Bank of The Universe

Chapter 377: Hurt each other! (One)

Zhong Ziqi was panicking now, he didn't even think that the devil would appear again.

And it appeared in such a horrible picture.

"Don't you be conquered by the boss of Tiandi Qianzhuang?" Zhong Ziqi said in surprise.

"You can let the boss of Tiandi Qianzhuang subdue me, and I can let the boss of Tiandi Qianzhuang let me go." The devil said coldly.

"If you want to blame, you blame yourself for being too careless, and dare to come back here and don't leave. I just wanted to try my luck, but I didn't expect to really meet you." Motou smiled proudly.

"Do you think you're going to eat me?" Zhong Ziqi's determination was firm, and a piece of jade Ruyi appeared in his hand, emerald green like water, with countless ice and snow energy lingering in it, which can be poured out instantly to freeze everything.

This is a fairy magic weapon, very powerful, and also the confidence of the Zhongzi period.

"Xianqi, you have a lot of magic weapons." The devil recognized it at a glance, but he had nothing to worry about. As a **** devil, he had no idea how much he knew.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Zhong Ziqi said solemnly, also cheering himself up.

The devil was stunned and said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Yes, I'm not afraid of you." Zhong Ziqi nodded firmly.

"You are not afraid of me like this, then are you afraid of me like this?" The devil's soul detached from the corpse, and with a bang, the entire broken door was filled with demonic energy and was extremely violent.


The magic energy was very strong, and the bonfire was directly extinguished. The entire door was instantly dark, and only the emerald jade Ruyi in the hand of Zhong Ziqi exuded a strong light.

But this light was also miserably controlled by the magic pressure, and it was squeezed together, making Zhong Ziqi feel as if he was in a huge dilemma, surrounded by rich magic energy, his jade Ruyi can only protect himself .

"Now, are you scared?" The devil's soul came from the devil qi, a white-haired man, looking very gentle, but the devil qi was all around him.

Zhong Ziqi gritted his teeth and entered his qi, which activated Jade Ruyi.


Jade Ruyi, a burst of extremely ice field broke out, spread around, and resisted the magic energy.

"Useless, just a fairy. You can’t activate the Ninefold Immortal Prohibition. According to your current practice, you can activate two immortal prohibitions. This kind of fairy power can be easily resisted. As I said before, you I'm going to fix a body." The Devil smiled grimly.

Immortals all activate the Ninefold Immortal Prohibition, and the Devil can't resist it naturally. He is now in a state of soul, not very stable. Even if he pays everything, he can't resist the immortal artifact that opens the Ninefold Immortal Prohibition.

In fact, if the five-fold immortal ban is activated, the devil cannot resist.

But... Now that Zhong Ziqi can't open the Ninefold Immortal Forbidden, the Demon Head has nothing to fear.

"Why did the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang let you out?" Zhong Ziqi asked unwillingly.

"Because I took out a lot of things to redeem myself, it is because of you that I have to pay such a terrible price." As soon as the devil said this, he was sullen and glared at Zhong Ziqi.

If it weren't for Zhong Ziqi who took him into the world of money, he would not end with a prisoner of the order, and he also handed over his soul.

Zhong Ziqi sneered: "It seems that the price you paid is very painful."

"The price I have paid is hard to describe in words. A devil-headed person actually agreed to such a shameful condition. You have to pay for it." The demon-head looked at Zhong Ziqi coldly.

"Do you think I can't deal with you this time?" Zhong Ziqi sneered, but he had a blood-red pocket watch in his hand, but in case, Zhong Ziqi was not going to use it.

This pocket watch clock is intended for Tiandi Qianzhuang to investigate where his enemies are, and does not want to waste it on the devil.

If you can force the devil away without using a pocket watch, it is the best way for Zhongzi period.

"I'm here to take you away. Yours is my best take away object. I can take your body to practice the Summoning. This is the most powerful ancient forbidden technique in hell. I used to There is no opportunity to practice, but in the 100,000 years of repression, I have thoroughly understood the [Call of the Demon], and yours is the best container for the practice of [Call of the Demon]." The soul of the demon suddenly approached and ignored The emerald green jade Ruyi, the magic pressure of the rolling, squeezed, can not move the oppression of the clock.

"Fairy, it's not worth mentioning in my eyes at all." The devil shouted, to destroy the psychological defense of Zhong Ziqi and penetrate into it.

But Zhong Ziqi was not destroyed by psychological defense, but instead sneered: "The fairy can't resist you, so what about this?"

A blood-red pocket watch appeared on the clock.

Surrounded by magical energy, and the emerald green jade Ruyi intertwined with each other, the blood-red pocket watch appeared at this moment, so dazzling.

At first glance, the liver and gall blaze.

He had seen this blood-red pocket watch once before. It was because of this thing that Zhongziqi could enter the Tiandi Bank and bring him in, thereby losing his soul.

Now, Zhong Ziqi took out another blood-red pocket watch.

The devil's mentality collapsed.

"No..." The devil screamed, and all of them began to take over, and had entered the body of Zhong Ziqi. As Zhong Ziqi took out this blood-red pocket watch, the devil was in a dilemma.

Continue to win?

It is likely to enter Tiandi Qianzhuang and see Li Xiandao again.

But if he doesn't continue to win over, he will quickly weaken in the state of his soul.

This is an unsolvable problem, and the devil can only choose to continue to win over.

"If you leave my body, I will not use this pocket watch." Zhong Ziqi said loudly, he was not facing a choice.

This pocket watch is used on the devil's body, that is waste.

But when the devil is overwhelming, he must use it to save himself.

"I must take you away today." The devil roared and continued to go deeper.

Zhong Ziqi's entire body was occupied by the devil's head, and he was overwhelmed by the devil qi, which made Zhong Ziqi desperate and shouted: "Then come again."


The blood-red pocket watch was crushed.

At this The demon head and Zhong Ziqi were silent, and both stopped torture each other.

The two stared at each other silently, looking at each other silently.

It really broke the pocket watch. When going to meet Li Xiandao, both of them were embarrassed.

"I will not believe it, your pocket watches are endless, and I will stare at you." The devil gritted his teeth.

"You broke my big event." Zhong Ziqi also gritted his teeth.

"Don't talk nonsense, you will definitely be disappointed when you see the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang."

"I should say this to you, I must let you die this time." Zhong Ziqi's eyes were firm.


In Tiandi Qianzhuang, Xiaoqi told Li Xiandao: "Here is a guest, he is an old guest."

"Old customer, who?" Li Xiandao asked doubtfully.

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