Bank of The Universe

Chapter 379: Huo Dexing Jun! (three)

Tiandi Qianzhuang, trading hall, a round table.

Li Xiandao sat on the side, the devil sat on the side, and Zhong Zi sat on the side, showing a triangle.

"Now, because you both can bring huge benefits to me, I don't want to give up." Li Xiandao said directly in his heart.


Of course, this is also because Li Xiandao has no worries and is the most stable among the three parties.

Zhong Ziqi and the devil were silent, listening in silence.

The devil's current card is twelve pillars of demon gods, but he is also very false, because he does not know where the twelve pillars of demon gods are.

Therefore, the devil desperately needs Zhong Ziqi's body.

Zhong Ziqi was also very guilty. Although he took out fifty fairy objects, in essence, he was the weakest of the three parties.

Once Li Xiandao ignored him, he would be taken away by the devil.

Although he came in with a pocket watch, he could not convince Li Xiandao that everything was in vain.

So the two were silent.

"I hope you can all talk about your difficulties, and then I will help you solve them and discuss a result that is suitable for everyone." Li Xiandao looked at the two humanities.

Both the devil and Zhong Ziqi are silent, and they are full of thoughts.

"Let's start with you." Li Xiandao saw that neither of them had the idea of ​​speaking first, reached out a finger, and named the devil.

Zhong Ziqi immediately looked at the devil, his expression serious.

Li Xiandao also watched silently.

"I have to take away the house. In the state of my soul, I can't maintain it for long. My body was broken as early as 100,000 years ago. I suppressed it for 100,000 years. Now that the seal is weak, I came out, and Zhong Zi The body of the period is the best furnace for me." The devil said in a deep voice, and said his plight.

Li Xiandao nodded and said, "Is there any?"

"I can make one step. I occupy Zhong Ziqi's body and let Zhong Ziqi's soul come out. Master, help him find a good body," the devil suggested.

Zhong Ziqi shook his head silently.

"Is there any?" Li Xiandao asked.

"No longer." The devil shook his head.

Li Xiandao looked at Zhong Ziqi and said, "Tell me about your plight."

"It is impossible for my body to give the devil a head. He had no reason to want to take me away. This is a very overbearing behavior, without my consent." Zhong Ziqi did not get angry.

"I'm a devil." The devil said coldly. As a hell, he wouldn't consider human moral issues.

Li Xiandao glanced at the devil's head and said indifferently: "Other people are talking, you shut up."

The devil was startled, and immediately shut up, afraid to intervene.

Li Xiandao said lightly: "Continue."

"I have a deep hatred. I must avenge my body. I can't use another body to avenge it." Zhong Ziqi looked at Li Xiandao, his eyes hoping.

Li Xiandao's heart moved, Zhong Ziqi's deep hatred may well be the key to breaking the game.

"What is your hatred?" Li Xiandao asked.

Zhong Ziqi looked serious, and said: "My family, my hometown, my relatives from childhood to large, were burned by a sky fire, I want to avenge."

"As long as I get revenge, it doesn't matter if this body gives the demon head, but beforehand, I have to use this body to take revenge." Zhong Ziqi firmly said.

Li Xiandao was very happy, and the key point of the break was in Zhong Ziqi.

"Then you can tell me now, who is your enemy?" Li Xiandao asked.

"I don't know." Zhong Ziqi bowed his head and said in a low mood.

Li Xiandao blinked and asked, "I don't know, can't I find it?"

"That fire fell from the sky. I was out hunting. When I came back, everything was late. My wife, my children, my parents, my relatives and friends were all turned to ashes. Only one stove is still spraying flames." Zhong Ziqi took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

Li Xiandao looked at him and said, "So this stove has become the most critical evidence."

"Yes, but it's a pity that I traveled all over nine days, explored many treasures, and got more than fifty pieces of fairy artifacts, but there was no news of the stove." Zhong Ziqi disappointed.

"Take out your stove and let us see." Li Xiandao thought for a while.

Zhong Ziqi immediately removed a 10-meter high stove from his magical mountain and river map.


Standing on three legs, the stove has two ears, and there are many mysterious characters carved on the body, and there are some animal images, birds and beasts, phoenix, unicorn, basalt, dragon, etc...

The character of the stove itself is difficult to recognize. It is not any kind of character now, and Li Xiandao does not know it.

Zhong Ziqi said regretfully: "It is because of this word that I have searched for major books in nine days, visited major literati, writers, and powerful people who have specialized in history, but none of them recognized it."

"This is cuneiform." The devil said suddenly.


Li Xiandao and Zhong Ziqi stared at him immediately.

Zhong Ziqi's eyes rose fiercely and shivered, "Do you know this text?"

The devil smiled confidently and said: "I am the big devil in hell. This kind of cuneiform is very rare and precious. The mainstream people don't know it at all, but I happen to know it."

"Tell me, what is it written?" Zhong Ziqi asked urgently.

The devil said nothing, and looked at Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao said lightly: "If the devil helped you find the owner of this stove, what do you say?"

Zhong Ziqi thought carefully and said, "When I get revenge, I will give you this body, and I will find a body myself."

The devil's eyes blinked and said, "You can't get revenge on your own."

Zhong Ziqi frowned and looked at the devil, not quite understanding: "What do you mean?"

Li Xiandao looked silently.

"The cuneiform writing is This furnace is Huo De Xingjun, and Huo De Xingjun is the lord who controls the flames in the fairy court, belongs to Zheng Xian, and is very famous in the fairy world. You have been practicing for three thousand years before you can break through the Great Realm. You can't ascend to the Immortal Realm by yourself in this life, so you can't avenge your revenge." The devil said.

After listening to Zhong Ziqi, sitting in a daze, he never imagined that this stove was actually Huo Dexing Jun in the fairy court of the fairy world.

As the devil said, relying on Zhong Ziqi himself, he can't avenge his life.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Knowing the enemy, they found that the gap between them and the enemy was like heaven and earth, making Zhong Ziqi feel uncomfortable crying.

He has no skill, cannot avenge his wife, children, parents...

At this moment in Zhong Ziqi, he deeply resented himself.

"So, you and I temporarily merged together, shared a body, and practiced the supreme power of Hell [Call of the Devil]. I promise you that you can ascend and you can kill Huo De Xingjun with your own hands." The devil's voice tempted.

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