Bank of The Universe

Chapter 380: Sign? (four)

The devil's suggestion moved Zhong Ziqi's heart. His only thought now is revenge.

Knowing that his enemy is Huo De Xingjun in Immortal Realm, Zhong Ziqi was completely desperate, and now the devil gave him a hope, Zhong Ziqi breathed faster.

The devil smiled triumphantly, and he knew that Zhong Ziqi could not refuse the proposal.

Once Zhong Ziqi agreed, he could get this body, occupy it completely, practice the [Call of the Magic], and then refine Zhong Ziqi's soul.

As for revenge?

The devil said he was just talking, he was a **** devil, treacherous, cunning, cruel and all these are his labels.

There is no honesty in these labels.

Zhong Ziqi looked very excited. He stared at the devil carefully and asked, "Can you really help me get revenge?"

The devil nodded simply and said, "Yes."

"[Xingmojing" so powerful?" Zhong Ziqi continued to ask.

"[Calling the Magic Book] is the most suitable physique for you. Once you practise it, one hundred percent can beat the invincible hands of the sky." The devil said decisively.

Zhong Ziqi's heart moved, he said: "I promise you, let you enter my body, and practice the [Call of the Magic]."

The devil was excited, and immediately wanted to enter the body of the Zhongzi period.

"Slow down!" Zhong Ziqi calmed down, staring at the devil's head.

"What's the matter?" The devil blinked, letting him go in quickly. Once in, he couldn't turn the waves.

When the time comes, the devil will immediately turn his face and wipe out the soul of Zhong Ziqi.


That was your hatred of Zhong Ziqi, and not my hatred.

The devil had an abacus in mind.

However, Zhong Ziqi is not a person with intellectual disability.

He looked at Li Xiandao and asked respectfully: "Master Qianzhuang, is the "Call of Magic" said by the devil really so powerful?"

Li Xiandao looked at Xiaoqi, and this Xiaoqi should know.

"[Calling the Magic Book] is a very terrifying exercise, created by the ancient devil, and practicing this exercise can indeed have the power to shake the sky." Xiao Qi said aside.

The devil proudly said: "I didn't deceive you, this practice is really powerful."

"And I tell you, this exercise and the blood vessels in your body seem to have a natural affinity. This natural affinity is the greatest benefit of practicing the Summoner. A thousand miles a day, plus my magic energy, can make You are making rapid progress." The devil jumped up excitedly.

The devil's head felt dark for a moment when he thought that he could immediately take Zhong Ziqi's body and practice the "Call of the Devil" he had been thinking about.

Zhong Ziqi got the answer, and he was relieved, and then he knelt down directly on Li Xiandao.


A loud noise knocked down.

The devil is dumbfounded, what's the matter?

Xiao Qi looked at Zhong Ziqi strangely. What is this for?

Li Xiandao sat on a chair, tilting Erlang's legs, watching silently, and said, "What are you doing for me?"

"Master Qianzhuang, I want to use fifty immortals, please accept me as a slave, I am willing to be your cattle and horse." Zhong Ziqi said in a deep voice.

"Are you mentally ill?" The devil scolded directly, his face a little ugly.

He vaguely guessed what he was breathing.


Li Xiandao glanced coldly at the devil's head, scaring the devil's agitated spirit, and then all the words were held in his stomach.

Li Xiandao was watching Zhong Ziqi and smiled, saying: "Are you looking for a backer?"

"Yes, I am not at ease to deal with the devil, but I am very relieved to deal with you. So I want to be your man, and then merge with the devil to practice the magic summon. And in the master your testimony Next, sign a contract, write all the stakeholders, and let the owner be the witness. I don’t think the devil would dare to cruel me.” Zhong Ziqi’s voice was clear, his thoughts were clear, and he had good reason. Can't help complimenting.

But he was half dead.

Go to your mother's contract! ! !

The devil didn't want to sign any **** contract at all, because he didn't intend to obey any agreement at all.

Zhong Ziqi also knew that the devil was not credible, so he was willing to recognize Li Xiandao as the master and completely sell him to Li Xiandao.

So Li Xiandao smiled and praised: "You are very smart."

"Thank you Master for compliment." Zhong Ziqi respectfully, still kneeling, refused to stand up.

Li Xiandao snapped his fingers and said, "Seven, prepare a contract and make it for life."

Xiaoqi took out a contract, which was a lifelong master-servant contract.

"Sign it, sign it, you are mine." Li Xiandao passed the pen calmly.

Zhong Ziqi took the pen and did not sign it for the first time, but looked at the devil.

The devil's face ugly squeezed out a smile, and wanted to tell him not to sign.

Being a slave to others is not good at all.

But Zhong Ziqi smiled and said, "If you don't want me to sign, then I will sign."

The devil's face, brushed, was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he was panting and breathing, his inner anger was violently violent, and he was going to be suffocated by Zhong Ziqi.


But the cold snow in Li Xiandao's cold winter season froze the devil's anger at once, making him afraid to release it and suffocating to death.

Zhong Ziqi was very decisive and signed the letter.

Li Xiandao looked at the contract with satisfaction, and said, "Xiao Qi, put away all the artifacts."

Xiaoqi immediately walked over and collected all fifty fairy objects.

"By the way, give the mountain and river map to Zhong Ziqi." Li Xiandao reminded.

After all, Shanhetu is a magic weapon of Zhongzi period, and it is not easy to take away.

"Thank you Master!" Zhong Ziqi was grateful.

Li Xiandao said lightly: "Now you are my own, I will naturally take care of you."

Zhong Ziqi felt very good this time. Sure enough, it was right to sell himself. Li Xiandao's attitude towards his own people was suddenly different.

"Master, please also be a witness to supervise us to sign this contract." Zhong Ziqi told Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao nodded, then looked at the devil, and asked, "Do you sign this contract?"

The devil looked down at Li looked down at Zhong Ziqi, depressed to vomit blood.

It was still a tripartite talk just now, and now he has completely become a weak party.

And his soul origin is still under the control of Li Xiandao, and he can't resist Li Xiandao at all.

"Sign a fart, I don't even want to go to hate Huo Dexing Jun in the fairy court." The devil yelled inwardly.

"This big fool, Zhong Ziqi, sold himself as a minion. He was so funny, it was a pit."

"You sold yourself, I was dragged backhand, I&*&*¥%#"

The devil scolded a lot of swear words that were hard to describe in his heart, which was unbearable.

But on the bright side, he still tried his best to squeeze out a smile, nodded hard, said: "Signed, such a good contract, how can I not sign."

If he didn’t grind his teeth that way, his credibility would be much higher.

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