Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 530 A very active wilderness?

Seeing that Jiang Chen agreed to the deal, Ye Cang became obviously more relaxed.

If Jiang Chen helped with that matter, the difficulty would definitely be much easier.

It would even exceed his expectations.

However, he also knew very well that if this matter did not involve Bai Xiaoyu, Jiang Chen would probably never agree to this transaction.

After all, the elder of my family had tricked Jiang Chen so hard!

Leaving aside the fact that Ye family used Jiang Chen to complete the transformation of the family, these two battles alone would cause an uproar.

Although the clan competition between our own children in the second half will be kept secret, the auditions outside will not be.

Jiang Chen's arrogant performance has definitely been publicized by some students who were eliminated early. When Jiang Chen returns to school, the subsequent impact will be fermented.

One person eliminated hundreds of envoys, many of whom were of the same level. For most people, this battle was more shocking than the subsequent clan competitions.

After all, the clan competition that followed...emmm, ended pretty quickly.

"There will be a clan competition next, do you want to watch it with me?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, Ye Cang immediately changed the topic.

"No need, I have benefited a lot from this battle, so I need to sort it out."

Jiang Chen shook his head. Although he had not completed the transformation of his bloodline like the Shaoyang Jiao in the last battle, his physical body had improved a lot.

He is now anxious to confirm the current progress of Fa Cai, so as to reasonably plan Fa Cai's follow-up exercise plan.

After all, the most difficult law projection fusion has been completed, so the next most important thing is the natal skills.

He will not forget that the requirement of the Immortal Golden Body is to temper the physical body to the extreme to make a fortune, but now there is obviously room for growth, and he must plan it carefully.

If you can hone all your abilities to the extreme before being promoted to Starlight, you will definitely be able to make a fortune instantly!

Speaking of which, he has no idea about the ten-plasma filling yet. He will need to find Wen Quan to study it carefully later.

In addition to making a fortune, he also needs to observe Dongfeng again and get acquainted with the newly obtained eight swords.

Controlling nine star-level swords at once is quite cool when you think about it.

"Yes, I also want to stabilize the state of Azure Dragon Beast."

Speaking of this, Ye Cang solemnly bowed again and said: "This time I owe you a favor. If you need anything in the future, you can always ask me for help."

"Hmm... how about discounting it directly?"


"Haha, just kidding, I'll take the first step."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and walked quickly down the mountain without waiting for Ye Cang to respond.

I’ve been tossing around Sunset Peak for long enough, and it’s time to go back.

But when Jiang Chen arrived at the foot of the mountain, he found Bai Xiaoyu already waiting here.

"Aren't you in trouble? Why did you run out in time?"

"Ye Ling has gone back, I can take a rest."

Bai Xiaoyu shrugged and said, "Are you planning to go back?"

"Of course, how about you stay and wait for dinner?"

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "But we should meet soon."

"Huh? Are you going to do that too?"

"Yes, but the specific situation is not yet available. It seems that the time has not come yet."

"It does take some time."

Bai Xiaoyu nodded slightly, remained silent for a while, and said, "Actually, you don't need to get involved in this matter, after all..."

"I don't want to either. Aren't you afraid that your simple mind will be betrayed? I won't be able to explain it to Dean Leng then."

Jiang Chen grinned and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you when the time comes!"

"Protect me? Jiang Chen, please explain clearly, why does I need your protection!"

"Hey, you bastard, don't run!"

Lingyin City.

Piaoxue Orphanage.


The Purple Cloud Leopard lay lazily under the crooked neck tree, using little shade to cover its huge body.

Beside it, several boys were making noise around the Zixiao Leopard, and some even climbed onto the Zixiao Leopard.

If they behave like this and are left in the wilderness, these dolls may not even have any bones left.

However, Zixiao Leopard is quite used to it and even enjoys it.

No need to fight, just eat, drink and sleep all day long, but with a few dolls to amuse myself, this life is really quite leisurely.

The key is that I don't have to worry about some muscle pervert coming to beat me. I'm so happy.

Thinking of this, Zixiao Leopard yawned, changed to a more comfortable position and fell asleep.

"Dean, I'm back!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the door of the orphanage, and the few dolls who were still playing immediately put down what they were holding and ran straight towards the door, ignoring a leopard that was being trampled mercilessly. .

"Brother Jiang Chen, why did it take you so long to come back this time!"

"That's right, we asked the dean, and the dean only said that you were busy, but it turned out that it has been almost more than a month."

Facing the questions from the children, Jiang Chen didn't panic at all. He pulled the Lei Guangbao out from behind the wall and said, "Didn't I help you prepare gifts? It wasted some time."

"Wow! Another big cat!"

The dolls' attention was immediately diverted, and they started making noises to tease the Thunder Leopard.


Seeing this scene, Lei Guangbao subconsciously warned these little guys not to get close, but after feeling Jiang Chen's dangerous gaze, he could only stop his movements honestly.

"You stay here and don't run around. I will help you apply for relevant certificates later, otherwise I won't care if you are hunted."

Jiang Chen patted Lei Guangbao's head and said, "Also, don't hurt anyone here. If anyone is injured or frightened..."

Jiang Chen paused, and a cold aura suddenly surged from his body, startling the Lei Guangbao.

"I hope the next time I see you, it's not in a pot, okay?"

Lei Guangbao nodded repeatedly, his face was full of obedience, but in his heart he was scornful.

This place is not far from the city wall. Once the murderous star leaves, he will run away.

With the speed of this thunder creature, no one can stop it!

Thinking that he was about to be free, Lei Guangbao felt much better. He raised his head and enjoyed the warm afternoon sunshine.

Um? Where is the sunshine of this leopard?

A shadow suddenly blocked Lei Guangbao's head. Lei Guangbao felt unhappy and immediately wanted to correct his position.

But after seeing the same kind in front of him that was several times larger than him and had the first horn, the Thunder Leopard suddenly froze in place.

Zixiao Leopard, the superior bloodline of Thunder Leopard!

How could there be a Purple Cloud Leopard living in this wretched place!

Also, what's going on with the two human cubs hanging around the Zixiao Leopard's neck? Aren't they afraid of being eaten?

Suddenly, Lei Guangbao's outlook on life was completely washed away, and Zixiao Bao looked at it with contempt.

This little brother is not good, he can't even accept such a trivial matter.

It seems that he has heard too little truth. As a senior, he needs to have a good chat with him.

Later, with Jiang Chen's satisfied eyes, Zixiao Bao directly dragged Lei Guangbao, who had lost his soul, into the orphanage and began... "education" that was unique to the Great Wilderness.

Conquer people with virtue!

"This Zixiao Leopard is really bored. It's a good idea to find him a companion."

Jiang Chen grinned. If Lei Guang Leopard could complete his bloodline promotion with the help of Zixiao Leopard, and there were two Zixiao Leopards guarding the orphanage, he would be completely relieved.

After all, the thunder-attribute pet spirit has a very obvious restraint effect on demonic energy and so on. In addition, this is in the city, so the Avalanche organization will not be so rampant.

"Xiao Chen, you are back."

The movement at the door naturally attracted Dean Leng's attention. Shanshan came to the door, but after seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, her beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"Xiaochen, did you do something dangerous again?"

"I didn't...well, can Dean see this?"

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly. He had obviously found a place to have a good night's rest before coming here, and he also changed into clean clothes, but Dean Leng still noticed it.

"Actually, it's not a dangerous thing. I just went out with the teacher to practice for a while."

Jiang Chen told the story of what happened during this period of time, avoiding the important points, and Dean Leng's face looked better.

But there was still a hint of worry between his eyebrows.

She knew Jiang Chen's temper very well, and she always spoke with some reserve. What Jiang Chen experienced during this period was probably far beyond her imagination.

"I know what you are pursuing, and I will not interfere with you, but you must also pay attention to your own safety."

Dean Leng sighed softly and said: "And with your current status, it is fine to stay within the Federation. There is no need to stay in the wilderness all the time."

"Don't worry, Dean, I know it."

Jiang Chen nodded repeatedly, but his heart was full of helplessness.

Stay in the Federation?

Not to mention the dreams he brought from his previous life, he couldn't stay in the Federation just to support and make money for them.

Except for the evil spirits in the wilderness and even the resources obtained from the forbidden land, he simply had no way to harvest so many resources.

Not to mention, the resources he harvested in the Emerald Land this time were not what he could earn by working normally in the Federation.

The golden belt of murder and arson, although this sentence sounds a bit vulgar, it is extremely true.


Dean Leng sighed softly and said: "It's rare to come back. Let Jinwan rest here. The little ones have been talking about you for a long time."


Jiang Chen nodded slightly. This was what he originally planned. After all, he could completely relax here.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Dean Leng seemed to have remembered something and asked, "I remember that you were the president of a club in school, called... Dahuang?"

"Yes, did something happen to Dahuang?"

Jiang Chen's heart tightened. Although Dahuang had been managed by Xiao Zhe, the previous nine presidents didn't know about it!

If something happened, he probably wouldn't have to worry about whether he could afford to make a fortune.

"No, it's just that this club has been a little active recently."

Dean Leng paused and said, "It should be said that he is very active." (End of Chapter)

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