Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 539 Curse from the Devil!

"Why does the devil in [Zi Mo] appear here?"

Jiang Chen frowned. Although they successfully escaped from the chaotic space, those demons still left a deep impression on him.

Chaos, disorder, violence.

It is even more terrifying than the dangerous research of the Avalanche Organization.

But after that, Jiang Chen never encountered a demon again, and slowly he forgot about it.

After all, compared to the Avalanche organization, which is engaged in trouble all day long, the Devil is like a flash in the pan and will be forgotten soon.

But when Jiang Chen saw those evil eyes again, those forgotten memories suddenly came to life.

"There are actually demons in this ghost place?"

Jiang Chen's face became more and more ugly. Not only did the demon possess powerful combat power, but its unreasonable pollution ability was even more terrifying.

Especially the terrifying consciousness that finally befell the demon. Looking back now, Jiang Chen still felt scared.

If that big hand of nothingness hadn't suddenly appeared, they might have died in the chaotic space.

"It has left traces in two completely different forbidden places. It seems that this demon did not appear by chance."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, debating whether to go to the area where demons were active to check.

If you go, you have to bear the risk of the demonic consciousness coming again.

If we don't go, this small island that is very likely to be developed into a second stronghold will have no choice but to give up.

"Tsk... I really hate doing multiple-choice questions."

Jiang Chen sighed, looked at the vast sea in front of him, then looked at his pets, and finally made a decision.

“Wealth can be gained through danger, or at worst, we can just run away with the bucket!”

Compared with when he first encountered the demon, his current strength has been greatly improved, and there is also the Shimen, a cheating artifact that can escape at any time.

As long as you find something cannot be done, just run away.

"But after all, it involves demons, so we still have to go all out."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and summoned Dongfeng.

Ying Ying!

Jiang Chen's sudden call startled Dongfeng, and he subconsciously wanted to run back to the farm.

But Jiutong had been prepared a long time ago, and immediately put on a pair of large sunglasses for Dongfeng, and Dongfeng calmed down.

But judging from the evasive look in his eyes, Dongfeng was still a little cautious.

So many people... so many people... so many people...

Dongfeng thought to himself nervously and subconsciously controlled the nine swords around him.

"As expected, without the help of White Mask, it would be difficult for Dongfeng to adapt to this environment with his own temperament."

Jiang Chen was a little helpless. Although Dongfeng severely beat Ye Chen and the others during the competition between the Ye clan, he actually released a wave of mental storm at the beginning.

Moreover, this wave of mental storm was not released on his own initiative, but was released unconsciously when he was frightened.

As for what happened after that, it was entirely due to White Mask.

I'm afraid there's still a long way to go before Dongfeng can be trained into a unique pet spirit.

"You can only take your time. At least now it's a good training opportunity."

Jiang Chen looked at the sea ahead. The strength of the demon was temporarily uncertain. If it really exceeded his expectations, Dongfeng's telepathic storm might be able to protect them from safely retreating into the manor.

If they are lucky and Dongfeng summons the Sword of Killing, they may be able to turn defeat into victory!

"Let's go and see what else is hidden here!"

Except for Hong Zhong, who was still evolving, all Jiang Chen's pets appeared and rushed toward the location where the shadow beast lost contact.


Before they arrived, Jiutong was the first to send a warning, and Fa Cai also showed a hint of disgust.

Even from this distance, Shushu could smell the nauseating smell of sulfur.

On the contrary, Whiteboard actually licked his lips subconsciously.

Why am I so hungry all of a sudden?

"Be careful, that demon can be very fast."

Jiang Chen reminded the four pets softly, while he honestly opened the Qiankun Clothes. After thinking about it, he still felt that it was not safe, so he added a few more layers and hid in the protective shield of the lifeless quicksand.

Even the star-level shadow beast couldn't react. The opponent was probably a speed demon.

If he was the first to target him, he might not even have a chance to escape into the manor, so it was best to be careful.

The devil's aura became stronger and stronger, and even the sea water showed an evil dark green color.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen and his party became more and more vigilant. Fa Cai summoned the Eternal Pagoda to hang above everyone's heads, ready to defend against possible attacks at any time.

But when Jiang Chen rushed to the place where the shadow beast died, he only saw the corpses of the sea beasts with green flames burning on their bodies.


Jiang Chen frowned slightly, a demon that was wandering around was even more threatening. After all, with the opponent's speed, no one could guarantee whether he would be attacked by a sneak attack.


At this moment, Jiutong suddenly sent a warning, and another shadow beast was attacked by a demon.

Although he was still killed instantly, because he was mentally prepared, the shadow beast finally captured the enemy's appearance before death.

But it was a strange shark with scars all over its body, and green lava flowing from the scars!

"This is indeed the evil energy unique to demons. This is what it looks like..."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. Although it was only the head, it was enough for him to determine the origin of this shark.

The Thorn Hammer Shark, epic bloodline, absolute hunter class.

But it definitely has nothing to do with demons.

"Is this Thorn Hammer Shark contaminated by evil energy?"

The attacker was not a demon, but Jiang Chen's expression did not relax at all, but became more and more ugly.

Because this means that there is a real demon hiding in the darkness!

"It's getting more and more troublesome."

Jiang Chen had a headache. Not to mention the level of this demon, the ability to contaminate other creatures alone was a headache.

"First find the contaminated Thorn Hammer Shark as soon as possible and see if we can catch the tail of that demon."

Da Da!

Fa Cai immediately took the order and was the first to chase after the traces of evil energy.

The second Death Shadow Beast was not far from here, and Fa Cai could catch up with it at his speed.

And Jiang Chen did not stay where he was. He signaled the pet spirits to be careful and followed it.


But before Jiang Chen could chase far, he saw a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the sea in the distance, and then a thorn hammer shark with green magma flowing all over its body was thrown high into the sky.

Before the thorn hammer shark rose to the highest point, the Eternal Pagoda suddenly emerged and smashed the thorn hammer shark down heavily.

This is the fight between Fa Cai and the thorn hammer shark.

Although it has not completed the blood transformation like the Azure Dragon Beast, Fa Cai's current attributes have also been greatly improved.

And these cannot be seen from the data.


Seeing the thorn hammer shark being beaten unilaterally by Fa Cai, Bai Ban couldn't help but grin.

This stinky rat is really getting more and more violent, and I don't know if this uncle can bear it.

But speaking of it, that thorn hammer shark looks really delicious...

Looking at the green blood splashing from the thorn hammer shark, Bai Ban's saliva suddenly flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

"Bai Ban, restrain yourself a little, when did you become interested in demons?"

Jiang Chen noticed Bai Ban's abnormality and was a little speechless.

This guy usually eats venomous snakes as "spicy strips", but now he even targets demon fish.

With this suicidal nature, only the white-headed badger species can let him survive.


Bai Ban felt a little wronged. Can this be blamed on me? This fish does look delicious.


A sound of breaking through the air attracted everyone's attention. The thorn hammer shark that was unilaterally beaten by Fa Cai was slapped to the coast by Fa Cai's claws, and a big hole was smashed on the coast.

The speed and strength of this thorn hammer shark are not bad, and with the evil energy wrapped around its body, it can kill the shadow beast in seconds.

But these advantages are no advantage in front of Fa Cai. It is a completely one-sided beating.

Even the evil energy that once made Jiang Chen very afraid was completely suppressed by the claws of the Great Buddha.

Da Da!

After easily defeating the thorn hammer shark, Fa Cai was in a good mood, but he was also not careless. With a wave of his claws, the Eternal Buddha appeared again and fell heavily on the thorn hammer shark.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Shushu will not give others a chance to repair their bodies.

Sure enough, at the moment when the Eternal Pagoda fell, the green light on the body of the Thorn Hammer Shark suddenly became bright, and the body that was broken by Fa Cai before was quickly repaired.

But the Eternal Pagoda also fell suddenly at this time, directly smashing the Thorn Hammer Shark's body into pieces.

"No wonder they all have to condense the law projection, it is really strong!"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Although the Eternal Pagoda only comprehended the solidity property, when a certain property is comprehended to the extreme, it can also play an unexpected effect.

At least the current Eternal Pagoda is not something that ordinary star fields can resist.

But just when Jiang Chen was about to approach to check the body of the Thorn Hammer Shark, a ball of green flames suddenly burned from under the pagoda, instantly surrounding the Eternal Pagoda.


Jiutong stood in front of Jiang Chen at the first time, his eyes full of vigilance.

From its soul perspective, the soul shadow of the Thorn Hammer Shark appeared in the green flame.

Although it was a little blurry, it could still tell that the Thorn Hammer Shark was in great pain, and as the burning continued, the Thorn Hammer Shark's soul became twisted and attacked the Eternal Pagoda like crazy.

That feeling was like a cursed evil spirit.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Chen frowned and asked Fa Cai, "Fa Cai, do you notice anything unusual?"

Da Da...

Fa Cai nodded. He could feel that the Eternal Pagoda was attacked by both energy and spirit, and there was also an evil force trying to pollute the Eternal Pagoda.

It was just that the Eternal Pagoda inherited the immortal power and was not moved by external objects at all, so it was not affected.

"It seems that the source is still from the evil energy flame."

Thinking of the fact that the power of the demon was also manifested as evil energy flame, Jiang Chen became more and more certain of his guess.

But at this moment, the Thorn Hammer Shark seemed to know that it could not shake the Eternal Pagoda, and turned suddenly.

During the flight, the soul of the Thorn Hammer Shark was completely burned out, turning into a ball of green liquid filled with foul smell, and flew towards Jiang Chen together with the evil energy flames. (End of this chapter)

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