Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 15 Wilderness Survival Guide

Spring falls outside the valley.

Jiang Chen carried his backpack and cautiously approached the valley.

It is actually a bit risky for an F-level envoy to go to Chunluo Valley alone. Although green-scaled snakes live outside Chunluo Valley, they may encounter some powerful evil spirits wandering around.

Jiang Chen knew this very well, but he still chose to accept the assessment.

As a wildlife photographer, the spirit of adventure has been deeply engraved in his soul, not to mention that this time it was not actually an adventure.

"Although the service attitude is very poor, Dahuang Photography Club does have some reputation."

Looking at the entrance of the valley getting closer and closer, Jiang Chen stopped and took out the leaflet.

Perhaps because of the outrageous entrance examination, many people did not notice that on the reverse side of the leaflet, the green-scaled snake's living habits, fighting methods and coping methods were recorded in detail.

At the same time, a simple map is attached, which not only marks the activity areas of the green-scaled snake, but also the best photography spots.

As long as you follow the strategy on the back of the leaflet, the difficulty of this assessment can be greatly reduced.

Jiang Chen confirmed before setting off that such a detailed guide could not be found on the Internet, so the only explanation was that the members of the Dahuang Photography Club figured it out by themselves.

"Get rich, pay attention to what's going on around you. If there's an evil spirit approaching, alert me in time!"

Da da!

Fa Cai raised his head and patted his chest vigorously. His big eyes looked around expectantly, hoping that evil spirits would rush out soon.

Shushu's envoy said that he could eat the life cores he punched out. Such a good opportunity must not be missed by Shushu!

"Although I also want to bring out some life cores, with our current strength, it's better to keep a low profile."

Seeing Jiang Chen's eagerness to make a fortune, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh. He searched around and soon found a plant that looked like aloe vera.

Green reed grass is evergreen and fleshy, with short stems, fat leaves and juicy leaves. When applied to the body, the juice emits a fresh fragrance of grass and trees, covering body odor to the greatest extent.

Jiang Chen broke off a few green reeds, squeezed out the juice and applied it carefully on all his exposed skin, and then applied some on Fa Cai and his clothes before moving on.

The juice of green reed grass can eliminate his breath within a certain period of time and avoid waking up the sleeping green-scaled snake.

As long as he wasn't unlucky enough to encounter a sober green-scaled snake, he would be able to complete the photography very easily.

After applying enough juice, Jiang Chen followed the guidance of the map on the leaflet and slowly walked towards Chunluo Valley.

Perhaps because few humans have set foot there, Chunluo Valley still maintains the most primitive posture of nature.

The trees are green, the grass is green, and the fresh air is refreshing.

"If there weren't the threat of evil spirits, this place would definitely be a tourist attraction."

Jiang Chen looked around and felt a little regretful.

In the first year of the Dawn Calendar, dark clouds enveloped the sky, and all things gradually became extinct. But half a year later, colorful rays of light broke through the dark clouds, and the world returned to light.

But after that, the creatures in this world, whether animals or plants, gradually awakened to extraordinary powers.

Human technology is no match for these extraordinary creatures, and the living space has been compressed again and again. It was not until humans discovered the spirit space and became their envoys that the situation was reversed.

Nearly three hundred years have passed since then, and the power humans have mastered has become stronger and stronger, but they can still only control a very small part of the world.

"If you are not the Royal Envoy, please stay in the city; if you are the Royal Envoy, please stay away from all unknown places, even if you are S-level." - Preface to "Wild Survival Guide".

“I don’t know when I will be able to go to the wilderness independently. The scenery there must be even better~”

A trace of expectation flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, but Fa Cai suddenly poked Jiang Chen's face, and then started making gestures hard.

Da da.

Fa Cai squeezed his face into a triangle shape, stuck out his tongue at Jiang Chen, made a "hissing" sound, and pointed to a bamboo in the distance.

"Did you find the green-scaled snake?"

Jiang Chen immediately took out his camera from his backpack, pointed it in the direction pointed by Fa Cai, and after searching for a long time, he found a green-scaled snake on a green bamboo.

This green-scaled snake is emerald green, almost the same color as bamboo. It is difficult to distinguish it unless you are looking for it.

Fortunately, Fa Cai has good eyesight, otherwise he might not be able to find it.

"Well done."

Jiang Chen grinned and immediately adjusted the focus and started shooting.

But after taking a few pictures, Jiang Chen frowned.

The distance was too far, and his old-fashioned camera couldn't get that close. The resolution was so low that you couldn't even see it without trying hard to distinguish.

"They may not recognize photos like this."

He was still at a safe distance, but if he continued to get closer, the noise he made might alert the green-scaled snake and trigger a fight.

If other extraordinary creatures were alerted, it would be difficult for him to guarantee that he would be able to leave in time.

But leaving like this is really not in line with his character.

"Get rich and get ready for battle."

Da da!

Fa Cai nodded vigorously, and the golden thread behind him began to shine with golden light.

Jiang Chen exhaled a breath, calmed down, and then cautiously moved in the direction of the green-scaled snake, stopping every two steps to try to take a picture.

After walking about ten steps, Jiang Chen finally found a suitable distance and clearly photographed the green-scaled snake sleeping.

Although it is a snake, the green-scaled snake is still very good-looking, with a slender body and emerald green scales, wrapped around bamboo like a luxurious jade bracelet.

If this photo is sent to Manager Zhang, it will probably fetch a good price.

"Mission accomplished, let's go back."

Jiang Chen checked the photos again, and after confirming that he met the conditions, he planned to leave.

But the moment Jiang Chen took back the camera, the green-scaled snake suddenly opened its eyes, a pair of emerald green vertical pupils staring coldly in Jiang Chen's direction.

"Too close? No, the juice of the green reed grass has evaporated!"

Looking at the green-scaled snake slowly swimming down the pillar, Jiang Chen did not turn around and run away. Instead, he faced the green-scaled snake and backed away slowly.

Turning your back to wild beasts will only amplify their desire to attack, and people will not be able to make correct judgments because they are not clear about the situation behind them, which will eventually lead to death.

Although the green-scaled snake is not a large beast, it still likes to sneak attacks. Jiang Chen doesn't think he can outrun the green-scaled snake.

Da da!

Seeing the green-scaled snake wake up, Fa Cai's body suddenly shimmered with golden light, wrapping his entire body.

But soon, under the control of Fa Cai, these golden lights slowly gathered on the four paws.

"Don't be anxious yet, wait a while."

Jiang Chen comforted Fa Cai softly, and gradually accelerated his pace. The green-scaled snake seemed to be aware of Jiang Chen's plan, and suddenly accelerated towards Jiang Chen.

Seeing this strange scene, Jiang Chen jumped back suddenly, completely out of the range of Chunluo Valley, and at the same time threw Facai out.

"To make a fortune now, do it!"

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