Bank of The Universe

Chapter 378: 3-party talks! (two)

World Bank, the trading hall!

Li Xiandao came out and saw an old acquaintance at first glance.

The last guest, Zhong Ziqi, came again.

"No wonder Xiaoqi will say that he is an old acquaintance, will you not be robbed by someone this time?" Li Xiandao joked.

Zhong Ziqi said helplessly: "Yes, I was taken away again."

Li Xiandao froze for a moment, carefully inspected the body of Zhong Ziqi, and unexpectedly discovered that there was a magic energy in Zhong Ziqi's mind.

This magical Li Xiandao is very familiar.

Isn't this the demon just released?

How did you find Zhong Ziqi again and start to win?

What's more, there is a blood-red pocket watch in the Zhongzi period, which enters the World Bank.

Li Xiandao didn't pay attention anymore after the demon head went out, and didn't expect this kind of thing to happen later.

"The boss of Tiandi Qianzhuang, why did you put the devil out before?" Zhong Ziqi dissatisfied.

Li Xiandao said lightly: "In our contract, we only said that I would help you solve the devil's defeat, but did not say that I could not let go of the devil."

Zhong Ziqi was speechless.

"Then this time I'm going to die with this demon head. He took me away twice, and I can produce two fairy tools, as long as you kill him." Zhong Ziqi resolutely made his request.

Li Xiandao was stunned and asked, "Did you mean two fairy devices before?"

Zhong Ziqi looked embarrassed, this...

"This is really the last two immortals, I am willing to take it out in exchange for the death of the devil." Zhong Ziqi firmly said.

This time he will not let go of the devil.

But Li Xiandao shook his head and said: "If you want me to kill this demon, a few pieces of fairy are not enough."

"What do you mean?" Zhong Ziqi dumbfounded.

"A person's value lies in how much he knows and how much he can provide. The value that the devil can bring me is more valuable than the so-called two fairy tools, so I will not kill him." Li Xiandao Truthfully.

If twelve demon pillars can be found, it is to exchange ten fairy objects for the life of the demon head, and Li Xiandao does not agree.

Because the present value of the demon head represents the twelve demon **** pillars.

Zhong Ziqi gritted his teeth, thinking that Li Xiandao was afraid of missing the fairy, and said: "Five fairy devices, as long as you kill the devil."

Li Xiandao asked: "You just said, are the last two immortals?"

Zhong Ziqi smiled and said, "Everyone has a little card, five fairy tools, kill the devil."

Zhong Ziqi thought that five fairy artifacts could make Li Xiandao move, but Li Xiandao shook his head and refused: "The devil is more useful than you think."

"Master Qianzhuang, are you taking advantage of the fire?" Zhong Ziqi was a little angry. He took out five fairy wares and killed a demon head, wouldn't it still work?

Li Xiandao said helplessly: "I will let the devil come out by myself and tell you about his value."

Li Xiandao stretched out his hand, the demon repressed by the power of the world's Qianzhuang awakened, quickly detached from the Zhongzi period, condensed his soul, saw Li Xiandao, respectfully said: "I have seen the owner of Qianzhuang."

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "You tell him what you can bring to me. He always thinks that I am pitting him."

Zhong Ziqi immediately looked at the demon head, but he wanted to see, what can a demon head come up with like five fairy objects?

The devil said with pride: "I said long ago that it is useless for you to come to Tiandi Bank, I can bring the owner of Tiandi Bank to far more than you, so you can't help me."

Zhong Ziqi looked at the devil in disbelief and ridiculed: "Don't blow it, tell me what is the value first, maybe I will give you more than you?"

The devil said disdainfully: "How can you, a person in the lower realm, argue with me, the **** devil, how much value can you bring to the owner of Qianzhuang?"

"Oh, you have to know that the previous nine days were not worse than Immortal World. How many of my cards are there, you won't know. Now tell me, what value can you bring to the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang?" Zhong Ziqi was full of confidence.

"Devil God Pillar, more than half of the resources of the whole **** are stacked together, and 108 Demon God Pillars have been cast. I can find twelve roots for the World Bank. That is a huge amount of resources. What do you compare with me?" The devil said proudly .

Zhong Ziqi frowned, but didn't expect it to be so. No wonder the owner of Tianzhuang Qianzhuang would say that five fairy devices were not enough.

"Now you know why Master Qianzhuang won't kill me?" The devil smiled with pride.

"I know, but I still want to try it." Zhong Ziqi's eyes were firm.

"But I can bring twelve demon pillars to the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang, what do you compare with these twelve demon pillars?" The devil stared at Zhong Ziqi with a frown.

"Wouldn't it be your poor five immortals?" The devil sneered.

"Fifty pieces of fairy!" Zhong Ziqi spoke directly, and he spoke utterly hard, completely ruthless, and took out all his family.

Li Xiandao froze, looking at Zhong Ziqi, did he hear it wrong?

Fifty fairy pieces?

This is no joke.

"You are lying, nonsense, even a fairy, there is no possibility of fifty fairy objects." The devil didn't believe it at all, accused Zhong Ziqi of being bullshit.


Zhong Ziqi didn't advise at all, and took out his magical mountain and river map directly, shaking it fiercely.


Pieces of fairy artifacts fell down, with swords, halberds, and various types of magic artifacts.

Lin was full of eyes, and he laid all over the ground. There were fifty pieces in all.

Li Xiandao looked dumbfounded.

The devil opened his mouth wide and could not close it for a long time.

Zhong Ziqi looked at the devil and sneered, "Now you know, what I can take out is not bad."

"You **** wholesale, how can there be so many fairy, this is unscientific." The devil looked at it stunned, not at all trusting his eyes.

Zhong Ziqi proudly said: "You think I'm wandering around in the world of 3,000 years and nine days, looking for the secret realm. Exploring treasures, is there nothing to gain?"

"I tell you, UU reading these are my harvests over the years. There are fifty-two fairy artifacts. I took two fairy artifacts out for trading. There are still fifty pieces here. Buy one for you. Life, don’t know if it’s enough?” Zhong Ziqi said coldly, then asked Li Xiandao.

The devil looked nervously at Li Xiandao. As soon as he saw fifty fairy objects poured out, he knew that things weren't going well. If Li Xiandao's heart moved, he would be out of luck.

Li Xiandao looked at the fifty immortals falling to the ground, to be honest, this is a huge sum of money.

Li Xiandao admitted that he had never seen this huge sum of money.

He wanted it very much.

But at the same time, Li Xiandao was very greedy, and he wanted the twelve demon pillars that the devil said.

Therefore, Li Xiandao thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Two people, we can discuss this matter carefully. In this way, I will hold a tripartite meeting to discuss a result that everyone can accept."

The situation that everyone can accept is that for Li Xiandao, he wants everything.

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