Bank of The Universe

Chapter 354: Fire Dragon! (two)

Li Wuya cut the Daomen ancestor with a knife, turned and went down this mountain, no one dared to stop him.

The da knife is so big, who dares to stop it?

Li Wuya killed the ancestors of Daomen, and took away the [Dailu Ding] and returned to the Golden Family.

At the same time, Tianguangming and Huangjiuer are also dealing with their opponents.

Huang Jiu'er's host is a rhinoceros monster, very violent, there is no spirit of contract at all. After Huang Jiuer took out the contract, it rushed up violently and wanted to tear Huang Jiuer.

"Sin Animal!" Huang Jiuer snorted coldly, her blood-red light lingering, activating all her bloodlines, exerting the mighty power of the original Phoenix, and bursting out, terrifying.

The rhinoceros monster is not high in itself, only has a boundless realm. It usually kings and dominates all around, but when it encounters Huang Jiuer, it is not an opponent at all.

It can't even rely on its own rough skin.

Huang Jiuer's blood-red power pulled, sharper than a sharp knife, directly disintegrating the rhino's defense, and then left a pool of flesh and blood.

Under the impact of Huang Jiu'er, the infinite realm has no resistance at all.

Because of the blood of the original Phoenix, she has been ascending all the time, and now she has entered the realm of epic poetry.

After killing the rhinoceros, Huang Jiuer looted the treasure house of the rhinoceros, and then returned to the golden family with a Nedan originally belonging to Tiandi Qianzhuang.

In the end, there was only one bright sky.

The contract host he took was very high.

Legendary realm!

Fortunately, after being beaten twice by Tianguangming, it completely transformed into a punch and kick with surging power, as well as the Emperor Emperor Pen, no one can restrain him.

After being entangled by Tianguangming for a day and night, this host finally died in the Emperor's pen.

Tian Guangming came back at the price of breach of contract.

One day and one night, the golden family, in the courtyard of Donkey.

Lord Donkey is drinking tea, Li Wuya is silent, and Huang Jiuer is expressionless.

"You all are so fast?" Tian Guangming came in, frowning, and found that he came back at the latest, which made him a little unable to hold his face.

"I think it's better to be faster." said Donkey.

"When you get married, you know, men can't be too fast." Tian Guangming didn't have a good air, and threw what he got back to Master Donkey.

"This contract is over, you take it back to the master, I will not go back for the time being, find a place to experience and break through the epic realm." Tian Guangming said.

"Your apprentices have entered the realm of epic poetry. You, a master, haven't made a breakthrough yet?" Huang Jiuer sneered.

"What do you know, this is called the blue is better than the blue. If he is not strong, I will accept him as an apprentice?" Tianguang proudly said.

"Everything is well taught by Master." Li Wuya said softly.

"Now you hear it." Tianguang looked at Huang Jiuer proudly.

Huang Jiuer was too lazy to talk to Tianguangming.

Upon seeing this, Lord Donkey immediately told them what he knew.

"Dragon gate will appear on the sea, are you going to join in the fun?" asked Donkey.

"It is the dragon gate of the carp leaping dragon gate in the myth story?" Tian Guangming's eyes lit up.

Lord Donkey nodded.

"This has to be seen. I want to see if someone jumps over the dragon gate to become a real dragon." Tian Guangming immediately decided to go and see.

"I want to see it too." Huang Jiuer followed.

"Then I'll go too." Li Wuya looked at his master and felt that he wouldn't go. In case he would face Huang Jiuer again and again, he would be beaten to death.

"Let's all go and see. The Jiaolong under the master's command has gone this time to jump the dragon gate. And the master just collected the Golden Dragon clan. Some of their clan also went to the dragon gate." Donkey said humanely.

It only takes a month for the Dragon Gate to appear, and you can come back and get married just after watching the Dragon Gate.



On the endless sea, a lonely island with a huge dragon crocodile and a **** red dragon all over the body.

Zulong and Ye Feng!

The two of them have spent more than ten days here and have been waiting for the appearance of the Dragon Gate.

But the Dragon Gate never appeared.

The two are not in a hurry, anyway, it has not been a month.

During this time, the blood veins of Zulong increased again, and the hidden veins also expanded. It seemed that something had to be sprayed out. It changed color all over, with a red texture, as if blood had penetrated outward.

The dragon crocodile Ye Feng also asked with concern, is this something wrong with the practice?

But Zulong shook his head: "I feel good now, unprecedentedly good, and must worry about me."

The two people learn from each other, and the ancestral dragon no longer becomes a humanoid. Keep the body and guard the island together with the dragon crocodile leaf maple.

This small island is the only island within a few hundred miles, many people are concerned about it, but the horror of the dragon crocodile Ye Feng and the power of the dragon dragon ancestors make these people dare not dare to come close.

Of course, there are also some people who are not afraid of death. They have to dominate the area. They are divided by three, five, and two, and they are crushed by the dragon crocodile leaf maple. The blood is red.

After a few times, everyone also knew the horror of the dragon crocodile Ye Feng and the Jiaolong Zulong.

The island was monopolized by the two of them.

Hundred-foot dragon crocodile lies on the island occupies a large part of the area, the dragon ancestor dragon body is much smaller, only thirty feet, compared with the dragon crocodile, it looks very slim and very slender .

"These days, a lot of dragon blood has come here." Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng said on the ground.

"The Dragon Gate is about to appear, and the news has been leaked. The ghost knows how many copies of the Dragon Clan's master who saw Qian Yankai sold?" Zulong scorned.

"This is indeed true, I thought I bought it, and it will be kept a little secret, but now I think about it, it has already flooded." Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng looked at this sea with frustration. Countless monsters were all related to the Dragon clan. There is a dragon bloodline in the body. I want to come here to jump over the dragon gate and change my life.

"In these days, I have seen many descendants of the Dragon Clan who came here from other worlds, and there are some real dragon escorts. They are like two of us wandering beggars. They come here alone, silently. Waiting for the ground." Long Crocodile Ye Feng said with emotion.

"Look, there is another real dragon escorting a group of people to come." Jiaolong Zulong found the sky in the distance, a large group of dragons flew over, fast, and rammed, and behind them was a red fire dragon full of fire. Wander in the void and land.

The target of this fire dragon is the two people, Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng and Jiao Long Zulong.

"Grass!" Jiaolong Zulong looked angry.

"Come and grab the site?" Dragon crocodile Ye Feng cheered up and stood up slowly.


A flame directly smashed down, which was very scary. After falling, it was accompanied by a horrible drink.

"Get out of this small island and give way to the position." Fire Dragon expelled Jiaolong Zulong and Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng with impoliteness.

Dragon crocodile Ye Feng and Jiao Long Zulong looked at each other, can they agree?

"Go to your mother!!!" Dragon crocodile Ye Feng roared immediately, the voice was thick and extremely huge.

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