Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 14 The outrageous entrance examination

"Isn't it just for the public examination? Is it simply for the Journalism Department of Kumogakure University?"

Zhou Tao was a little surprised and immediately gave a thumbs up after seeing Jiang Chen nod.

"After all, you are the No. 1 pick. What most people avoid is still your goal."

"Master Yan, why did you come to the Journalism Department? Although the Journalism Department is a famous major of Yunyin University, it is still a bit inferior to the Special Warfare Department, right?"

Jiang Chen turned to look at Xiao Yan and asked curiously.

"What's so good about the special warfare department is that all the girls are crazy about fighting. They are not as gentle and beautiful as the senior students in the journalism department."

Xiao Yan shrugged and said, "Senior is still waiting for me below, so I'll leave first."

With that said, Xiao Yan turned around and walked out of the dormitory.

"I won't be back tonight, so there's no need to hold the door open for me."

"I understand~"

Zhou Tao had an ambiguous smile on his face and watched Xiao Yan leave.

"As expected of a child of a big family, I caught up with my senior sister when I first came to school."

Zhou Tao rolled his eyes, as if he thought of something, and ran to the room with the computer in his arms.

"Jiang Zhuangyuan, I just thought of a good idea, so I won't chat with you any more. If you are bored, you can go shopping in the academy. There are many clubs recruiting new students in the past two days."

"The club is recruiting new people?"

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that before he could ask what specific clubs there were, Zhou Tao's door was also closed.

"My three roommates all have quite their own personalities."

Looking at the quiet dormitory again, Jiang Chen glanced at the increasingly lively campus outside and returned to the bedroom.

"Don't sleep and get rich. I'll take you for a walk around the school."

Da da……

Fa Cai yawned, reluctantly climbed out of the nest, got into Jiang Chen's pocket, and fell asleep again.

"This guy hasn't woken up yet~"

Jiang Chen patted Fa Cai's head lovingly, put on his cap, and left the dormitory.

It was the beginning of the semester, and Kumogakure University was extremely busy. In addition to the volunteers who came to pick up students, all the clubs on campus also came out to recruit new students.

In order to attract new students to join as much as possible, these clubs also use their own methods.

What kind of big stone breaks the chest, three pigs in one mouthful...

As long as Jiang Chen can't think of it, there is nothing these people can't do.

But the most popular one is the practical club, which is common to all schools.

After all, in this world full of extraordinary creatures, the battle between pets is the most attractive.

"The Practical Combat Club... we might consider this."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. He didn't have much practical experience in making a fortune. If he could join the practical club, it would be very beneficial to his future growth.

It's just that there are too many people signing up...

Jiang Chen glanced at the long queue at the entrance of the combat club registration point and felt a little headache.

What he saw alone was nearly two hundred people. How long would it take to wait in line like this?

"It takes more than one day to recruit new members to the club, so let's go shopping~"

Jiang Chen gave up waiting in line stupidly and continued to wander.

Because there are evil spirits outside the city, the registration time for federal colleges and universities is a full week, and the club recruitment meeting lasts until the end of the report.

But before Jiang Chen took a few steps, he was attracted by a stall.

When new students enter school, they are full of curiosity about all kinds of things. When they see a club recruiting new students, they will naturally go up and take a look, so there will be at least a dozen students stopping in front of almost every booth.

Only this stall was empty, and even the club sign was on the ground.

Occasionally, one or two new students would come up to inquire, but they would soon leave cursing.

"It's so annoying, is it a study club?"

Jiang Chen became interested. He walked to the stall and straightened the club sign that had fallen to the side. He was stunned when he saw the name of the club on it.

Photography club?

When did photography become so annoying?

Jiang Chen became more and more confused and walked to the stall.

"There are examination requirements for joining the society. If you are interested, please fill in the application form yourself. If you are not interested, please don't disturb my sleep."

When he heard the commotion, the boy in the booth didn't even raise his head, pointed to the flyer beside him and stopped talking.


Seeing the boy like this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

With such a cold attitude, it's no wonder no one comes here.

But even so, those people just wouldn't have cursed like that.

Jiang Chen became more and more curious, picked up a leaflet and looked at it carefully.

But after seeing the entrance examination requirements on the flyer, Jiang Chen's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Entry assessment requirements: Go to Chunluo Valley in the suburbs to take recent photos of green-scaled snakes."

The green-scaled snake has an ordinary wood bloodline and likes tranquility. It often sleeps wrapped around bamboos. It has extremely strong perception. Once someone approaches, it will immediately wake up and launch an attack.

It is difficult to take close-up photos of this creature, but the difficulty of this assessment is not the green-scaled snake, but the shooting location.

Suburbs, Chunluo Valley.

The suburbs of this world and the suburbs of the previous life are not the same concept, but a buffer zone between the city and the wilderness.

Although it is not as dangerous as the wilderness, there are also a large number of extraordinary creatures, many of which will actively attack humans.

In Chunluo Valley, there are many aggressive extraordinary creatures gathered.

Go there and take photos of the green-scaled snakes, a snack that with some bad luck will turn into other supernatural beings.

"If you take such a dangerous task as the entrance examination, you won't be able to do it even in the actual combat club. No wonder those people are cursing."

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly. Although you can learn a lot from the university clubs, they are still mainly about entertainment.

No normal student would join a club like this that requires risking one's life.

"Practical Combat Club? Huh, a bunch of losers who only dare to hide in the room and talk about war on paper. Are they qualified to talk about actual combat?"

As if he heard Jiang Chen's words, the boy suddenly raised his head, his face full of disdain.

"Our Dahuang Photography Club does not recruit cowards. Those losers who dare not even go to the suburbs should get out of here and go to the Practical Club."

Well, it seems that it’s because of this bad mouth...

But from what they mean, it seems that this Dahuang Photography Club often goes to the suburbs?

Jiang Chen became interested, and when he saw the boy lying down again, he quickly asked: "Does your Dahuang Photography Club all go to the suburbs to take pictures?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? With your small body, you will definitely fail the test. Don't disturb my sleep."

The boy looked Jiang Chen up and down and mocked him unceremoniously.

"Whether you can pass the assessment is another matter. Senior, please answer my question first."

Facing the boy's ridicule, Jiang Chen didn't care, an inexplicable excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Of course I want to go to the suburbs. What are the little pets in the city that are good to photograph?"

Seeing Jiang Chen like this, the boy was stunned, but he still answered Jiang Chen's question.

"Okay, I understand."

After receiving the boy's confirmation, Jiang Chen turned and left without looking back.

"Sure enough, another one was scared away, bang..."

There was a disdainful smile on the boy's face, and he was about to hang out again, but he found that there was a signed application for joining the company on the table.

"Jiang Chen? Interesting..."

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