Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 283 The mysterious organization appears

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes, but the tiredness became more and more intense, and he was about to fall asleep.

But, he just woke up not long ago? !

Jiang Chen suddenly woke up and concentrated his energy to dispel the tiredness.

Only then did Jiang Chen see some colorful phosphorus powder appearing around them.

"Is it the hypnotic effect caused by these things?"

Jiang Chen immediately covered his mouth and nose, and was about to warn Fa Cai and the others to be careful, but found that all three pet spirits were safe and sound.

After being tempered for many times, Fu Cai's body has reached a very abnormal state. To make him faint, the amount required may be far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Hongzhong's body is a body of water virtue. The elemental transformation can exempt him from most poisons. He will be expelled directly before the poisonous powder takes effect.

As for the whiteboard…

A guy who uses toxins for food will not be able to faint in his turn.

"Illusion, hypnosis, dragon scales...what is the origin of this vine?"

Jiang Chen became more and more curious, but saw the dragon scale vines attacking them again.

Only this time, the attack method of the dragon scale vine is different from before.

Perhaps he was intimidated by Baiban's Ten Thousand Poison Seal, and the dragon scale vines actually remained in a state of virtualization when they attacked.

Although this can save Jiang Chen's attack, it can also not cause harm to Jiang Chen and others.


Seeing the dragon scale vines surrounding them doing useless work, Baiban was also a little confused.

The Ten Thousand Poison Seal is very unreasonable, but it still requires physical contact.

But this dragon scale vine actually doesn't follow martial ethics and just transforms into a virtual form to fight with it. How can this be played?

The most important thing is that you have to be a little aggressive like this!

Bai Ban became more and more unhappy. After trying several attacks to no avail, he rolled his eyes and simply rushed towards the direction where the vines were extending.

Since the vines can't be dealt with, let's go straight to the source.

I don’t believe it. This thing can still survive if you dig out the roots.

Perhaps aware of Bai Ban's thoughts, the dragon scale vines suddenly changed direction and launched a pursuit against Bai Ban.

The whiteboard remained unmoved.

You can't hit it with virtuality, but you can't hit it with truth.

Anyway, I'm not afraid of getting beaten, I do as I please.

But the moment the dragon scale vine touched the whiteboard, the whiteboard suddenly rolled its eyes and fainted on the spot as if struck by lightning.

At the same time, Jiang Chen, as the imperial envoy, also noticed some clues, as if there was a strong spiritual power coming straight towards his soul.

Da da!

Fa Cai reacted immediately and directly deployed the Immortal Pagoda to protect Jiang Chen's soul.

After Hongzhong confirmed that Jiang Chen was not in danger, he rushed towards the dragon scale vines.

It's just that Hongzhong didn't use the normal state, but directly switched to the crazy state!

"Use Crazy Demon again? Hongzhong, can you handle it?"

Jiang Chen was a little worried. Although Hongzhong had solved the hidden dangers of the two consciousnesses, the side effects of the mad state were still there. If Hongzhong was injured again because of this, God knows whether he could recover.


After going crazy, Hongzhong's voice became much deeper. Although his eyes were tightly closed, the demonic eyes between his brows were extremely clear.

With good thoughts, you can overcome the body of demons, both physically and mentally, but still have one thought for good. This is the true use of one thought of good and evil.

As for the effect...

After entering a new state of madness, Hongzhong changed the way the archmage fought before and took steps to chase after the dragon scale vines.

But the dragon scale vine succeeded in one blow, and it was already planning to retreat. It was so fast that the red one couldn't catch up.

But at this moment, Hong Zhongda's body suddenly disintegrated, and he directly entered the blood mist state, whistling and stopping in front of the dragon scale vines.

The dragon-scale vines immediately launched an attack upon seeing this, and a vague wave wrapped around the vines, causing fear to rise unconsciously in people's hearts.

This kind of fear comes from the depths of the soul, is the fear of the same power, and is the instinct of a creature.

After the dragon scale vines enter the virtual state, they can actually attack the soul directly!

Jiang Chen's eyes widened. It was enough to be able to switch freely between virtual and real states, but now he actually carried a mental attack, which was a bit too much.

Jiang Chen was a little worried, but Hongzhong was not afraid at all.

In the crazy state, it loses its former calmness, but it can still make the most correct choice.

After noticing the fluctuations coming from the dragon scale vines, Hongzhong's whole body also emitted a special kind of fluctuations.

This kind of fluctuation is somewhat similar to mental coercion, but it has a touch of heat and madness.

Comparatively speaking, the feeling of fluctuation is closer to the immortal pagoda of getting rich.

This is an additional effect brought by the Heart of Madness, allowing Hongzhong to master the coercive characteristics in advance.

And this characteristic is burning and madness!

I saw Hongzhong grabbing the dragon scale vine with one claw. Two different pressures collided with each other, and an invisible mental wave burst out in an instant.

Although Jiang Chen was mentally prepared, he was still hit by this fluctuation and felt a little dizzy.

When he recovered, he saw that the dragon-scaled vines had taken the initiative to distance themselves from Hongzhong, seeming to be a little afraid of him.

"After going crazy, does Hongzhong's attack still have such an effect?"

Seeing that some of the dragon scale vines seemed to be dimmed, Jiang Chen couldn't help but grin.

The mental coercion characteristic of Fa Cai is defensive, while Hong Zhong's crazy state is offensive.

In this way, you won't have to be so afraid when facing enemies who master spiritual attack skills in the future.

On the other side, affected by Hongzhong's attack, the dragon scale vines could only passively dodge.

However, Hong Zhong, who had gone crazy, moved extremely fast. He could not get rid of the dragon scale vines within a short distance. Instead, he was wrapped in blood mist and suffered constant burning damage.

Not only that, because of the influence of Hong Zhong's crazy spirit, the movements of the dragon scale vines were obviously a little disordered, and could even be said to be stupid.

Most of the dragon scale vines that had originally been removed actually ran back and fought with Hong Zhong, but they did not dare to get close and just stayed away from the surroundings.

"Sure enough, although madness can be exchanged for stronger power, it will also lose its sanity, which will give it a proper halo of intelligence."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. Although Hongzhong's fighting style was crazy, he still maintained his sanity because of the blessing of the magic eye.

But other creatures affected by the crazy spirit do not have this treatment. Just by looking at the movements of the dragon scale vines, you can tell that they have been completely subdued.

"I feel that if we are besieged in the future, we can let Hongzhong use the Heart of Crazy to run to the opposite camp and try to trick him. Maybe the other side will start doing it themselves."

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more feasible it became, and he began to look forward to this scene.

However, the dragon scale vine is obviously not so low-end, or it obviously does not have the brain to be subdued. After being twisted for a while, the dragon scale vine gradually returned to normal, and gave up the mental competition with Hong Zhong very readily. .

As for the choice, naturally it is to change back to the physical body.

After regaining its physical form, the dragon scale vines once again regained their former strong defense, while also avoiding the influence of Hong Zhong's madness.

But the balance of victory remains unchanged.

At the moment when the dragon scale vines regained their physical form, Hongzhong also switched states, directly from the crazy state to the extremely ice state.

However, Hongzhong did not release the entanglement between the ice vine and the dragon scale vine this time. Instead, he relied on his own body to tightly clasp a dragon scale vine.

Then, an icy blue breath followed Hongzhong's claws and landed on the dragon scale vine, and spread rapidly along the vine. The vine was quickly frozen into a popsicle, unable to move at all.

Hongzhong kept moving, tossing and turning among the dragon scale vines, and soon froze all the surrounding dragon scale vines.

Compared with the previous Hyoudeng, Hongzhong's current fighting method is much simpler, but the freezing effect is even better.

"I didn't expect that after clearing the other consciousnesses in Hongzhong's body, Hongzhong's combat power would increase so much!"

Seeing Hong Zhong showing off his power, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Whether it is the control of the water system, the boiling madness of the special system, or the pure ice of the ice system, Hong Zhong's three abilities have shown stronger combat power than before.

In other words, this is the power Hongzhong should have mastered.

"The three states of water type archmage, ice type warrior, special type magic warrior, and red are three different professions."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, with Hongzhong's current ability, he has become the most comprehensive one among the three pets.

But with three states, wouldn’t it be necessary to think about three special moves?

I feel like my brain is a bit lacking...

Click, click, click...

At this moment, the dragon scale vines that had just been frozen suddenly made a crisp sound, as if they would shatter the surface frost at any time.

Meow meow!

Upon seeing this, Hongzhong immediately switched states and regained the form of the Sky Frost Cat. At the same time, the high-pressure water bomb formed instantly and blasted towards the dragon scale vines.

The current dragon scale vines are in an extremely low temperature state, and their defense power has been greatly reduced. At this time, they are basically unable to withstand the impact of high-pressure water bombs.

I have to say that Hongzhong’s tactical choice was very correct.

But just when the high-pressure water bomb was about to hit the dragon-scale vine, the dragon-scale vine broke first and completely turned into flying ash.

"What's going on here?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. The origin of the dragon scale vine was a mystery, and it could also switch states, so it could not be ruled out that this was some new state of the dragon scale vine.

After all, there are three forms of liquid, solid and gas in even red, so it is normal for dragon scale vine to have another form.

It's just that Jiang Chen and others have been vigilant for a long time, but still haven't found any clues. There is only some commotion in the woods.


Just when Jiang Chen was confused, Baiban suddenly ran out with a sullen look on his face, holding a ball of light that shone with colorful light in his mouth.

This ball of light has a strange shape, and I can't see its specific appearance at all, but I can still feel an aura similar to dragon scale vines from it.

"Is this the source of the dragon scale vines?"

Seeing the light ball in Bai Ban's mouth, Jiang Chen had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

But before he could take the ball of light, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed the ball of light and left quickly.

This black shadow came so suddenly that Jiang Chen couldn't help but be stunned. He could only vaguely see a bonfire pattern on the other person's forehead.

How could a normal person get such a tattoo on his forehead?

Is he some kind of fanatical believer?


Jiang Chen felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

"Get rich and keep this guy for me!"

White meat, vines, colorful light groups, mysterious people...

When these pieces of information are put together, the answer becomes obvious.

This guy is the member of the organization behind these recent strange things!

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