Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 503 The coordinates of the forbidden area, Shimen is too much!

Looking at the shining stone door in front of him, Jiang Chen poured his spiritual power into it with great anticipation.

The foggy map appeared again, and the flames of the Six Paths World still existed, illuminating the areas where Jiang Chen had been.

Compared with before, the map this time was obviously clearer, and Jiang Chen could even see some detailed scenes.

But other than that, there are no unnecessary changes.

Unlike buildings like the Fruit Tree, Jiang Chen could not directly check the properties of the stone gate, and could only observe everything by himself.

But no matter how you look at it, there is no new change in this stone gate.

"I am too greedy. After all, it is not a native building of the manor, so the effect may not be that good."

Jiang Chen sighed and poured his mental power into the flames of the Six Worlds.

As before, there is still no feedback from the World of Six Paths. It seems that it will still be some time before the server is launched.

That's fine. After Hongzhong completes his evolution and enters with a gold-level lineup, he will definitely get more benefits.

Jiang Chen thought, and the crystal stone appeared in his hand.

I didn't have time to look carefully before, but now I calm down and realize that the shape of this crystal is really weird.

Different from the eye-shaped shape of the Wind Patroller's dragon eye crystal, this crystal is more like an eye-shaped rune.

But when Jiang Chen looked at him, he subconsciously felt a palpitation in his heart, and all the negative emotions hidden deep in his memory were brought out.

That feeling is very similar to when you have a nightmare.

"There is actually such a treasure phantom. The overall style of this fantasy trial place is a little inconsistent."

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. The Trial of Illusion, the Emerald Dream mentioned by Su Leng and others, was really as beautiful as a dream, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Even the soul of the emerald dragon after death is colorful and dreamlike.

But this crystal is the complete opposite, making it impossible to connect with the Emerald Dream, and is even opposite.

If the Emerald Dream is a sweet dream, then this crystal represents a nightmare!

But as long as it is a Noble Phantasm, it will be fine if the strength can be improved a little.

Upon thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately injected his spiritual power into the crystal.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, the stone door that had never been moved suddenly began to tremble, and the crystal in Jiang Chen's hand levitated uncontrollably and flew straight to the stone door.

"Shimen reacts to treasures?"

Jiang Chen looked at Shimen curiously.

The crystal did not stop before and after flying to the stone door, but floated up and down on the stone door.

The pictures on the stone gate are constantly changing with the crystal stones, as if they are adjusting their orientation.

After a long time, Shimen finally became quiet, and the crystal stone also fell on Shimen.


A flame suddenly ignited, and at the same time a strange piece of information poured into Jiang Chen's mind.

"This is... the coordinates of [Shenhou]?"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened, and after confirming again and again, he was finally sure that this was not an illusion.

Although he couldn't be teleported directly, Jiang Chen could indeed feel the energy released from the other end of the flame.

This kind of aura is very similar to the Fantasy Trial Ground, but it is obviously higher in quality. It is undoubtedly [Shen Monkey].

"Only one of the Trial Reward Noble Phantasms can actually lock the coordinates of [Shen Monkey]. Is Shimen's ability so strong? Or..."

Jiang Chen looked at the rune in his hand, and the information about the rune suddenly poured into his mind.

[Exclusive Noble Phantasm]: Eye of Nightmare

【Owner】: Jiang Chen

[Noble Phantasm Level]: Unknown

[Noble Phantasm Ability]: Leading souls into dreams, haunted by evil thoughts

Note: Dragging the person staring into the nightmare can greatly weaken the state of the dreamer (the effect is affected by the strength of the dreamer's will)

"The level is unknown again. Is this rune the same level as the Sword of Killing?"

Today's harvest was really a lot, and Jiang Chen felt that his emotions were almost numb.

"According to the teacher, only by obtaining the key can the coordinates of the Forbidden Land be locked, but the coordinates of [Shenhou] have already been obtained by Ye Cang."

"Unless there is more than one key to the Forbidden Land?"

A door with two keys seems to make sense.

It seems that I have made a lot of money this time.

Jiang Chen scratched his head. Originally, he exchanged the key of [Shen Monkey] and Ye Cang for the key of [Mao Rabbit].

As a result, now I have obtained another key, and even the coordinates have been locked.

Although he has not tried it, Jiang Chen is convinced that when the time is right, he can go directly to [Shenhou] through the stone gate!

"It's better not to tell others, otherwise I'm afraid Ye Cang will become angry and not complete the subsequent transaction."

Jiang Chen silently put away the Nightmare Eye, and took out the Sword of Killing and the Water Pearl.

Since Shimen can obtain the coordinates of [Shen Monkey] through the Nightmare Eye, he should also be able to analyze the Sword of Killing and the Water Pearl.

"If it is really possible, it will be quite easy to find forbidden places in the future."

Jiang Chen glanced at the small sword and water pearl in his hand, and after some thought he activated the water pearl first.

Although the Forbidden Land is good, I am not qualified to explore it with my current strength.

In comparison, Jiang Chen wanted to see if Shimen could lock the coordinates of ordinary forbidden places.

Buzz buzz...

I don't know if it was because of his first experience, or because the water pearl was not as good as the Nightmare Eye, but Shimen took the initiative to pull the water pearl over before Jiang Chen could inject his mental power.

Soon, a new flame appeared on the stone door, but its size was much smaller than that of [Shenhou].

Now among the three flames on the stone gate, the largest one is always the Six Worlds, and it is always located in the center of the stone gate, occupying the absolute core position.

The second largest one is naturally Shenhou, which is only a little smaller than the Six Worlds.

As for the water pearl, its flame is a bit pitiful, only about the size of a fingernail.

"Sure enough, in the future I only need to obtain similar coordinates in the Six Paths World, and I can directly lock the coordinates of the Forbidden Land!"

Jiang Chen waved his fist vigorously. Although he could get the coordinates and even keys of forbidden places and even forbidden places in the Six Paths World, he still had to find the specific location by himself.

If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find the right position in your life, and you will waste your opportunity.

But with this stone gate, he no longer needs to waste time looking for it.

"It seems that I can teleport directly there?"

Jiang Chen concentrated his mental power on the water pearl, and suddenly felt that his consciousness seemed to be connected to another world.

Not only that, but for the first time, the stone door that had always been unable to be opened appeared to be able to be pushed open.

As long as Jiang Chen is willing, he can now open the door and come to the world where Water Pearl is!

"Not only can it lock coordinates, but it can also be teleported directly. This function of Shimen is really buggy."

The smile on Jiang Chen's face became brighter and brighter. The forbidden land was a symbol of countless resources.

With Shimen here, coupled with the Six Paths World, I no longer have to worry about resources in the future.

No, if manipulated properly, this may still be an excellent life-saving means!

After being promoted to the manor, the time Jiang Chen could stay was extended again, and he could stay for a whole day in the future.

This time is definitely a long time, but if we really face any extreme crisis, this time is simply not enough.

But if he enters the farm and uses the stone door to go to other forbidden places, the crisis will naturally be solved.

"I have another trump card for survival in the wilderness, so I can go out and wander with confidence."

Jiang Chen withdrew his mental power and couldn't wait to take out the killing sword and start activating it.

He can't go to the Forbidden Land for the time being, and there doesn't seem to be an open entrance there, but there's nothing wrong with activating it first.

If either [Yinhu] or [Shenhou] opens first, and he happens to be in danger of life, he can always run in first to take refuge.

I just don’t know if I can use the stone door to leave after entering. If I can, I will really be invincible.

Ah... full of sense of security~


Along with the sound of swords, a flame appeared on the stone door again, the size of Shenhou.

But unlike the Eye of Nightmare, the specific ability of the Sword of Killing has not yet emerged.

"It seems that we still need to obtain the approval of the Sword of Killing before we can see the specific data."

Jiang Chen was heartbroken. Although the Sword of Killing was forcibly transformed by the farm, this forbidden treasure was obviously very special and naturally not easy to conquer.

Jiang Chen doubted whether the Nightmare Eye was a reward for his trial, and he probably wouldn't be able to see the full content.

"But it's enough to have the coordinates. We'll talk about approval and stuff later."

Jiang Chen put away all the treasures with satisfaction and inspected the brand new manor again, feeling increasingly satisfied.

Although this trip to the eastern wilderness was full of dangers, and I almost lost my life several times, the rewards were also considerable.

Once Barrier exchanges his life cores for success medals, he can start a new round of strengthening.

The next thing to do is to find the fifth pet of your favorite extraordinary creature contract.

His current lineup is actually perfect. Fortune is physical attack plus power seal, Hongzhong is energy group attack plus mental burning, Whiteboard is abnormal defense plus deadly poison, and Jiutong is group control plus soul attack.

Coupled with the exclusive treasures of each pet spirit, as long as they are not facing moonlight-level creatures, they can deal with almost any situation.

As a result, the selection of the fifth pet spirit is a bit difficult.

This time Cao Xiong didn't give him any specific advice, presumably he wanted to let him decide.

But now there are no obvious functional deficiencies in the pet team, and Jiang Chen can't make a satisfactory choice at once.

"Since there are no shortcomings, why not simply strengthen the output capability?"

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, the level of combat he had been exposed to recently was getting higher and higher, and the enemies were becoming more and more difficult to kill.

If the output aspect can be strengthened, it may be able to alleviate his current pressure.

"Forcibly attacking the creatures... I don't know if Ye's side will have a suitable choice. I'll ask later."

After everything settled, Jiang Chen planned to leave the manor.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the manor! (End of chapter)

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