Bank of The Universe

Chapter 381: New guests! (Fives)

Xiaoqi is ready for the contract.

The contract details the agreement reached by Zhong Ziqi and the Devil.

Zhong Ziqi agreed that the devil enters the body. Two people use the same body. Of course, the devil dominates on weekdays, but Zhong Ziqi can observe freely and cannot stop him.

The devil should use the body of Zhong Ziqi to practice the [Call of the Devil] to increase his own strength, and finally enter the fairyland, killing Huo Dexingjun.

After killing Huo Dexingjun, Zhong Ziqi left his body and left his body to the devil.

Before killing Huo Dexingjun, the devil and Zhong Ziqi get along peacefully and listen to Li Xiandao's order together.

All kinds of regulations listed more than 30 articles, very detailed, the devil looked at the scalp tingling, wanted to refuse, directly turned his face and did not recognize people.

But in the end, he still signed his name in Li Xiandao's cold eyes.

Zhong Ziqi also signed.

Li Xiandao took the contract and said, "This contract was signed under my witness. Whoever dares to violate it, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhong Ziqi quickly said: "I dare not violate the master."

The devil sighed: "I'm pinching your life and death now, so I dare not resist."

Li Xiandao said with satisfaction: "I hope your integration will be smooth and there will be no revenge for the time being, then go and find the twelve Demon God Pillars. When the two men work together, I will find you a great contribution.

Zhong Ziqi firmly said: "Master, please rest assured, I will help you find the twelve demon pillars."

Li Xiandao looked at the devil.

"I will do my best," the devil said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go out and merge well." Li Xiandao waved his hand, and the figures of Zhong Ziqi and the demon quickly dissipated.


Broken doors, demon heads and clock stages appear here.

The two men were speechless and silent.

The devil has countless insults and wants to pour it out. The signing of this contract directly dragged him down. Originally, he only needed to find twelve demon **** pillars to be free. Now he wants to ascend to the fairy world and kill Huo De Xingjun. It's sad to think about it.

But scolding again won't help, because the contract is signed.

"Merge it." Thousands of words finally turned into such a helpless sentence.

Zhong Ziqi nodded, let go of his heart, and embraced the devil.

The magical energy suddenly entered the body of Zhong Ziqi and drowned him at once.

"I'm going to abolish your cultivation behavior now, reshape the foundation, and practice the [Call of the Magic], you endure a little bit, and it hurts a little," the devil reminded.

Zhong Ziqi closed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Come on."


Zhong Ziqi's body repair was abandoned by the devil in a moment, he groaned himself, his body became soft and fell to the ground.


But then countless magical energy poured into Zhong Ziqi's body, a little moisturizing, making Zhong Ziqi's body extremely powerful.

The scrapped repairs were also quickly improved.

From the beginning, I practiced it completely according to the Summoning Sutra. Without hesitation, I made rapid progress.

It was all three hours later, when the moon night was high, and Zhong Ziqi was carrying the magic energy, soaring into the sky, spread his arms under the moon.


Behind him, an extremely terrifying demon appeared, roaring, the forest beast stirred by the invisible waves ran, shaking.

The cultivation practice of Zhong Ziqi not only completely restored, but also broke through the realm of great respect.

Especially in the end, starting directly from the 33th step of the legend, crossing the tenth heaven, entering the infinite realm, the epic song was born in the body, and now it is the ninth heaven.

Zhong Ziqi became suddenly, and he could break through the realm of the emperor with just a few steps.

This increase in speed led him to believe in the power of the Summons, and it really should not be underestimated.

"Let's go, let's help your master find the twelve demon **** pillars and find us to practice with peace of mind." The devil sighed. He is now fully integrated with Zhong Ziqi.

Because of the contract constraints, the Devil did not hurt the Zhongzi period.

"Okay!" Zhong Ziqi replied.

The devil immediately went to the world-class teleportation array, and entered Juntian to check.


In Tiandi Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao opened his eyes and said, "It's okay, the fusion is good, and the strength has also improved. I hope to help me find the twelve demon pillars earlier."

With twelve demon pillars, Li Xiandao dared to say that he was completely invincible throughout the nine days and ten earths.

Now Li Xiandao dare not say such things.

Therefore, Li Xiandao was in Tiandi Qianzhuang and continued to accumulate. Without the Demon God Pillar, he ate Longya rice, absorbed the aura, and improved himself.

Although this progress seems slow to Li Xiandao, for many people, the speed of Li Xiandao is beyond their reach.

Li Xiandao got up and walked to the square outside, watching the sea of ​​clouds tumbling, the waves rolling, very grand, and inexplicably excited.

"Now the forbearance is for one day's rise. Twelve Demon God Pillars are in hand. I start to absorb, and it will definitely allow me to make a big stride." Li Xiandao stood down, took off his mask, and his handsome face was invincible. Self-confidence.

The other worlds in Jiutian, I am afraid I don’t know yet, there is a Li Xiandao lurking in Hanyuetian.

"Wait for me when I am out of the cold, I will completely embark on the road of invincibility." Li Xiandao pointed at him, sweeping the sky with a touch of sword.

There was no sound, and no one knew that Jian Qi was out of the heaven and earth bank, and in a blink of an eye, it fell to the endless sea. With a loud bang, the sea was choppy, and Li Xiandao's sword gas cut a hundred-mile range of mouth. It was bottomless and could not heal for a long time.

Li Xiandao smiled slightly, a sword gas, not mixed with other things, crossed the realm of unknown land, cut into the sea, and still had such power, he was satisfied.

"Here's a guest!" Xiao Qi's voice sounded at this time, standing behind Li Xiandao, smiling lightly.

"Are there any guests?" Li Xiandao wondered.

He sent Zhong Ziqi away, and the guests came again so quickly.

" is coming to the guests, we have the opportunity to earn some benefits." Xiao Qi nodded.

"An old acquaintance again?" Li Xiandao asked.

"No, new guest." Xiao Qi shook his head.

"Tell me about the guest's information." Li Xiandao turned around, and with Xiao Qi, carrying the setting sun to the trading hall.

"The comer is a child of the Qin family on the moon." Xiao Qi said.

When Li Xiandao stopped, he wondered: "The Qin family on the moon, the moon angel's family?"

"Yes, this is their family." Xiao Qi nodded.

"Suddenly came here, did you say you came for help?" Li Xiandao smiled.

When you come to Tiandi Qianzhuang, you are in a hurry, either you have a **** enmity, or there are 100,000 urgent things.

Who's okay?

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