Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 538 The disappeared area, traces of the devil!


Seeing the puzzled eyes of Jiang Chen and Jiutong, Bai Ban was full of questions.

Isn't it just swimming? Is it difficult?

And that stinky fart spider, why can't it swim back after swimming for a long time? Could it be...

This stinky fart spider is not good at swimming?

Bai Ban's expression suddenly became arrogant, and he kicked his legs and swam out of the boundary line.

Then, in the eyes of Jiang Chen and Jiutong, Bai Ban swam back again, and then swam out again in a different way.

After several rounds, Jiang Chen finally confirmed that Bai Ban would not be affected by this strange boundary line.

"Bai Ban is not affected, isn't it a mental skill?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. Although Bai Ban also comprehended mental projection, he obviously couldn't compare with Jiutong in mental resistance.

Even Jiutong couldn't resist mental skills, how could Bai Ban resist?

But apart from mental skills, he couldn't think of any other ability that could achieve this effect.

Da Da!

At this moment, Fa Cai suddenly flew back.

"How is it, did you find anything?"

Fa Cai nodded and handed the data he detected to Jiang Chen.

"Sure enough, this situation occurs in the sea area around the island."

Jiang Chen understood. From the data detected by Fa Cai, all marine creatures will turn around and leave when they are about 100 meters away from the island, and have no intention of getting close.

"Jiu Tong, how is your side?"

Swish ~

Jiu Tong quickly contacted the shadow beast and converted the data surveyed by the shadow beast into a three-dimensional map and transmitted it to Jiang Chen.

"You can actually play like this?"

Jiang Chen was quite surprised. The previous small map was already too much, and now there is a three-dimensional map.

If it can sense the existence of other creatures, I am afraid that even Wen Quan's combat glasses cannot compare.

"But Wen Quan's combat glasses are indeed farther in range than Jiutong. Judging from the functions on the Huangjing, Wen Quan should also be planning to make a fuss about the range."

Jiang Chen stroked his chin. In the future, with Huangjing and Jiutong working together, he would not have to worry about being surrounded by the enemy.

"Hmm? This map seems to be a little wrong?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly noticed something unusual and asked Jiutong to transmit the map of the island to Facai.

"Facai, can you roughly estimate whether the outer area of ​​the island is the same as the one on the map?"

Da Da?

Facai didn't quite understand what Jiang Chen meant, but he still calculated obediently.

Although it was a bit strange to simulate out of thin air, with the help of Jiutong, Facai quickly found the clue.

The area of ​​the island surveyed by Facai based on the outer periphery was inconsistent with the area surveyed by Jiutong's shadow beasts in the internal operation!

"Jiutong, spread the shadow beasts out and re-survey the map."

Jiang Chen seemed to have realized something and asked Jiutong to disperse all the shadow beasts. At the same time, another three-dimensional map gradually took shape in Jiang Chen's head.

At the same time, Jiang Chen and Jiutong returned to the beach again, and Jiutong separated a spider silk to wrap around Facai, flying rapidly around the island.

Finally, a brand new map appeared in Jiang Chen's mind, and the coastline detected by Facai and Jiutong also appeared.

And this time, Jiang Chen found the clues very clearly.

The area of ​​the island detected by the shadow beast does not match the coastline at all!

In other words, part of the island has disappeared.

"The map is very complete, and the shadow beast has also run all over the island. Why would there be an area disappear?"

Jiang Chen carefully looked at the map and couldn't find the problem.

"The boundary line that cannot be approached, the disappeared area, this forbidden place is quite weird."

Jiang Chen frowned. Although the forbidden places he encountered before were also very dangerous, the danger was basically on the extraordinary creatures.

To put it bluntly, as long as the strength is enough, these forbidden places are not dangerous.

But now, he has no idea where to start.

It felt like being thrown from a map for leveling up and killing monsters to a map for suspense. There was a strong sense of separation and discomfort.

Jiang Chen's worries also affected Fa Cai and Jiu Tong. As the force and intelligence of the team, they were also quite unhappy about the feeling of being unable to help.

Only a certain wise boy was still confused?

Da Da?

Bai Ban looked at the two pets who were lost in thought with confusion, and grabbed a wave-chasing fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Let them think about such brain-consuming things. I want to be the boss's right-hand man. There is no need for me to participate in such trivial matters.

"Bai Ban, go around the island to survey again. Jiu Tong, put a shadow beast on Bai Ban and just record it."


Bai Ban raised his head, looking reluctant.

This island is not small in size. It's hard to run around. Can't we just let those brainless shadow beasts go?


Jiutong nodded slightly, buried a shadow beast in Baiban's shadow, and then stared at Baiban with indifferent eyes.

Ga Ga!

Being stared at by Jiutong like this, Baiban instantly got angry, and then rushed out directly.

"Not bad, from now on, Baiban will be left to Jiutong to train."

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction. Baiban's temperament is relatively cunning. Although he can achieve unexpected results in battle, he also seems a little lazy at ordinary times.

However, with Jiutong around, Baiban is obviously much more honest.

"I hope the whiteboard's ability to ignore boundaries and disconnect lines can also take effect here."

Jiang Chen was vaguely looking forward to it, watching the whiteboard re-survey the entire island bit by bit in a spiral manner.

Because there was only one pet on the whiteboard, the survey efficiency this time was obviously much lower. By the time the whiteboard came back, more than three hours had passed.


It was the first time for such a high-intensity run, and Whiteboard was exhausted. He fell down next to Jiang Chen panting, and his small eyes looked at Jiang Chen pitifully.

We must let the boss see how hard this uncle has been running as soon as possible, otherwise he will have to recover his physical strength!

It's just that Jiang Chen has no intention of paying attention to the whiteboard now, but looks solemnly at the newly created map in his mind.

This time it was a blank slate, and the island map successfully matched the coastline, and was much larger than the first two maps.

So an area on this island has really "disappeared". Except for the relatively "simple" type like the whiteboard, all other creatures have been blocked.

"Although the map has been opened, there are still no traces of biological activity along the whiteboard. Is this just a special terrain unique to the island?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. In his previous life, he had heard of similar special terrains, such as a certain big triangle, which was once a famous mysterious area with no way in or out. Analysis on the Internet was everywhere.

The small island in front of us also fits this characteristic very well.

"Go and consult Wen Quan after we get out. Maybe he will have some explanation."

Jiang Chen temporarily put aside exploring the disappeared area of ​​the island, and instead turned his attention to the sea beasts whose boundaries were broken.

The purpose of his visit this time is to collect resources. If this is really an abandoned place, that's it. Now that he has discovered the existence of extraordinary creatures, he naturally wants to make a good harvest.

As for the existence of broken lines, since Shimen is here, he can return to the dormitory at any time without panic at all.

When he thought of this, Jiang Chen turned over and rode on the whiteboard, called Facai and Jiutong and swam towards the sea.

This time Jiang Chen did not let the pet spirits hide their aura, and the wave-chasing fish dispersed one after another after sensing that there was a creature approaching.

Jiang Chen did not stop him. The Wave Chaser was only at the Bronze level and had little hunting value. His main target was still high-level creatures.

As for these low-level ones, just wait until he has explored this place before slowly hunting. Anyway, this place will not run away, and you can use the stone door to shuttle over at any time.

Fortunately, the creatures after the world was disconnected were more abundant than Jiang Chen expected, and the farther away from the island, the types and levels of creatures gradually increased.

But precisely because of this, Jiang Chen became more and more certain that there was something mysterious about the island.

If you are so obviously avoiding the existence of the island, there is indeed something wrong with this place.

Jiang Chen glanced back at the island, and then directed the pets to start hunting.

Although most of them are silver and gold-level sea beasts, there are enough resources to fill the wilderness.

It's just that these are not enough for Jiang Chen's own resource gap.

"Jiutong, let the shadow beast stay in this area and continue hunting. Let's go take a look in the distance."

Jiang Chen looked further into the sea and decided to move on.

The third-stage facility requires star-level life cores. The gap on his side is not generally large, so he must not miss any forbidden places.

It's just that Jiang Chen has been exploring for a long time, and even found the existence of the "air wall", but still did not find the existence of a star-level creature.

"It seems that the level of this forbidden place is indeed not high."

Jiang Chen sighed. He could guess something by looking at the size of the coordinate flame. To be honest, it was a surprise to have so many golden creatures.

After all, he initially thought this place was an abandoned place.

"Sweep this place along the air wall and then go directly back to the dormitory."

Jiang Chen yawned a little boredly. The problem on the island could not be solved for the time being, and there was nothing worth hunting in the sea. He could only sweep around and go back.

I hope that next time I enter the Six Paths Temple, I can harvest some relatively large forbidden places, otherwise it will be too boring.


At this moment, Jiutong suddenly stopped and turned his head to look behind him.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Chen suddenly became vigilant. There was something wrong with this ghost place, so it was better to be careful.


Jiutong immediately reported his findings, and the content made Jiang Chen's expression change.

One of Jiutong's star-level shadow beasts was killed.

Although the strength of the shadow beast cannot be compared to its peak state, the chasm between the star level and the gold level is not so easy to cross.

What is hidden here?

At this moment, Jiutong transmitted the scene of the shadow beast before its death to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's eyes widened subconsciously.

The picture is not complete, and only the vague image of the creature that killed the shadow beast can be seen vaguely.

Because the death was so rapid, the shadow beast did not see the other party's appearance clearly, and it did not even know how it died.

But even so, Jiang Chen still recognized those dark green eyes.

Eyes like the devil! (End of chapter)

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