Bank of The Universe

Chapter 353: Dainichi Deng! (one)

The dragon patriarch has ten children. The first nine are all talented dragon bloodlines. The tenth is a dragon. The blood veins are mottled and expelled from Dragon Island...

Together, Li Xiandao was affirmed that the Jiaolong under his hand was the tenth child of the Fire Dragon Patriarch.

Now Jiaolong wants to jump the dragon gate, awaken the bloodline, and get back in revenge.

And the fire dragon patriarch took Li Xiandao's [Great Wild Star Fall] and refused to return.

Li Xiandao murmured: "I was thinking about letting Jiao Long resolve his own contradictions, but now it seems that I can't just stand by and watch."

Jin Wudi asked curiously: "Is this expelled Jiaolong the master's man?"

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "He is indeed my man."

Jin Wudi regretted: "Unfortunately, his bloodline is not obvious, there are too many hidden veins, if other bloodlines can be manifested, he can also improve the bloodline and change his own destiny through the acquired practice."

Li Xiandao shook his head and said: "He now has a chance to change himself."

Jin Wudi curiously said: "What opportunity?"

"Yuelongmen!" Li Xiandao said.

Jin Wudi's eyes lit up and excitedly said: "Longmen appeared again?"

Li Xiandao nodded and wondered: "Don't you know?"

"I don't know. After I left Longdao, I knew nothing about the news." Jin Wudi shook his head.

"Where did the Dragon Gate appear this time?" Jin Wudi asked curiously.

"Just in Hanyuetian!" Li Xiandao stretched out his hand.

"Really?" Jin Wudi surprised.

"Why, your descendants also want to jump the Dragon Gate?" Li Xiandao questioned.

"Naturally, there are only thirty golden dragons in Dragon Valley, but there are some **** mottled descendants. We did not expel them and let them choose for themselves. Most of them have left, but only some potential descendants have been left. This time Yuelongmen , Is also an opportunity for them." Jin Wudi excitedly said, happy for his descendants.

"Then you will have to hurry up. One month later, the Dragon Gate will appear on the endless sea. By then, many dragons will seize the opportunity and jump into the Jackie Chan. If it is past now, it will be too late." Li Xiandao reminded.

"Master, I want to send my descendants to Yuelongmen, please ask permission from the master." Jin Wudi pleaded.

"No problem, I will give you time, but first hand over your soul brand, and the soul brand of all the people in Dragon Valley." Li Xiandao took over, the first thing was to confiscate the soul brand, once the brand was in hand, You dare to betray, immediately smash the brand, and fix it as if there is no Li Xiandao high, and immediately die. Cultivation is higher than Li Xiandao, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured, or it is the kind of permanent injury that is difficult to cure.

Jin Wudi lowered the huge faucet, shining brightly at the center of his eyebrows, and that was exactly his soul brand.

Li Xiandao put one hand up and put it on Jin Wudi's brow.


In an instant, the imprint of Jin Wudi's soul was taken out by Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao said with satisfaction: "It's very good. You can go back with Master Donkey now, give Longgu's treasures to Master Donkey, and bring them back."

After Jin Wudi lost his soul brand, his mood was a little complicated, but he nodded and obeyed: "No problem."

"We'll say goodbye to the master." Master Donkey said.

Li Xiandao waved his hand and said, "Go, remember to take back several other contracts."

Lord Donkey remembered in his heart, and immediately left the world of money together with Jin invincible.

Out of Tiandi Qianzhuang, he was replaced by Jin Wudi and his donkey, and hurried across the world to the Dragon Valley.

After a while, they came to the mountains of the Golden Family and entered the Dragon Valley.

Lord Donkey is busy collecting the treasures of Dragon Valley, and Jin Wudi is busy gathering all his descendants to start announcing big things.

Both were so busy.


The contract of Lord Donkey is settled here, and the contract of Li Wuya on the other side is also resolved.

He chose the farthest place, a large mountain three thousand miles away from the Golden Family, with a gate on the mountain.

This Daomen is also regarded as a first-class force, but because of their development in the vicinity of the Golden Family, they have always been quiet and tepid, and there are not many disciples, just over a thousand people.

Li Wuya came to the door, without nonsense, directly activated his momentum. During this time, he absorbed a lot of magical energy in his body. He had already broken through the epic realm and sang the epic song in his body. Invincible strength.

Coupled with the Ba Dao in hand, Li Wuya stepped on the top of the mountain and shocked a group of masters.

The ancestor of the Daomen awakened from the retreat, his face changed, he hurried out, and at a glance saw Li Wuya in the center of the hall.

There is also a contract in Li Wuya's hands!

The ancestor's face changed, his pupils contracted, and his heart turned like a river.

He thought that the world bank will not appear again!

He was reluctant to return the treasure!

He thinks that he is just a small person, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Over the past 10,000 years, from the beginning of worry, anxiety, and now the fearlessness, gradually forgotten.

He really thought that Tiandi Qianzhuang had forgotten himself.

Or the world money no longer exists.

But today! ! !

Li Wuya came with the contract, and pointed at the sword, ruthlessly said: "Li Wuya came to take your life."

Compared with the gentleness of Lord Donkey, Li Wuya is much more brutal. He will not give the host any chance. If you owe debts, you still want opportunities?

Ancestor Daomen's face was angry, he gritted his teeth and said: "You have all disappeared for so long, why do you still want to appear?"

"Shouldn't we show up?" Li Wuya said coldly.

"The contract was long over. I got a treasure trove of resources in exchange for [Dari Furu Ding]. Do you think I really just used it for a while?" Daomen Patriarch gritted his teeth.

Li Wuya sneered: "It turns out that when you were signing the contract, you didn't intend to return [Da Ri Lu Ding] back."

"That's what I exchanged for a treasure in the treasure house. Why should I pay for it?" Daomen Patriarch didn't be angry.

"Is the contract signed by you yourself?" Li Wuya asked What is the use of that piece of waste paper? "The ancestors of Daomen are not angry.

"Then I'll tell you now, what's the point of this paper contract!" Li Wuya's eyes flashed fiercely, and his sword came out of the sheath, and he stepped out in one step.


The sound of thunder and vibration echoed around, and countless lights exploded, causing the people of this door to collapse.

Li Wuya in the epic realm is singing epic songs all over his body, which is terrifying and powerful.

【Big Day Furnace】

The ancestor of the Daomen did not hesitate, and decisively shot out the fairy instrument [Dari Furu Ding], which he sacrificed for 10,000 years, to kill Li Wuya.

[Big Day Furnace] Majestic, majestic, and shrouded in horror.

But Li Wuya was completely fearless and even disdainfully smiled and said, "Do you know why we want you to sign a contract?"

"Why?" Daomen ancestor was shocked, feeling a little bad.

"Because once you sign a contract, the things that are given to you will always belong to my world." Li Wuya sneered and squeezed the contract with his hand.

"Close!" Li Wuya sneered.

Just now it was powerful, and activated the immortal forbidden immortal device [Dari Furnace Ding] completely frozen the next second, and then fell into Li Wuya's hands.

Daomen Patriarch was dumbfounded.

He sacrificed a fairy for ten thousand years!

He is a fairy device provided by the goddess!

It was just taken away by Li Wuya.


The next second, before he could get angry, he was chopped off by Li Wuya's knife and separated from his head.

"This is the importance of the contract of my world bank. I kill you, it is completely legal and reasonable. As for whether you understand it, it has nothing to do with me." Li Wuya said indifferently.

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