Bank of The Universe

Chapter 388: Why see through others! (six)

What Qin Ming has to do is very simple. Clean up the Qin family’s spooky ghosts, clean up the old people who occupy 80% of the Qin family’s resources, and then train a new generation of children to let them establish an absolute foundation for the Qin family. confidence.

Those elderly people consume a lot of unnecessary resources every year to extend their lifespan, and the younger generation has no resources. This is definitely a deformed development model.

However, before cultivating the juniors of the family, Qin Ming is going to solve the Qin family's biggest trouble.

This trouble is the big devil!

So when Qin Ming said he was going to destroy the Damon, all the remaining Qin family members doubted whether he would succeed.

"Qin Ming, the Qin family is now an emperor. You are powerful and can support the Qin family. If you are gone, what will the Qin family do?" a middle-aged man worried.

Others are also worried about Qin Ming.

Everyone in the Qin family knows that if there are no emperors, they will absolutely not be able to hold the moon, and they are likely to be cast out.

Now the Qin family is the emperor Qin Ming, and what happens to him, then the Qin family will also follow the wind and rain.

Qin Ming looked at the middle-aged man and laughed, said: "Six Uncle, if I don't solve this big devil, also like this group of old people, choose a martyr in the family to send it over, do you support?"

The middle-aged man called Six Uncles hesitated and said, "This is also no way. I think it's appropriate to bear it."

"Okay, I heard that Liu Shu's family has a baby daughter, who just turned 16 this year and was born beautiful and flawless. I think it just happens to be a new generation of martyrs. Does Liu Shu agree?" Qin Ming raised his lips and asked .

"This..." Liu Shu looked at Qin Ming in exasperation. He did not expect Qin Ming to want his baby daughter to be a martyr.

"What's this? Does Liu Shu disagree?" Qin Ming asked with a cold face.

"This is not a question of whether you agree or disagree. Qin Yue, who is by your side, is a martyr, and Qin Yue chooses one later. Now in Chengdu, what do you say about my daughter?" Liu Shu said angrily.

"Six Uncles!" Qin Ming said coldly.

"I will give you face, call you Six Uncles, not give you face, you have a boundless realm that is not worthy of anger in front of the emperor!" Qin Ming was angry, his eyes coldly staring at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was so scared that he remembered that the gap between the two sides was like heaven and earth, which made him look very stupefied.

"Let someone's daughter be a martyr, you don't have any opinion at all, let your daughter be a martyr, you will be furious, and you really love the girl." Qin Ming sneered.

Six Uncle's face was ashamed, and suddenly turned black, looking helplessly at Qin Ming.

"It's all a choice of destiny." Liu Shu said stubbornly.

It was this sentence that angered the moon angel who was watching silently.


It is destiny again!

The most annoying thing about the moon angel is that the coward hangs his fate in his mouth.

"In the final analysis, you are reluctant to be your own daughter, but you are indifferent to the daughters of other people's families. With the time exchanged by other women's women, you are at ease, and the Qin family has more people like you, and each one becomes a headed turtle. A group of men without eggs." Moon Angel said coldly.

Liu Shu was speechless, and many people around the Qin family looked at him strangely.

No one can guarantee that the future martyrs will be selected from their relatives and daughters.

Therefore, most people are happy with Qin Ming's decision.

Because Qin Ming is the first person in the Qin family to stand out and say that he will wipe out the devil in these tens of thousands of years.

It's just that everyone will worry, can it really eliminate the devil?

Qin Ming looked at the people of the Qin family around him and said firmly, "For the sake of the Qin family's women's peace of mind and practice, I don't have to worry about being chosen as a martyr. I must wipe out this great demon. ."

"Come on!" Suddenly, a 13-year-old girl shouted with excitement.

Qin Ming looked and smiled slightly.

This girl is the new martyr after the moon angel. When she grows up to sixteen, she will be sent to the big devil.

Now the little girl's cheering seems to be a dawn, giving Qin Ming great strength.

For the girl's smile, Qin Ming felt that he had to solve the problem of the big demon at one time.

"It's all gone, stay at home with peace of mind for a few days, if...If I fail, you will take the teleportation array to leave." Qin Ming still left a trail for them.

Qin Ming turned and left.

Failed, he let the Qin family leave in a teleportation array, but he did not say what he would do.

Everyone knows clearly that Qin Ming will die if he fails, and most people think that Qin Ming will fail.

However, Qin Ming is still determined to do this.

At the moment, his back looked a bit gigantic.

The Moon Angel looked at Qin Ming and was slightly relieved. Although the Qin family had already rotted into the bones, a Qin Ming came out, indicating that the Qin family had not enough energy to let Qin Ming rescue the Qin family.


Qin Ming and Moon Angel went to the tomb of Qin family together!

In this mausoleum, there is a main tomb.

That is the tomb of the Qin family ancestor, a very powerful character.

In the tomb of the ancestor of the Qin family, there is also a bloodline baptism force. This is Qin Ming's promise to the moon angel. Now he comes with the moon angel.

Walking into the cemetery, the old man at the entrance still sat silently looking at the cherry trees.

He is a deaf and blind old man, I don’t know why he likes to see cherry trees so much.

Is it visible?

The moon angel had a doubt in his heart.

"Do you know this old man?" Moon Angel asked Qin Ming.

"Know, an old man. When I came to worship my ancestors when I was a kid, I saw him here. He is still here, but it seems that he should be running out of time." Qin Ming looked at the old man and shook his head. Road.

"Is the old man's cultivation so high?" Moon Angel wondered, and she didn't find anything to do in the old man's body.

"If you don't cultivate an elderly person who is deaf and blind, how could it be possible for a person to live here for so long?" Qin Ming said.

Moon angel, it seems like this.

"That's how the old man hides well, I can't see through his cultivation behavior." Moon Angel said with emotion.

"It's normal for you to see through, because I can't see through either." Qin Ming smiled lightly.

"You are all emperors, don't you see it?" Moon Angel said in surprise.

"Why do you have to see through a deaf and blind old man?" Qin Ming asked puzzled.

The moon angel is speechless.

"Everyone has their own secrets. Everyone is hiding countless secrets. Some people are so tightly covered that they are afraid of being known by others. The purpose is to hope to live a good life."

"No matter what the old man is doing, he has been here for so many years, why should he see through?" Qin Ming's philosophical words silenced Moon Angel.

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