Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 529 New Deal

"Don't be so nervous. I can't see the color of your underwear yet."

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Ye Cang immediately explained, but it was these words that made Jiang Chen more and more wary.

Good guy, this has become mind-reading, this person is not to be approached!

"Okay, let's go pick it up quickly."

Ye Cang shrugged helplessly and stopped talking nonsense with Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen also pushed open the stone door.

The moment he pushed the stone door open, a strong murderous aura suddenly hit his face. Jiang Chen suddenly felt like he was on a battlefield, with countless soldiers holding weapons rushing towards him.

That kind of pure murderous aura made Jiang Chen feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his body began to tremble unconsciously.

But in just a moment of trance, the illusion in front of Jiang Chen completely dissipated, leaving only a room full of weapons of different shapes.

"Is it caused by these weapons?"

Jiang Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although it was only for a moment, the murderous intent just now was too real, even stronger than his teacher. Even if his mental power surged again, he couldn't bear it.

"Did you also see those illusions? It was the same when I first entered here. I even almost fainted. Jiang Chen, you are indeed more determined than me."

Ye Cang smiled slightly, but Jiang Chen pursed his lips in annoyance.

This guy knew that this situation would happen a long time ago but didn't even remind himself. The children of the big family are really heartbroken.

"But the people who appear in those illusions seem to be human beings. Could it be that these Noble Phantasms were once used by humans?"

Jiang Chen asked the doubts in his heart.

"That's right, the items placed here are all the treasures used by the ancestors of the Ye family."

Ye Cang's expression suddenly became solemn and he said: "Although humans have successfully resisted the invasion of evil spirits by relying on their pet spirits, the power of human messengers and pet spirits is still so fragile compared to the evil spirits that grew up first. ”

"So when humans mastered the ability to develop Noble Phantasms, some people tried to create a batch of weapons that could allow envoys to participate in battles."

"So, they succeeded?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the wooden house. There were about a hundred weapons and precious phantoms placed inside. He could even smell a faint smell of blood from these weapons.

Of course, this is not the remaining blood stains, but the murderous aura left in the weapon after countless battles.

Obviously, these weapons killed a large number of evil spirits.

"No, they failed."

Ye Cang shook his head and said: "Although humans can use their spiritual power to stimulate the power of the Noble Phantasm, they still cannot change their own weakness."

"Perhaps the envoys can use these weapons to cause harm to the evil spirits, but as long as the opponent does not die, it will be the envoys who die later."

"Even because the imperial envoy was in crisis, it also affected the normal fighting of the beloved spirit. Therefore, after paying a heavy price, the ancestors of the Ye family sealed these weapons and treasures, unless there were descendants who contracted the humanoid form and knew how to do it. Pet spirits that use weapons are generally not open to the public."

Speaking of this, Ye Cang suddenly smiled and said, "But now it seems that this place is specially prepared for you."

"So you plan to give me all the treasures in this room?"

"Thinking too much."

"Then why do you say it so nicely?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips and quickly walked into the stone house.

There are many weapons in the stone house, and the types are quite rich, including swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

However, Jiang Chen had his target in mind early on, so he didn't even look at other weapons and focused on choosing sword-type treasures.

"Jiang Chen, do you have any obsession with swords? Your pet spirit should be able to control other types of weapons, right?"

Ye Cang asked confused.

"I know, but sword control is destiny!"

Jiang Chen looked serious and said: "The sword is coming on the wind to slay demons in the world! Do you think this fork is suitable?"

" seems to make sense."

Ye Cang smiled bitterly. Although he wanted to say that the abilities of different Noble Phantasms might be more diverse, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't listen.

Moreover, the bloody sword light that Dongfeng used at the end also made him very concerned.

He had only felt that kind of power in the dream leaves he had just obtained.

And there seems to be only one thing that has the aura of the Forbidden Noble Phantasm and is related to swords.

With such a benchmark, it is indeed inappropriate to choose other types of weapons.

And Jiang Chen really knew what he wanted.

Ye Cang was just stunned, and Jiang Chen had already picked out eight swords of different shapes and returned to the door.

These swords may be as light as the wind, or as thick as a mountain, or as soft as satin... Each sword has a completely different aura.

"Hardness, softness, clumsiness, skill, speed, slowness, lightness and weight, plus the lightness of the Aurora Sword, only one 'darkness' is needed to make a perfect sword master."

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction. This could be regarded as the martial arts spirit in his previous life. He did not deliberately choose those fancy elemental treasures, but focused on the abilities of different sword types.

The sword is strong and powerful, like a fierce tiger, it would rather break than bend!

The soft sword wraps around the finger, its shape is like satin, like a breeze.

The clumsy sword is square, neither good nor bad, neutral and peaceful.

The skillful sword and thousands of flowers are ever-changing, and the mirror is like a flower in the water.

The swift sword leaves no trace, comes without a trace, and leaves without a trace.

The slow sword shines like a god's gaze, and one hit is sure to hit.

The light sword dances lightly, like fluttering feathers, moving with the flow.

The heavy sword cuts off the mountain, and when the sword is released, the mountain is broken and the peaks are broken.

The functions of these swords were all marked by Ye. Jiang Chen carefully considered these before selecting these from dozens of long swords.

As for why there is still a dark sword missing, to be honest, it's just Jiang Chen's obsessive-compulsive disorder and wanting to find a symmetrical object for the Aurora Sword.

Imagine that the Aurora Sword is so popular and attracts everyone's attention as soon as it appears. If it were not paired with a low-key dark sword that always moves in the dark, Jiang Chen would always feel that something was missing.

Unfortunately, Ye couldn't find a suitable one, and he didn't have enough rewards, so he had to go back and ask Wen Quan for help in customizing one.

"With so many different types of weapons, are you really sure your pet can handle them?"

Ye Cang looked at the sword in Jiang Chen's hand curiously and asked.

"Of course it's no problem. If heaven had not given birth to the Yinghun Grass, the sword would be as long as the night. The east wind was born for these weapons."

Jiang Chen shrugged, Weapon Master + Heavenly Law, Dongfeng can perfectly develop the potential of every weapon and amplify it several times.

It is precisely because of this that he chose these swords with different styles as weapons for Dongfeng.

Just imagine if the enemy faces these weapons with completely different fighting styles and even capabilities at the same time, they will definitely be caught off guard.

By the time they got used to it, most of them had been destroyed and no longer posed a threat.

At that time, all he needs to do is let Dongfeng send another wave of telekinesis storm, and directly harvest all the remaining blood, making him invincible on the spot.

If it doesn't work, there is a Sword of Killing here. No matter what weird abilities you have, I will kill them with one sword!

Ah...I feel invincible just thinking about it.

"In that case, that's for the best."

Ye Cang nodded slightly, closed the stone door again, looked at Jiang Chen who was eager to try, and suddenly said: "Jiang Chen, what are your plans next?"

"Plan? You should go back to school to settle down. I've been hanging around outside for too long recently, and I'm a little tired."

I've been out for so long this time, and the fighting has almost never stopped. It's time to go back and take a rest.

By the way, he also had to collect the rewards from the Star List during this period.

He hasn't paid attention to updates since the last evaluation competition, and he doesn't know what his ranking is anymore.

Tsk...Except for getting rich, none of the other pet spirits were promoted to the gold level at that time, and they can't be on the gold list for the time being, which is really a pity.

The life core rewards on the Silver Ranking are quite different from those on the Gold Ranking.

"Yes, after so many battles, I do need to take a break."

Ye Cang was convinced. He didn't know much about Jiang Chen's previous experience, but General Cao's training would not be easy.

Even just fighting in the Emerald Dream would consume a lot of energy, let alone participating in the Ye clan competition later.

They all only participated in one game, but Jiang Chen played several games in succession, and he was very tired just thinking about it.

"However, before leaving, Brother Jiang, are you willing to make another deal with our Ye family?"


Hearing Ye Cang's polite tone, Jiang Chen immediately became alert and said, "What kind of deal? Isn't this a competition?"

"of course not."

Ye Cang smiled bitterly, bowed solemnly, and said, "Actually, I want to ask Jiang Chen for a favor."

"Well... elaborate."

Jiang Chen did not agree directly, his face was full of doubts.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years. The words of the Ye family, including the young and old, should not be taken lightly. It is better to ask for details.

"I can't go into too many details for now, but this matter is related to the life and death of our Ye family. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I must gather all my strength."

Saying that, Ye Cang paused and said, "And this matter has created an irreversible connection with Bai Xiaoyu, so I solemnly invite you to participate."

"Is it related to Bai Xiaoyu? Is it the power of candlelight?"

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, but Ye Cang never said the specific information.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but this matter is really related to Ye's life and death. Before they are ready to take action, no one, even a member of the family, can reveal it.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at Ye Cang, thinking about the strange performances of Ye and Bai Xiaoyu during this period, thought about it for a while, and finally made a decision.

"I can agree to this deal, but I want to know why you chose me."

Jiang Chen said: "With Ye's background, you can still have a certain degree of confidence even if you hunt for a major natural disaster, right?"

"That's true, but the restrictions involved in this transaction are relatively high. Even the elders in the family can't take action. Only people of our generation can participate."

Ye Cang smiled bitterly and said, "If this were not the case, I would not trouble you Jiang Chen with internal family affairs."


Jiang Chen suddenly realized that what they were going to was probably a special taboo place, and only such places would have these special restrictions.

"Don't worry, you only need to help us block the invading enemies when the time comes. We will handle the rest ourselves."

Ye Cang bowed solemnly and said: "No matter whether it is successful or not, Ye will accept your favor."

"Just a favor?"

"Well, of course there will be rewards."

"That's good, I accept this deal." (End of Chapter)

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