Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 537: The Mystery of the Isolated Island



Jiang Chen lay leisurely on the recliner, enjoying this rare quiet time.

He sent Fa Cai and Bai Bao away to explore the isolated island. One was an indestructible King Kong and the other was an immortal Xiao Qiang. They were perfect for this kind of thing.

As for Jiutong, he always stayed by Jiang Chen's side, acting as a qualified butler.

Because of the dragnet, Jiutong can sense movement within a wide range without leaving home, so there is no need to go out and run around at all.

As for things beyond the scope of the dragnet, aren't there shadow beasts to do it for them?

Twelve shadow beasts, six of which are astral level, can walk sideways in most forbidden places, let alone just explore an isolated island with a high probability of being lifeless.

Through the connection of the contract, Jiang Chen can control the exploration progress of Fucai and Whiteboard in real time.

Although they haven't explored everything yet, so far, neither pet has found any extraordinary existence on this isolated island.

To put it simply, this is an ordinary island.

"Although it's a pity that we don't have extraordinary resources, it would be nice if we could control an abandoned land."

Jiang Chen comforted himself silently. Although he failed to achieve his most important goal, he could still be considered a success in testing Shimen's ability.

In addition, this abandoned place is also an unexpected gain.

The absence of extraordinary creatures also means that there is no danger.

"Tsk... I'll go back to Wen Quan to study and see if we can assume a space transmission device here. It would be comfortable if we could."

Jiang Chen stretched himself. This kind of thing might be difficult for other people, but for Wen Quan, who was born in Tianqi University and backed by Daystar, it was not a big problem.

Now that I think about it, the area where they were teleported to during the group competition was probably this kind of abandoned place!

"No wonder the Federation is so eager to master the forbidden land. Even this abandoned land would be quite good as long as it is properly developed."

The biggest conflict between the Federation and the wilderness is the fight for survival, and an independent and safe area like the Abandoned Land is definitely the best choice.

As long as it is developed well, it will be equivalent to one more escape route in the future.

Da da!

A ray of golden light fell from the sky and landed steadily in front of Jiang Chen.

"How was it? How was the harvest?"

Jiang Chen straightened up and asked.

Ta da~

Fa Cai stretched out his paw and drew a big circle in the air, and then made a cross. The meaning is self-evident.

There is really nothing but plants in this place, not even snakes, insects, rats or ants can be found.

"As expected."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. The abandoned land was not qualified to give birth to spirits. Even the creatures that originally gave birth to spiritual intelligence would be wiped out when abandoned.

In other words, except for these plants and the island itself, which are not born with intelligence, there will be no living things here.

The results of the exploration of making a fortune also confirm this.

"But why hasn't the whiteboard come back yet?"

Jiang Chen looked around in confusion to see if there was any quicksand. The flying speed of the whiteboard was not slow at all. Logically speaking, the exploration should be over.

Jiang Chen immediately used the contract to sense the location of the whiteboard, but found that the whiteboard had appeared on the sea far away from the island at some unknown time.

"Why did this guy get away there..."

Jiang Chen was speechless. Even after being promoted to gold level, this guy was still as unreliable as ever.

"Forget it, just think of it as exploring the sea area in advance."

The scope of this abandoned place is obviously not limited to this small island, but the surrounding sea areas also need to be explored.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't actually think there were creatures in the sea.

Even on ordinary islands, amphibians will come up to look for food or reproduce, but Jiutong has just checked the surrounding beaches. Not to mention amphibians, there is not even a trace of biological activity.

This perfectly fit the characteristics of the abandoned land, but out of caution, Jiang Chen still planned to explore it.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

But when Jiang Chen saw Baiban swimming toward them with a sea fish in his mouth, a cautious worry in Jiang Chen's heart instantly occupied his entire heart.

There are living things in this world!

In other words, this is not an abandoned place at all!

So where have the creatures in this world gone?

Jiang Chen's expression suddenly darkened, and a dozen possible threats already appeared in his mind.

"Jiutong, can your range of perception extend to the depths of the ocean?"

Jiutong shook his head. Although the coverage area of ​​the dragnet is very wide, even in an ordinary ocean, the pressure in the depths will greatly affect the deployment of the dragnet, which will naturally interfere with its perception range.

If not, Jiutong would definitely have discovered the existence of these sea fish earlier than Baiban.

"Let's go down together and take a look."

Jiang Chen quickly put on a full set of diving equipment, and under the protection of the nine-tube dragnet, he plunged into the seabed.

The scenery under the sea was no different from what Jiang Chen saw in his previous life, and the area around the island was also lifeless.

But when Jiang Chen looked towards where the whiteboard was, he saw dozens of sea fish swimming around the whiteboard!

There are indeed creatures in the ocean!

Jiang Chen immediately unfolded his Qiankun clothes and swam over quickly.


Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance as if facing a formidable enemy, Bai Ban was a little surprised, but he still handed over the sea fish in his mouth with a diligent look on his face.

Although the boss does not necessarily have to eat, he must have this attitude, otherwise how can he be the boss's right-hand man?

I mean, the boss doesn’t mind that I’ve already eaten it, right?

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's mind was not on these matters for the time being. He took the fish and examined it carefully.

"The bronze creature, the wave-chasing fish, is an extraordinary creature..."

Jiang Chen let out a heavy breath and looked at the dozens of wave-chasing fish that had moved away from the whiteboard at some point, silent.

This world not only contains creatures, but also extraordinary creatures, so his judgment of the abandoned place is definitely wrong.

But why is there no living thing on this island?

Is it impossible to get close, or...

Don't dare to get close!

"To make a fortune, you go around the island as fast as you can to explore and see if the surrounding seas are all like this."

"Jiutong, let all the shadow beasts scan the entire island again. This time I want to get a detailed map of the entire island!"

Da da!


The two pets took action at the same time, while Jiang Chen, under the protection of the white board and the Jiutong body, concealed his aura and figure, and cautiously approached the chasing fish.

These wave-chasing fish obviously had no sense of danger. They didn't react at all when seeing so many creatures disappearing in front of them, and they were still wandering around nearby.

But for some reason, these wave-chasing fish never made any move towards the island.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful and swam around for a while, only to find that other sea fish reacted in the same way.

"Can Jiutong interfere with their behavior but not control their thoughts?"


Jiutong bowed and his eight spider eyes flashed red. The swimming direction of these wave-chasing fish suddenly changed and they swam towards the island.

But just when these wave-chasing fish were about to break through an invisible boundary, they suddenly changed direction and swam toward the other side.

The whole process goes smoothly without any lag, and can even make people ignore the opponent's steering behavior that can be called drifting.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Jiang Chen waved his fist vigorously, and Jiutong also told Jiang Chen the result of his perception in time.

"There is no fear or resistance, just subconsciously avoiding that direction?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. There was no fear, which meant that they were not afraid of the powerful creatures that might exist on this island.

Since he didn't dare to get close, there was only one option left.

These sea beasts cannot get close to this island!

"There is no space barrier, and there are no plants that are disgusting to sea fish. Why can't they get closer?"

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more confused he became. If it was just that the sea fish couldn't get close, something was wrong if there were no living creatures on the entire island.

"If we step outside this boundary, will we subconsciously leave if we want to enter again?"

A bold idea came to Jiang Chen's mind, and Jiutong immediately asked for help and strode outside the bounds.

The expected vision did not appear. The connection between Jiang Chen and Jiutong remained stable, and his line of sight was not disturbed in any way. Everything looked extremely normal.

But when Jiutong wanted to come back, he inexplicably turned a corner and swam to the other side.

"Can't even resist the Nine Barrels?"

Jiang Chen was really surprised this time. It was not an environmental problem, and there was no space barrier. The only possibility was mental interference or illusion.

But even Jiutong didn't have the slightest resistance, so this island was too weird.


Jiutong was obviously a little embarrassed that he was being disturbed. The force of Infinity turned into a barrier to firmly protect his soul. At the same time, the dragnet and the broken soul were dispatched at the same time to clear the way ahead.

When he faced the six star-level evil spirits that came out of the Shadow Realm at the same time, Jiutong was not so serious. It can be seen how much he attaches importance to the task assigned by Jiang Chen.

But to Jiang Chen's expectation, Jiutong actually turned around farther away this time, and it was even smoother than before.

If Jiang Chen hadn't been in God's perspective, he probably wouldn't have been able to tell that Jiutong had any signs of turning around.

"Why does it feel like a ghost is punching a wall..."

Jiang Chen felt a chill on his back. Although he had killed undead creatures before, he still felt a little scared when he thought about it.

Even Jiutong couldn't resist. If it was really a ghost breaking the wall, they would be dead.

"Jiutong, come back!"

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen forcibly took the nine tubes back to the manor, and then summoned them again.

"Fortunately, contract summoning can block this kind of ghost wall-breaking effect."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. If he could even cut off the contract, he would be in danger this time.

"Although we can't get close, this broken line doesn't seem to mean harming us, so he shouldn't be hostile."

"The question now is whether to look for this unknown threat. After all, even Jiutong can't resist it. Others..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered something and suddenly turned his head to look at the whiteboard.

"No, how do I remember that Baiban came back from swimming outside just now?" (End of Chapter)

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