morning, but he had never seen it, and thought he would not give it anymore. He didn't expect to see it again today.

The phoenix dragonfinch who came in with the donkey lord also had eyes all the time, and was astonished at heart. The owner of this heaven and earth bank was so generous that all the fairy tools were rewarded to his men.

"The host called you and me today. I now have a fairy. Do you think about yourself?" Titan Giant smiled and reminded Master Donkey.

Lord Donkey's eyes lit up, his heart suddenly surging, very excited, he spread his hooves at once, and his voice lengthened and shouted: "Master~~, I'm here~"

In the trading hall, Li Xiandao heard Master Donkey's voice, frowned, and said to Xiao Qi: "Did I choose the wrong person?"

Xiaoqi said helplessly: "People seem to be in love with the phoenix dragonfinch, so you should give them a big gift."

Lord Donkey spread his hooves and ran in happily. All four hooves knelt down at once, shouting, "Master, your most loyal man, Lord Donkey, see you."

The Phoenix Dragonfinch and the Titan Giant followed, but the Titan Giant didn't matter, but instead thought that the behavior of Lord Donkey was normal.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch felt a little embarrassed.

But in an instant she reacted. This is an embarrassed adult donkey. What's the matter with her?

"Get up, this is for you." Li Xiandao directly threw the blue sea waves to Master Donkey.

Li Xiandao is very generous in giving things to his men. Anyway, he works for himself. He can’t use them, so he might as well increase their fighting power.

"Thank you Master, thank you Master, thank you Master." Master Donkey threw his head excitedly, holding the blue sea waves, feeling the power of the fairy, and then pulled the Phoenix Dragonfinch together and knelt down to thank Li Xiandao.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch was pulled with gratitude and thank you. What does this have to do with her?

Li Xiandao looked at them silently and asked, "You thank me, what are you doing by pulling the girls' house?"

The Phoenix Dragonfinch also glared at Donkey and shouted, "What do you thank you for pulling me?"

"Aren't you inside my family?" asked Donkey.

"Did I agree?" The Phoenix Dragonfinch said coldly.

"Then do you agree?" asked Donkey, who was not angry.

"I don't..." The Phoenix Dragonfinch blurted out.

"This is for you, think about it." The donkey lord immediately stuffed the fairy blue sea waves into the arms of the Phoenix Dragonfinch.

The words behind the phoenix dragonfinch could not be said.

This is a fairy!

If she had this fairy, wouldn't she be able to kill Lord Donkey easily?

Kill your donkey with the donkey’s fairy!

The phoenix dragonfinch felt that it would be possible to deal with the snake for a while.

"My magic weapon, my treasure, all my things can be given to my wife, do you want to be my wife?" asked Donkey.

"You are a donkey, I am a human, although I also have blood of the demon clan, but I am essentially human." The Phoenix Dragonfinch has no good airway.

"It's okay, I have demon cultivation skills here. As long as you agree to marry Donkey, then I can make the decision for you personally, and you can transform Donkey into a human form in a quarter of an hour." Li Xiandao added.

Master Donkey said earnestly: "How is it, my master treats me well, the fairy rewards me, and I still have to rule for me, if you marry me, I swear it will be good to you."

The Phoenix Dragonfinch was silent, and she was thinking about how to get rid of the current predicament.

"You are all over ten thousand years old, and I am only a few dozen years old." The Phoenix Dragonfinch refused.

"It's okay. Although I'm more than 10,000 years old, I'm still a novice. You can rest assured that I am very clean." Master Donkey whispered.

"Are you still a novice for more than ten thousand years?" Huang Longque surprised.

Li Xiandao was dissatisfied and said: "Why, you look down on novices?"

If Li Xiandao counts the time spent in the time hall, it is almost two thousand years old.

He is also a novice!

"No, I need to think about it, the major events in life, I need to inform the elders of our family." Huang Longque procrastinated, procrastinating.

"The elders of your golden family, all who came to the Tianshan Mountains this time were dead." Li Xiandao said lightly.

"Then my father?" The Phoenix Dragonfinch's face changed, glaring at Li Xiandao.

"Your father came for the first time and did not come for the second time. Don't be rude to the master." Master Donkey said solemnly.

The Phoenix Dragonfinch breathed a sigh of relief. It would be good if it didn't come. If her father didn't die, then she would be relieved.

As for the other elders, the Phoenix Dragonfinch doesn't care.

"If you want to marry me, you need to go back to the Golden Family with me, and tell my parents that my parents agreed, and it is considered official. I don't want me to promise you in private." The Phoenix Dragonfinch thought of a way to delay the time, but also Can go out and leave the world.

Lord Donkey thought carefully and said, "You are right, I should say something to my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Master, can I take the Phoenix Dragonfinch to the Golden Family to ask for a marriage?" Master Donkey asked Li Xiandao, pleading.

For more than ten thousand years of being single, the female donkey has never touched it. Adult Donkey has always felt single, but since he accepted the Phoenix Dragonfinch as a pet, he has a spontaneous heart and wants to be married.

Li Xiandao nodded and said: "Naturally, you are my men. I will give you a gift for your elders. Qianzhuang will take you into the gold family and go to beg for marriage."

Lord Donkey moved: "Thank you you Master."

For Lord Donkey, the biggest gain at this moment is not to get a fairy, but the Phoenix Dragonfinch agreed to let him go to the golden family to ask for a marriage.

"Don't be too happy, my parents may not agree." The Phoenix Dragonfinch said in a shock.

"It's okay, if your parents don't agree, my men will never harass you. Your parents don't agree, and Lord Donkey will come back immediately, and you will be free." Li Xiandao agreed without any hesitation.

"Really?" Huang Longque looked at Li Xiandao in surprise. At this moment, he thought that Li Xiandao was a good host.

It is reasonable to know that the melon is not sweet!

The smile under Li Xiandao's mask flashed through, the innocent smile of the phoenix dragonfinch, the elders of the Golden Family were wiped out by Li Xiandao on the Tianshan Mountain, Li Xiandao was the emperor's cultivation for the golden family. , Her parents will definitely agree.

"Go out, Lord Donkey, go to the World Bookstore to find a metamorphosis technique, then I will let Tianguangming and Huang Jiuer **** you to beg for marriage." Li Xiandao waved his hand and said.

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