Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 502 The transformation of the farm into a simple manor

"Okay, it will take some time to inventory these things. Jiang Chen, please go back and rest first. I will let you know when this is over."

Cui Xu did not let Jiang Chen wait here, and said: "I have arranged the rooms for you and your companions. Let's take a good rest before doing anything else."

"Okay, please, Colonel Cui."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. He was not very tired, but he did need some time to sort out what he had gained this time.

"It's just a small thing."

Cui Xu called a soldier and took Jiang Chen to the rest area.

Bai Xiaoyu and Ye Cang had already gone back to their rooms to rest, and Jiang Chen didn't bother them. He went back to his room and meditated before entering the farm.

At this time, the farm has been filled with a large amount of evil spirit materials, and all open spaces except for a few facilities have been occupied.

This is because Jiang Chen only retained the essence, and the other dross Jiang Chen threw away in the palm of his hand.

If they were all thrown in, the farm would probably be overwhelmed.

In addition to that, there are the moonlight-level life core that Cao Xiong gave him and the crystal stone given by the trial.

This moonlight-level life core comes from a wood-attribute evil spirit, and Jiang Chen can't use it for the time being.

However, the Moonlight Life Core is something you can only come by once and for all. As long as someone wants to buy it, there will definitely be someone willing to buy it, so Jiang Chen is not in a hurry to redeem it.

As for the crystal gem, Jiang Chen had no intention of checking the data for the time being.

The most valuable dream leaves have already been obtained by Ye Cang. It doesn't take much to think about the other rewards, which are just average and without any sense of expectation.

Comparatively speaking, the farm, which was a golden finger related to the future development of him and his pets, was more important.

"Hongzhong, are you ready?"

Jiang Chen called Hongzhong to him and asked.

Meow meow~

Hongzhong nodded solemnly and took the initiative to run back to the greenhouse.

"Then let's get started."

Jiang Chen picked up the last life core and threw it into the greenhouse. The entire greenhouse suddenly trembled, and a blue ice mist appeared out of thin air and gathered in the center of the greenhouse, gradually forming a blue flame.

Then, the demonic eye between Hongzhong's brows flickered, and the Wuxiangze Cauldron flew out on its own, floating above the blue flame.

"Hongzhong isn't going to put himself in the Wuxiangze Cauldron and cook it, is he?"

A ridiculous idea came to Jiang Chen's mind, and after seeing Hong Zhong's next move, he couldn't help but sigh.

I really threw myself into it and cooked it.

Hongzhong's body turned into a stream of water, carrying thoughts of good and evil as it penetrated into the Wuxiangze Cauldron.

In an instant, the blue flames surged and enveloped the entire Zeding, completely blocking Jiang Chen's sight.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chen suddenly felt enlightened.

When Hongzhong completes his evolution, there will definitely be changes that he can't imagine!

“I’m looking forward to the changes in Hongzhong.”

Jiang Chen grinned. If Jiutong's mythical factor made him proud of the whole team in terms of blood, then Hongzhong's early integration of the Law Projection Wuxiang Zeding gave Hongzhong an advantage in level.

As long as Hongzhong completes the filling of the Infinite Ze Cauldron, it can directly trigger the law stars to descend and be promoted to the star level.

The gap that stood in front of countless extraordinary creatures had been smoothed over by Hong Zhong.

"Hongzhong has started to evolve, then it's the farm's turn."

[Name]: Substantial Farm

[Level]: Level II

[Facilities]: Ordinary fruit trees; warm greenhouse; clear well; safe wooden house; reliable stone door

[Residents]: Buddha Glider (make fortune); Sky Frost Cat (red medium); Poison Badger (white board); Hell Shadow Spider (nine barrels)

[Status]: Upgradeable (Forbidden Seed 2/2, Level II Facility 4/4)

All upgrade conditions are met, and the farm can finally enter the next stage!


Jiang Chen thought, and the whole farm suddenly began to tremble violently.

No, it's a shock!

It was as if an earthquake had occurred beneath the farm. A huge force ruthlessly tore apart the ground of the farm, and several facilities were divided into different locations.

But soon, the fog around the farm was also drawn in, filling the cracks on the ground.

Not only that, the colorful dragon souls and the light spots of blessings from the world that were absorbed before finally melted and penetrated into the farm and all facilities.

In an instant, the entire farm radiated a dazzling light and began to undergo a transformation!

"My dear, is the third level of evolution so fierce?"

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while. He had guessed that the farm might change at a certain stage, such as the fourth-level building, when they were promoted to star level.

But now that it was only the third level, the farm had undergone such huge changes, which was really beyond his expectation.

Is it because of the blessings from the world that I absorbed before?

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of that naughty world will, and he had some vague guesses.

Perhaps, the existence of the farm is inseparable from the will of the world.

"Hopefully it will change for the better."

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to leave, and simply sat cross-legged above the farm, quietly watching the transformation of the farm.

This transformation seemed complicated, but it did not last long. It didn't take long for the light on the farm to gradually dissipate.

But when he saw the new look of the farm, Jiang Chen was speechless.

“Can this still be called a farm?”

The original farm was only a few acres in size, about the same size as a leisure farm.

But now, the farm area has expanded to a full one hundred acres!

This is clearly a manor!

Suddenly, a flow of information poured into Jiang Chen's mind, and new information about the farm was revealed.

[Name]: Simple manor

[Level]: Level III

[Facilities]: Ordinary fruit trees; warm greenhouse; clear well; safe wooden house; reliable stone door

[Residents]: Buddha Glider (make fortune); Sky Frost Cat (red medium); Poison Badger (white board); Hell Shadow Spider (nine tubes)

I don’t know if I felt Jiang Chen’s thoughts, so the farm was officially renamed as the manor. As for the prefix...

Jiang Chen glanced at the extremely empty manor and recognized the other party's naming ability for the first time.

This time it was really simple.

Da da……

Seeing such a big change in the farm, the four pets including Fa Cai were also quite shocked.

The locations of their respective facilities have shifted, and the distance between them has been greatly increased.

But correspondingly, the size of all buildings has also increased, so the senses cannot detect anything.

It's just that their buildings are arranged in the center of the manor, surrounded by empty land, which looks particularly desolate.

“If we free up such a large space, will there be more and bigger buildings in the future?”

Jiang Chen was very curious. The number one scholar would not do useless things. Since he chose to expand the area, it must have meaning.

It's just that he may not be able to tell it in a short time.

But it's okay, with such a big open space, there is no need to worry about the corpses of evil spirits being slaughtered in the future being thrown away.

Jiang Chen wandered around the manor with his three pets. In addition to the expansion of the area, the fence around the manor also changed.

Becoming taller, stronger, and sharper.

That's right, it's sharp.

The javelins above the fence were all flashing with cold light. Although Jiang Chen didn't try, he could still feel the terrifying cutting power contained in them.

Not only that, the perimeter of the fence was also wrapped with dense steel thorns, and there was no place to grab a hand.

This can no longer be described as a fence, it is clearly a fully armed city wall!

"You are so strict. Are you guarding against something?"

Jiang Chen looked at the mist. It was still chaotic and there were no clues, but it also made Jiang Chen's curiosity more intense.

Ever since he obtained the farm, Jiang Chen has been very curious about the things in the mist, but he is still not qualified to explore it, and he can't sense anything.

Now that the farm has been promoted to a manor, his strength has also improved a lot, but he is still powerless when facing this fog.

"Let's wait and see after they get rich and advance to the Star Level."

Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze and immediately returned to the center of the manor.

The manor has indeed changed a lot, but for some reason, Jiang Chen always feels a bit uncomfortable.

It makes such a big noise, but only increases the area, which is really unjustifiable.

Perhaps, the facilities on the farm would be different?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately ran to the fruit tree to check.

After being promoted to the manor, the shape of the fruit tree changed again. Its surface was covered with a faint golden light, and a strange power could be vaguely felt in it.

This kind of power is unclear, but judging from the feedback from Fa Cai, this golden light seems to help him better understand his own power.

[Name]: Ordinary fruit tree

[Level]: Level III

[Effect]: Basic attribute increase (Level III 0%); Gold element affinity (Level III 0%); Fruit of the Law - Gold (0%)

"The fruit of the law?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this. This column did not appear when Guoshu was promoted to the third level, which means that it appeared after the manor transformed.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, the information about the Fruit of Law suddenly emerged.


In an instant, a hearty laughter burst into the farm, and there was even some madness in it.

Fruit of the Law - Gold: Absorbs the power of the Golden Law stars to form a fruit. After swallowing, it can increase the progress of understanding the Golden Law.

Laws, the high-end power that can be mastered after being promoted to astral level creatures, are also the foundation of this world.

The efficiency and upper limit of understanding the law are determined by the talent of extraordinary creatures, and it is difficult to improve it with external force.

But now, the fruit trees can actually bear fruits that directly improve the progress of the Dharma Exhibition. This is really an exaggeration!

Jiang Chen immediately ran to other facilities to check. Except for the greenhouse that was still being promoted, all other buildings had the same ability, but it was not in the form of a fruit.

What's in the well is the liquid of law, and what's in the wooden house is the thread of law, both of which are related to the characteristics of the pet spirit itself.

But regardless of the form, the effect is the same.

"I don't know how long it will take for these things to condense. I'm really looking forward to the scene where they master the complete rules in advance."

Jiang Chen's face was filled with anticipation, and he suddenly turned his attention to the stone gate beside him.

The entire farm has undergone a transformation, and Shimen is no exception.

In addition to becoming larger in size, the lines on the stone door have also become more mysterious.

I wonder what new abilities Shimen will gain? (End of chapter)

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