Bank of The Universe

Chapter 387: Clean up the family! (Fives)

"What, are you going to deal with that big devil?" The elder elder was shocked.

The other old people also looked in surprise, and even some people began to tremble at the thought of the devil.

"Qin Ming, you have to think carefully. Although you are now the pinnacle of the emperor and inherit the cooperation in the transition, but 30,000 years ago, the eldest brother was also your realm, but he was given a hard lesson by the big demon." The second elder couldn't help but was very worried and didn't want to go to the big demon.

The elder had a dark face and was mentioned some scandals, which made him very uncomfortable, but looking at the persistent Qin Ming, the elder still persuaded: "Qin Ming, the second elder is right, I tried it before, It’s not an opponent at all, it was completely suppressed, and I even felt that the other party was playing with me."

Qin Ming's eyes contemptuously said: "Because of this, you will not try it?"

"How can I try this, the emperor's peak can't win!" The elder elder said in exasperation, irritated by Qin Ming's eyes.

"The Emperor's Peak won't win, so you don't try. You are willing to send a Qin family girl every few years. In these tens of thousands of years, how many Qin family girls did you send in?" Moon Angel couldn't help it. , Asked coldly.

"Who are you? There's no room for you to speak here, get out!" The elder elder was so angry that he couldn't vent on Qin Ming, and this time all poured on the moon angel.

Moon Angel's face was ruthless and said, "The elders are really noble things for the nobles. Yes, ten years ago, you personally gave me the name of a moon daughter."

The elder elder hesitated, staring at the moon angel carefully, and suddenly startled, said: "You are Qin Yue!"

The second elder stared tightly at the moon angel and excitedly said: "You are the martyr of the previous generation. The big devil knows that you are gone and often gets angry. Now you come back and send you in. My Qin family can calm down again. several years."

The elder could not help but nod, but he woke up in an instant and immediately looked at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming's eyes were as cold as thousands of miles of ice beneath the extremely northern ice sheet, sweeping on the elders and elders, terrifying them both.

Qin Ming's eyes were too scary.

"Up to now, you still want to send the Qin family's woman to the big devil. I will kill you **** today." Qin Ming said furiously, he couldn't imagine that once the moon angel was taken away by these people, he gave it to the big demon, How angry is the owner of Tiandi Qianzhuang.

Thinking this way, Qin Ming was furious, and immediately fell down with a punch, giving them no choice.

A decayed group of people should have died long ago.


Qin Ming's hatred hit, the power of the emperor's peak broke out completely, and the violent coercion was pressed down. The old people who did not reach the realm of the emperor exploded in an instant.

Puff puff puff puff puff!

The old men died one after another, making the elder elders and the second elders irritated, staring at Qin Ming, eyes split.

The deaths of these people made the elders and elders panic.

"You son, you traitor of the Qin family." The elder elder scolded Qin Ming, frightened.

"I'm not the Qin family's rebellious son, which is left for future generations to comment on. But now, all of you are going to die, I want to clean up the Qin family's ghosts and ghosts." Qin Ming said coldly, his body shrank, and the demon body dissipated , Palm up, fall, is to cut off the elders.

"The second elder, resist together." The elder elder knew that he was not Qin Ming's opponent, so he called the elder elder.

Suddenly, Qin Ming's palm burst into a strange light, and he switched directly to the target. With a bang, he hit the elders' chests.


The second elder's chest suddenly collapsed, and the rolling force directly split his emperor's body.


Elder Qin Family II died completely.

Even Qin Ming couldn't take the trick, and looked at the young people around the Qin family.

This is invincible.

"The second one!!!" The big elder roared, really angry.

But what is the use of his anger?

The next second, Qin Ming's body carried a mountain-like momentum, hit it, and smashed it **** the elder.

The elder elder wanted to escape, but Qin Ming's speed was far above him, and his body skills on the magic skill stepped out in one step, and countless distances contracted under his feet.

It can be described as a step out, and came to the elder.

Just a turn.


The elder body of the elder had no longer the power of the peak, and the body of the emperor was completely abolished.

So in this blow, all the people behind the elder were knocked off and all died instantly.


The elders spurted blood, and the inside of the body was broken, including bones and veins, as well as Dantian and Shihai.

Qin Ming's collision smashed the elders together, dying.

"Cough, you will harm the Qin family." The elder stared at Qin Ming fiercely before he died.

"The Qin family is like this, it might as well be hurt by me. If you have been in control, there is no need to exist." Qin Ming said coldly.

"You will die in the hands of the big demon, the Qin family will be dragged down by you, and all will die in the hands of the big demon by then." The elder is still cursing.

"You don't have to worry about it. The second elder is alone on Huangquan Road. You go with him." Qin Ming said indifferently.

"" The Great Elder pointed at Qin Ming, trembling with rage, without breathing up, and returned to the West with his life.

The huge Qin family was silent.

Including Moon Angel, she did not expect that Qin Ming would be so powerful and decisive.

If you kill, just kill, there is no accommodation.

The bodies of dozens of old people in this place are the youngest, almost forty thousand years old, all of whom have reached the limit and are not willing to decentralize.

Now they are completely decentralized, and one or two died very miserably.

Qin Ming looked around, his eyes calm, no guilt at all, but a relaxed feeling.

This group of old people resembling vampires lie on the Qin family's children to **** blood, like a chain of yoke, which locked the Qin family and could not break free.

Now Qin Ming shattered the shackles and suddenly felt refreshed.

Other young people also feel this One by two, they looked at Qin Ming with admiration.

Middle-aged people are very complicated.

The Qin family's problem is not just seen by one Qin Ming, many people know where the problem is.

But how to solve it, no one has a good solution.

Now Qin Ming stood up and beheaded all these old people.

Clean and neat, not at all soft-hearted, even cold-hearted.

The Qin family is completely Qin Ming now.

"These corpses have been converged and buried in the cemetery. From now on, life is still the same. I will not take over the Qin family for the time being. I am going to deal with this big devil." Qin Ming said firmly.

After the Qin family's stubborn illness was eliminated, his next goal was to always threaten the Qin family.

After eradicating this, Qin Ming felt that his task was almost completed.

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