Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 536: The end of the world, on an isolated island

The Avenue of Stars was not long, and Jiang Chen reached the end of the road not long after walking.

Through the exit that was as tall as one person, Jiang Chen could already see the scenery outside.

It is like an endless sea.

"It's quite surprising that it's really a map of the ocean."

Jiang Chen poked his head out of the entrance and found that the entrance opened on a beach.

He has experienced many forbidden places, including caves and forests, but this is the first time he encountered an ocean map.

"I don't know if the ocean here has an air wall, or is it the same as the land, it just isolates an area in the ocean."

Jiang Chen's eyes were full of curiosity, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no danger, he summoned Cai Cai and the others and walked out of the Avenue of Stars together.

The moment Jiang Chen completely set foot on the beach, the exit was closed.

"Will it be closed immediately after the transmission is completed?"

Seeing that the exit was closed so easily, Jiang Chen was quite sorry.

He also wanted to try to see if this exit would last for a while. If so, maybe he could use this method to bring other humans in in the future.

The encounter in the Emerald Dream gave him a big warning. Once he acted with his companions and encountered a fatal crisis, it would be difficult for him to abandon his companions and hide in the manor.

And if we can bring people in, this problem can be solved.

Now it seems that he can only give up this idea temporarily.

However, Jiang Chen was still not in a hurry to explore this forbidden land. Instead, he teleported himself into the manor again and came to the stone gate again.

The coordinate flame of the Water Pearl Land was still burning, but when Jiang Chen poured his mental power into it, he perceived another scene.

That was his room in the dormitory.

Jiang Chen didn't hold his tongue. With a thought, the Avenue of Stars appeared again, and the other end was indeed opened in his dormitory.

"Yes, the stone gate can not only lead to forbidden places, but also return to the original place."

Jiang Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The Forbidden Land was not a place of kindness. Although he had absolute confidence in himself, he was not sure whether he would encounter any accidents.

If you encounter some tough guy and can't force him to leave, it will be a huge loss.

But now, Jiang Chen said that he was not panic at all.

Shimen can enter and exit forbidden places at will, which is equivalent to having an extra layer of insurance for him.

As long as it is a place registered by Shimen, he has one more escape route than others.

It may not have any impact in an ordinary forbidden place, but if it is placed in a forbidden place, the meaning is completely different.

According to the clues that the teacher once revealed to him, even if he obtains the key to the Forbidden Land, it does not mean that there is no danger in the Forbidden Land.

On the contrary, because you have the key, the indigenous people in the Forbidden Land will "take care" of you more, and even the rules will "take care" of you more.

After all, mastering the key means that you have mastered half of the forbidden land, and you will naturally have to endure more tests.

The teacher said that if he hadn't happened to encounter a taboo fog that was open to the outside world, he might have died in the Forbidden Land.

However, Jiang Chen said that he would not have to worry about these things in the future.

If he encounters an enemy he cannot defeat, he will run into the manor for refuge without hesitation.

If you can beat it after repairing it, keep fighting. If you can't beat it, just go home and level up more, and then come back for revenge.

Anyway, he can come at any time without any panic, and there is no need to worry about rushing or anything.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's face suddenly showed a happy smile, as if he had seen countless treasures and treasures waving to him.

So happy...


At this moment, Jiutong interrupted Jiang Chen's sexual intercourse, and at the same time transmitted the situation he had discovered into the minds of Jiang Chen and other pet spirits.

"Look at the terrain, is it actually on an island?"

Jiang Chen suddenly understood, and then gave Jiutong a thumbs up.

It had just been on the scene for a while, but it had already explored a map with a radius of one kilometer. This spider key was so reliable.


Hearing Jiang Chen's praise, Jiutong was also quite impressed. He bowed to Jiang Chen, once again expanded the scope of exploration, and transmitted it to everyone's minds in real time.

For a moment, Jiang Chen felt as if he had opened a mini-map in the game, and the surrounding terrain and even creatures were all clearly presented in his mind.

"This way, we won't have to worry about being attacked by sneak attacks in the future."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, motioned Jiutong to hide in his shadow, then rode on the whiteboard and walked towards the interior of the island.

Although he really wanted to study where the air wall on the island map was, the ocean was too mysterious, so it was better not to go surfing unless necessary.

The weather on the island is quite good, and the sun shining on your body makes you want to take a nap unconsciously.

But the whiteboard obviously didn't give Jiang Chen this chance.

I don't know if it was because of the tropical climate, but the whiteboard seemed to have been activated by some kind of hidden switch, and it started running wildly after taking a few steps.

If Wusheng Quicksand hadn't been smart enough to build a fully wrapped seat for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would have probably flown out.

"Can you keep a low profile? What if the rules are triggered?"

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly when he saw the blank slate that looked like a stray dog.

The rules of the Forbidden Land were all strange, and he didn't want to send him away because of Baiban's dissolute behavior.

But Whiteboard obviously didn't listen and continued to have fun on the beach without caring about any danger.


Are you kidding me? With my monster physique, I still need to worry about this kind of thing.

If you're injured or something, sprinkle some water on it~


Just when Bai Ban was thinking about whether to run into the sea and take a bath, Bai Ban suddenly felt that there seemed to be a gaze locked on him in his shadow, and he shuddered subconsciously.

And when Baiban lowered his head and saw Jiutong's indifferent eyes, he immediately changed his appearance, like a well-trained private, walking in the predetermined direction with neat steps.

One thing brings down another, that's what it says.

"You guys really deserve a beating."

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly, patted Fa Cai, and said: "Fa Cai, go to the front and conduct a field inspection to see if there is anything hidden."

Jiutong's mini-map is indeed very effective, but some creatures with special hiding abilities cannot be ruled out.

And as long as it is a living thing, it must have a life magnetic field.

One of the two pets is responsible for sensing a large area, and the other is responsible for sensing a close range. They can definitely find all the creatures hidden here.

The purpose of his coming here is not only to try Shimen's abilities, but also to collect some valuable resources for Dahuang.

Of course, it would be best if he comes across something he can use himself. He will accept anyone who comes.

Da da!

Fa Cai nodded, rising high like a rocket, switching to the magnetic field field of view to start checking.

It's just that this look doesn't matter, but it makes Facai stay in place.

There is not even an animal to be seen on this island!

Fa Cai didn't believe in evil, so he expanded the scope of exploration again. He even took the initiative to check out some strange places, but still didn't sense anything.

The same is true for the feedback from Jiutong.

"What do you mean, I was teleported to a lifeless island?"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless. He also thought about swiping more aborigines to replenish life cores in the resource bank of the wilderness. The result was that there was nothing on this small island.

Why don't you be so poisonous?

"'s quite unreasonable that there are so many plants, but not a single animal exists."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and looked at the lush trees in front of him. He suddenly took out an evil spirit corpse from the manor and threw it into the woods.

Because of the manor's overly strong preservation function, the evil spirit's corpse still exuded a strong smell of blood when it was thrown out.

As long as he thinks the same, the creature that may be hiding will definitely show its clues.

It's just that Jiang Chen has been waiting here for a long time, and there are no clues in the woods.

"Isn't it a plant-based evil spirit?"

Jiang Chen was a little disappointed. He walked cautiously to a big tree and punched it fiercely.

The force of the twisted space directly tore the big tree apart. The tree, which had grown for an unknown number of years, also collapsed and hit some relatively small trees, causing a loud noise on the island.

But even so, there is still no trace of any living beings on the island.

"It's not a plant type, and there are no creatures peeping from the side, so there is really nothing in this place?"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless. In addition to trying to see if there were any highly intelligent plants deliberately pretending to be stupid, he also wanted to check the qualifications of these plants.

It's just a pity that these plants are very ordinary trees, just a little older, and have no connection with natural treasures.

"No wonder Hongzhong can pick it up anywhere in seclusion. It turns out to be an abandoned forbidden place."

Jiang Chen sighed, unable to hide the disappointment on his face.

The Abandoned Forbidden Land, referred to as the Abandoned Land.

These places were originally forbidden places, but they were exploited by humans or other creatures a long time ago and lost the ability to continue to give birth to indigenous people.

Although it is still separated from the main world, there is actually nothing special here.

Places like this where food is tasteless and it is a pity to abandon it are called abandoned places.

But according to the teacher, there are only a handful of abandoned places. After all, it is still very difficult to achieve such conditions. Why did I encounter it?

"There is no danger, no resources, and I can come and go freely, so this can be considered a secret base for me?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh. He was thinking of coming here to make a fortune, but it actually turned into an outing.

But if you think about it carefully, this place can really be developed. Maybe it can be developed into a secret base besides the manor?

He could even borrow Apocalypse University's space teleportation technology to develop an escape channel for his companions?

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more feasible it became. After sharing this idea with the pets, he immediately took action.

Now that we have decided to develop this place, we will naturally turn over the entire island.

Otherwise, if you come here for a vacation in the future, who will you talk to when you lose your life? (End of chapter)

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