Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 531 My brother has the appearance of a chief of cattle and horses


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. In such a huge Great Wilderness, apart from a bunch of former presidents who were elusive, there were only a few official members.

Excluding himself, the official members of the Great Wilderness were only the two brothers Xiao Zhe and Xiao Yan.

Oh, yes, and there was also the honorary member Bai Xiaoyu.

With just these few people, what could go wrong?

"Yes, very active."

Dean Leng nodded slightly and said, "During this period, the evil spirits outside the city have the intention to attack the city again, and the city is a bit chaotic."

"But I don't know how the Great Wilderness Society organized a large group of people to patrol and hunt in various places in the city, protecting many people. Now the whole Lingyin City is discussing the Great Wilderness."

Speaking of this, Dean Leng paused and said, "I don't know if it is because of this reason that the students of the Zhengxin Dojo in the city have also taken action and took some of the students of the Great Wilderness out of the city to hunt. Only then did the area around Lingyin City settle down."

"There is this thing?"

Jiang Chen subconsciously thought of Xiao Zhe's figure. He didn't know where the people of the Great Wilderness Organization came from, but he knew about the Zhengxin Dojo.

Speaking of which, the life core that Fa Cai used to awaken his life skill was still shot out of the Zhengxin Dojo, and it was also because he knew the existence of Xiao Zhe.

But even without these, he knew the owner of the Zhengxin Dojo, Yang Tianming, a B-level beastmaster.

More than a year ago, he had to look up to this person. Generally, he would never take action without a star-level evil spirit project.

Although it has been more than 500 chapters since this big guy last appeared, it is undeniable that he has strong enough strength and status.

And the only person who can make Zhengxin Dojo send people out of the city to help with hunting is probably Xiao Zhe's face.

"It seems that Xiao Zhe is stepping up his efforts to compete for the position of patriarch."

Jiang Chen understood in his heart. He didn't know the specific process of the Xiao family's competition for the position of patriarch, but it seemed to be completely opposite to the Ye family.

The Ye family puts the competition in normal times, and the first in sequence naturally obtains the right of inheritance.

And from the current situation, the patriarch of the Ye family is definitely Ye Cang.

As for the Xiao family, judging from Xiao Zhe's performance, it should be necessary for competitors to show their abilities.

And the purpose is naturally to become famous.

Xiao Zhe's behavior is clearly to brush up his reputation in Lingyin City.

But since it's to brush up reputation points, it's obviously better to use Xiao Zhe's own name, why do you act under the name of Dahuang?

Could it be that this guy is so obsessed with being the president that he forgot that he has a family to inherit?

"You guys go over there and take a look. We just detected a gold-level energy fluctuation here."

Just then, there was a sudden noise outside the orphanage, and then several people ran over.

"Dean Leng, we just detected an unregistered gold here... Hmm? Jiang Chen, you are here too?"

It was not someone else who came, but Jiang Chen's "acquaintance", Bush.

"Senior Bush, why are you here?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused. From Bush's words, it seemed that he also detected the energy fluctuations here. When did the Federation's detection technology become so advanced? It seems that only Wen Quan's combat power detector has such a large range.

"This... Do you believe me when I said I just happened to pass by?"

Bush's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, but after seeing Jiang Chen's expression of "what do you think", he finally admitted it.

"Well, actually I accepted the patrol mission issued by Dahuang, and this area is the area I am responsible for."

"Dahuang? Patrol mission?"

Jiang Chen was full of question marks. For the first time, he felt that the name of Dahuang was so unfamiliar.

He had only been out for more than a month, how come Dahuang seemed to have changed its organization.

"Yes, it was issued by Dahuang."

Bush sighed and said, "A month ago, Xiao Zhe proposed a draft to the school to reorganize the practical club. After discussion, the school decided to cancel the original practical club and merge it into Dahuang."

"Xiao Zhe agreed to this plan, but then issued the new rules of Dahuang."

"New rules of Dahuang? What about the previous rules?"

Jiang Chen was stunned. Although the previous rules of Dahuang were outrageous, many of them corresponded to the rules of the forbidden land. If they were abolished by Xiao Zhe, he would not be able to explain to the first generation.

Especially the third generation with a bad temper, he would probably tear people down directly.

Hmm? It seems that I am not the president anymore, so I can't tear it down.

That's fine.

"The previous rules are still there, but only D-level members can learn them. All new members have to learn new rules."

"D-level members... What on earth has Xiao Zhe done to the Great Wilderness..."

Jiang Chen pinched his brows, feeling that the Great Wilderness had lost its original shape except for its name.

"It's hard to explain at once, you should read it yourself."

As he spoke, Bush took out a tablet that looked like a military combat board, but was obviously more sci-fi, and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"All the changes in the Great Wilderness are concentrated on this task board. You will know after you take a look."

Jiang Chen took the task board and opened it according to Bush's instructions. After browsing it, he finally understood it.

As he guessed, Xiao Zhe really completed the Great Wilderness in a different shape... ahem, transformed it into a more complete club organization.

First of all, the entrance examination, which remains unchanged, but has been changed from the outrageous outdoor photography to a more normal combat power test.

But passing the examination is not a one-time thing.

Xiao Zhe divided all members into different levels, and the level names are the same as the imperial envoys, from F level to S level.

Members who complete the entrance examination are automatically defaulted to F-level members, which has nothing to do with personal combat power.

If you want to upgrade your member level, you need to accept various tasks issued by the club, and the club will give points according to the completion of the tasks.

When you have enough points and pass the promotion assessment, you can be promoted to the next level.

In addition, the new rules of the Great Wilderness also pointed out that members of different levels will be assessed every once in a while. If they fail the assessment, they will be selectively downgraded or even eliminated from the Great Wilderness.

There are many other fragmentary changes, and Jiang Chen was too lazy to continue reading. He just silently gave Xiao Zhe a thumbs up.

This guy actually transformed the Great Wilderness into an adventurer's guild in a month.

Just look at the tasks here. In addition to patrolling and hunting tasks, there are also many tasks to help ordinary citizens in Lingyin City solve problems.

Including but not limited to the cat at home being autistic, the baby at home failing the exam again, and the neighbor Lao Wang being cheated on...

Anyway, there are all kinds of messes.

What Jiang Chen cares about most is that in addition to the functions of posting tasks online and contacting members of the Great Wilderness, the task board released by Xiao Zhe can also retrieve the energy signals of extraordinary creatures around.

As shown on the map now, there are two lightning energies in the Piaoxue Orphanage.

One of them is of course the Purple Sky Leopard, but there is a green arrow next to the purple light ball, which should mean safety.

But the one next to the Thunder Light Leopard is different, and it is marked with a big yellow question mark.

"The green arrow means no danger, and the yellow question mark means the situation is pending... This thing is more humane than I thought."

"But this function is definitely developed by Wen Quan!"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips, not to mention anything else, but how could these things be hidden from him, an internal test player.

You know, he is the first to try out all of Wen Quan's products.

emmm... Maybe the senior management of Venus will know first, so that's the second one.

"Wen Quan? This is a product recently launched by Venus, suitable for our Great Wilderness, Jiang Chen, how do you know it?"

Bush was full of confusion.

"Nothing, I just saw the sample in Venus before."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and forcibly changed the subject.

He was indeed a little surprised that Venus would release Wen Quan's research, but since they did not announce Wen Quan's name, it means they still want to keep a low profile.

Given his relationship with Wen Quan, he would not sabotage at this time.

"I see."

Bush understood, but did not ask any further questions. He looked around and finally locked onto the Thunder Leopard in the yard that was being "ravaged" by the little guys.

"Jiang Chen, is that Thunder Leopard... your pet spirit?"

Bush was a little uncertain, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Chen had already promoted Fa Cai to the gold level during the evaluation competition. With the qualifications shown by Jiang Chen, it is reasonable to contract a new pet spirit after such a long time.

But I didn't expect that Jiang Chen could actually contract a high-quality pet spirit like the Thunder Leopard. I was really envious.

"Of course not."

Jiang Chen immediately denied it and said, "I just defeated it when I was training in the wilderness. I thought it was smart, so I brought it back to keep it as a housekeeper."

Although the thunder attribute of the Thunder Leopard met his needs, it was still a bit low-grade after all.

Although he was not selected as the pet spirit of the Myth Hall, Jiang Chen's vision was indeed very broad, and his words were indeed sincere.

But it sounded different to Bush.

Wilderness... experience... defeat... pretty smart... housekeeping...

This guy is getting more and more pretentious!

"Since you brought it back, I can explain it."

Bush took back the task board, and after a while of operation on it, he continued: "I have reported the matter here, and government personnel will come to confirm the threat of this lightning leopard."

"This process may be longer, so it's best not to let this guy run around during this period."

"But if Jiang Chen is here, the process should be very fast."

Bush waved at Jiang Chen and said, "I still have to go on patrol, so I won't waste more time here."


Jiang Chen nodded slightly, looking at Bush who looked serious, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Although it was to complete the task, the spirit of these guys was indeed much better than before.

At least they had their own goals to pursue.

"It seems that Xiao Zhe is indeed suitable for this kind of thing."

"Indeed, I have always said that my brother has the spirit of cattle and horses~"

Just then, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind Jiang Chen. Who else could it be but Xiao Yan?

"Master Yan, are you sure you are not saying that my brother has the spirit of a clan leader?" (End of this chapter)

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