Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 282 Moonlight Fantasy

Da da!

Relying on the advantage of the Eye of Truth, the illusion of this forest did not interfere with the vision of getting rich.

Facai hovered in the air for a while, and finally landed in an open space not far from Jiang Chen and others.

"The seeds are in the ground? It's not very unexpected."

Jiang Chen shrugged. Although most plant seeds are spread through fruits or flowers, there are also some that are hidden in the ground and spread through other organisms.

However, finding this kind of thing was too smooth, and it was really a bit sorry for the mystery of the Wilderness Canteen.

Sure enough, just when Fa Cai was about to start digging, the surrounding sky suddenly darkened and turned from day to night.

"Is this also an illusion?"

Jiang Chen looked at the crescent moon above his head and exclaimed: "I knew it wouldn't go so well, and a new crisis was triggered before I even took action."

This crescent moon came so suddenly that Jiang Chen didn't even notice any trace of it.

The most important thing is that there are no clues about getting rich.

If those beetles and the like before were all evolutions of illusions, now on this moonlit night, Fa Cai didn't even see any trace of illusions.

In other words, what they saw was actually true?

"What is true is also false, and sometimes false is true. No wonder no one has occupied this wilderness canteen so far."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, and at the same time he became wary.

Dragging them into this moonlit dreamland for no reason was definitely not fun. It was most likely that some kind of protection mechanism had been triggered.

However, is such a magical place really not a forbidden place?

Jiang Chen was a little confused.

Judging from the information they had previously obtained on the third level of chaotic space, the Twelve Forbidden Lands should be radiated from the so-called secret realm.

As for the remaining taboo places, they were formed because they were interfered with by certain laws.

This wilderness canteen has obvious characteristics of a forbidden place, but it is not isolated from the outside world like other forbidden places, which is really weird.

"Perhaps this wilderness canteen is an incomplete, underdeveloped forbidden place?"

Jiang Chen's mind wandered. If it was really as he guessed, then he might have a chance to see the birth of the Forbidden Land?

Rustling, rustling...

At this moment, there was a faint sound in the woods, and the three pets of Fortune immediately became alert.

Ever since they entered this moonlit illusion, Lu Fei and others had disappeared and were obviously not in this illusion.

Jiang Chen naturally doesn't think he is so special. If nothing else, they should be separated separately.

As for the purpose, it should be to defeat them one by one.

Soon, a series of winding and slender figures swam out of the woods.

Da da!

Fa Cai suddenly exclaimed, his eyes were full of fear, and the hair on his body stood on end, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

This slender figure turned out to be vines that were winding and wriggling like long snakes!

"White meat, vines...this place is indeed related to those guys!"

These two things appeared one after another, and Jiang Chen's mood became heavy.

Although there were some differences, he was basically certain that this wilderness canteen was the supply base for the mysterious mastermind.

At least, those weird white flesh and scarlet vines were definitely transformed from things here!

"Get rich in the red whiteboard. Be careful. This is the source of the scarlet vines, which may be stronger than the scarlet vines."

The body movements of these vines are almost the same as those of the scarlet vines, but their temperaments are completely different.

If the aura of the scarlet vine is evil, then the aura of the vine in front of you is that of a dream. Coupled with the fine scales on the vine, it adds a lot of special aura to the vine.


After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Baiban, who had never been in contact with scarlet vines, suddenly became interested.

If the boss pays so much attention to it, then this thing must have caused a lot of trouble to the boss. If I can solve this thing before the smelly mouse and stupid cat, wouldn't it greatly improve my status in the boss's heart?

Thinking of this, Baiban was instantly full of fighting spirit and rushed out first.

Its size has now skyrocketed, and its strength and other attributes have naturally doubled.

Even without using toxins, Whiteboard now has full confidence in himself.

After all, its main attribute is the fighting system.

"This guy is so arrogant again."

Jiang Chen held his forehead and sighed, but did not stop him.

The whiteboard was originally positioned as MT. Although it was a little impulsive, it still met the positioning. It’s just that the dragon scale vines looked a bit difficult to mess with...

On the other side, Baiban accelerated and rushed to the front of the dragon scale vine. His thick arm suddenly swung out and grabbed the dragon scale vine.

It's just that when attacking, Whiteboard's movements are obviously lagging.

This dragon scale vine is actually harmless, it really affects my performance too much.

The speed of the white board was very fast, and the reaction of the dragon scale vine was also very fast, and it shot towards the white board like an arrow from the string.

The dragon scale vine has a long body but very flexible movements. It easily avoids Bai Ban's claw attacks and wraps around Bai Ban's body.

But Baiban is not afraid of being beaten, and he even looks forward to this kind of fighting method. He directly opens the purple hedgehog's soft armor to protect his whole body and lets the dragon scale vines wrap around him.

"I didn't expect that the whiteboard has become so big, and this purple hedgehog soft armor can still play the same role. Wen Quan's skills are really unparalleled."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and couldn't help but have other ideas in his mind.

How about we get another Noble Phantasm for Fa Cai and Hong Zhong?

Although it is a bit extravagant, no one stipulates that the pet spirit can only use one Noble Phantasm.

It’s just that I don’t have any particularly good golden life cores on hand.

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking, the whiteboard had been completely bound by the dragon scale vines, and it seemed impossible to break free.

But Whiteboard didn't care either. His whole body was covered with fine spikes, maximizing the speed of accumulation of Ten Thousand Poison Seals.

In addition, the whiteboard who mastered the new password of the battle changed his usual passive style of being beaten. He once again separated several tentacles from the purple hedgehog's soft armor and wrapped around the dragon scale vines in reverse.

In the past, I didn’t think much of it when I saw a stupid cat wrapped with water vines, but I feel comfortable using it myself.

The most important thing is that this vine of mine can give injections!

I saw the horn above Bai Ban's head flash, and streams of purple energy extended along the purple hedgehog's soft-armored tentacles.

At the same time, slender spikes extended from these tentacles, thrusting against the scales on the surface of the dragon scale vines.

This is a tactic that Baiban developed when he was struggling in the poison-winged longhorned body. It can maximize the distance and efficiency of the poison output.

As long as it is entangled in the vines, it will be poisoned and die.

But this time, Whiteboard encountered Waterloo.

The defensive power of the dragon scale vines exceeded Baiban's expectations, and even if the tentacle spikes were like an impact, they could not penetrate into them.

On the contrary, it was a whiteboard, bound by the dragon scale vines that were getting tighter and tighter, making it difficult to breathe.


Bai Ban was so angry that he didn't care so much and just bit it.

There was only a crisp sound, and the whole body of the whiteboard trembled, and the teeth felt sore and soft, as if they would fall off at any time.

On the other hand, the dragon scale vines were not damaged at all.

"This dragon scale vine is indeed stronger than the scarlet vine!"

Jiang Chen was also surprised to see that the dragon scale vines had such amazing defensive power.

Although the scarlet vine is weird, its other abilities are average.

To be precise, the scarlet vine functions more like a transportation mechanism for Qi and blood.

But the dragon scale vine in front of me seems to have good fighting power.

Da da!

Seeing this, Fa Cai immediately stepped forward to help.

I saw that he was getting rich very quickly, and the flesh wings on both sides of his body spread out, like a golden blade, cutting quickly around the dragon scale vines.

A sound of gold and iron was heard, and countless sparks flew where the dragon scale vines and flesh wings met.

"Good guy, can you even defend yourself against Fortune's attack?"

Jiang Chen was really surprised this time. The whiteboard was still at the bronze level, and even with its giant-enhancing attributes, it was still limited.

But getting rich is a real epic bloodline silver combat power, coupled with the abnormal body tempered by Fa Tian Xiang Di, this attack is not something that ordinary creatures can withstand.

Da da!

Fa Cai was also shocked by the defense of dragon scale vines, but Fa Cai was not at all decadent, but instead became excited.

Only such an opponent can be fun to fight against!


It's just fun to get rich, but the whiteboard is not happy anymore.

It's rare for me to be in the spotlight, how could I be robbed by this stinky rat?

Thinking of this, Whiteboard didn't care about the accumulated number of Ten Thousand Poison Seals and directly detonated it!

In an instant, the movement of the winding and twisting dragon-scale vine suddenly stagnated, and then it actively let go of the white board and shrank towards the place where it came from.

Unlike the Poison Spirit, the Ten Thousand Poison Seal needs to break through the defense to take effect. It only needs to be in contact with the whiteboard, and it all erupts from the inside.

It is precisely because of this that the defense of the dragon scale vines has obviously weakened, and even its movements have become slower.

"It has to be a natural skill."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Although his racial skills were good, they were still inferior to his natal skills.

Thinking about it, natal skills can only be mastered by epic bloodline with a certain probability. Naturally, racial skills that appear in batches cannot be compared to them.


Seeing that the Ten Thousand Poison Seals had successfully taken effect, Baiban immediately became angry and turned against the guest. He forcibly pulled out the dragon scale vines with his tentacles, and continued to inject other toxins into the dragon scale vines with the help of the spikes on the tentacles.

The defense of the dragon scale is weakened, and the vine can only let it do what it does.

But at this moment, Baiban suddenly felt a light touch on his hand, and the dragon scale vines that were originally tightly wrapped seemed to disappear and passed through the tentacles.

At the same time, whether it was the Ten Thousand Poison Seal or the toxins brought by the poison spirits, they were all dripping from the dragon scale vines.

"Virtualization? No, the virtualization skill is not like this."

Looking at the dragon scale vines that quickly returned to their original shape, Jiang Chen was stunned for a while. He wanted to let Fa Cai take a closer look, but suddenly noticed something strange.

Did he suddenly feel sleepy?

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