Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 540 Swallowing Curse, Crazy Whiteboard!

Da Da!

Seeing the Thorn Hammer Shark suddenly attack Fa Cai, Fa Cai couldn't help but exclaimed and directly retracted the Eternal Pagoda to block the green liquid.

But I don't know if it's because of the burning soul, the speed of this green liquid is extremely fast, and it easily bypasses the Eternal Pagoda and accelerates to rush towards Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, Jiutong also reacted at this time, and the silhouette and the broken soul were dispatched at the same time, turning into a knife net to block the way of the green liquid.

It's just that the power of the evil energy flame outside the green liquid is too evil, and after being intercepted by the knife net, it actually began to erode in reverse.

You must know that these knife nets are just the knife beams that Jiutong cut with the help of two knives, and they are all entangled with a trace of the power of the shadow world projection.

But even such power has signs of being eroded!

"Even the shadow world projection can't resist it, what kind of species is this demon?!"

Jiang Chen retreated and complained. If such a domineering attribute appears in the main world, it will definitely be a hegemonic existence.

Even the attribute life and death recognized by everyone in the federation has no effect in front of evil energy.

I don't know why, but Jiang Chen always felt that the evil energy he encountered this time was a little different from the one he encountered in the chaotic space before.

"No matter what, this thing is too weird, let's run away first."

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, and connected to the manor with one thought.

But at this moment, the evil energy flame suddenly surged, and the green liquid was evaporated into gas on the spot.

Then, in the eyes of Jiutong and Facai who were caught off guard, the mist suddenly passed through the interception of the knife net and the eternal pagoda and appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

At such a close distance, Jiang Chen clearly felt the ominous breath contained in it, as if it was going to devour his soul and even his body.


This is the power of curse!

Jiang Chen's mind suddenly emerged with an extremely rare type of special system, the curse system.

The curse system, as the name suggests, the user can use some unconventional means to cause damage to the enemy after spending some price.

Similar to the cursed puppet, as long as the puppet and the enemy are connected with some medium, all the damage suffered by the puppet will appear on the enemy.

This ability to weaken the enemy is somewhat similar to the poison system, but it is more domineering and unreasonable than the poison system.

The most important thing is that once the curse is launched, there is no way to intercept it!

Looking at the curse power getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Chen felt the threat of death for the first time.

However, Jiang Chen did not resign himself to his fate and tried to mobilize his spirit to send himself into the manor.

Although the curse is powerful, he believes more in the power of the manor. As the host of the manor, he does not think that the manor will sit back and watch him get hit.

After all, the manor can even dissolve other more strange powers, and it is not bad for this curse power.

But at this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Chen and blocked the curse power.


Baiban was quite proud of forcibly blocking the curse power, especially after seeing Jiang Chen's worried eyes.

Seeing that the stinky rat and the stinky spider are so arrogant at ordinary times, I still have to take action at the critical moment.

Although I can't compete in battle, who dares to compare with me in defense?

This little injury, I can recover in a minute...

Before Bai Ban finished boasting, there was a sharp pain in the place touched by the curse power, and the Desolate Poison Body began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Bai Ban was a little panicked, and immediately opened the wine gourd to drink a few mouthfuls of poisonous wine to replenish his body.

But the speed of the curse power's erosion was obviously faster, and the Desolate Poison Body just recovered a little, and then disappeared again.

Not only that, as the curse power spread, Bai Ban felt that his soul was also getting weak.

"Damn, this curse is so overbearing!"

Feeling the changes in Bai Ban, Jiang Chen was extremely anxious, and immediately took Bai Ban back to the manor and went straight to the wooden house.

This curse power was like a maggot on the tarsal bone. Bai Ban couldn't even separate the Desolate Poison Body to eliminate the damage. The only way was to look at the operating room in the wooden house.

Jiu Tong was not idle either. He quickly prepared everything and started the separation operation.

With the experience of eliminating the Shadow Law, Jiutong was very skilled. He found the area where the curse power was active at the fastest speed and began to separate it carefully.

But compared with the power of the Shadow Law, this curse power seemed to have its own thoughts and would avoid Jiutong's division.

Even more, this curse power was still drilling deeper into Baiban's body and soul.


Perhaps stimulated by the fierceness of the curse power, Baiban suddenly sat up from the bed and suddenly separated seven or eight out of ten of the Huangtian Poison Body, leaving only the fist-sized body.

Before the curse power passed through the interception of the Huangtian Poison Body, Baiban's body roared, and a battle symbol appeared on both heads at the same time.

This Baiban actually launched the skill of never-ending fight against the curse power!

"The skill is effective?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this. Never-ending fight is aimed at living beings. When did it also work on skills?

Unless... this curse power also contains the will of living beings?

Thinking of the scene where the soul of the Thorn Hammer Shark was burned, Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of the information related to the curse mentioned in the legend of the previous life.

One of the reasons why the curse is so powerful and unsolvable is the price it pays.

Generally speaking, the greater the price paid, the stronger the curse.

And the curse in front of him was cast with the soul of the thorn hammer shark as a sacrifice.

From this appearance, the consciousness of the thorn hammer shark is still in the curse, and it is eroding Fa Cai with endless resentment.

Hiss... How did this painting suddenly become weird?

Jiang Chen shuddered, and Bai Ban also began to make amazing operations.

After releasing the immortality, Bai Ban roared and took the initiative to pounce on the curse power. While the curse power devoured his body, he also began to devour the curse power!

However, although the immortality can make Bai Ban eat the star field, it cannot swallow the curse power.

In a short time, Bai Ban's body was mostly eroded by the curse.

"This guy really eats everything!"

Jiang Chen's eyes twitched, and Jiutong beside him also took action, constantly peeling off the curse power on Bai Ban with a scalpel.

But the curse that sacrificed a star creature is not so easy to remove. Even if Jiutong swung two scalpels and created countless afterimages, it still couldn't stop the spread of the curse.

But even so, Baiban still didn't stop gnawing at the power of the curse. After noticing that his body was being eroded, he actually bit his body directly.

"No, Baiban's consciousness is starting to get confused."

Jiang Chen's face changed. Although Baiban was a little fierce, he was not to this extent. He must have been affected by the life curse.

But Baiban was like this, why didn't the manor react?

"Yes, Baiban's facility is a well, maybe it will be useful there!"

Jiang Chen woke up as if from a dream, and immediately asked Jiutong to take Baiban to the well.


Perhaps he noticed the abnormality of Baiban, and took the initiative to take action before Baiban approached the well, and continuously injected poisonous wine into Baiban's body. Baiban finally resisted the erosion of the curse.

But it was just resisting the erosion, and the previously eroded part could not be repaired.

Ga ga!

Seeing this, Bai Ban showed no fear at all. He took the wine gourd and took a few big gulps. Bai Ban's spirit and energy were restored immediately, and those places that had not been eroded were emitting frightening poisonous mist.

Wine gourd's second skill, drinking poison to quench thirst!

Relying on the effect of drinking poison to quench thirst, Fa Cai successfully obtained the power of the poison law, and his resistance to the curse power also increased.

But Bai Ban still had no intention of expelling the curse power, but gnawed it again.

He had shown a considerable appetite for the Thorn Hammer Shark before, and originally thought that it was interested in evil energy, but now Bai Ban can be sure that he is interested in this curse power!

He couldn't swallow it just now, but now it's not certain.

Relying on the powerful bonus of drinking poison to quench thirst, Bai Ban finally succeeded in biting off the first piece of curse power, and this swallowed curse power did not erode Bai Ban again, but was swallowed up bit by bit by the power of the poison law.

Seeing this, Baiban became more and more excited, and the speed of eating became faster and faster. As for the missing parts of the body, they were all given to the well to replenish.

Gradually, the cursed area on Baiban's body became smaller and smaller, and Baiban's spirit became higher and higher.

Looking at this appearance, Baiban obviously benefited from this curse.


But facing Baiban's appearance, Jiutong was a little worried.

Baiban did swallow the power of the curse, but that was only the power of the curse that stayed in the flesh. From the perspective of its soul, a more refined curse was gathering in the depths of Baiban's soul!

Seeing this, Jiutong immediately took action, and the silhouette and the broken soul acted at the same time, cutting the flesh of Baiban with one knife, and the second knife cut the soul of Baiban!

The knife cuts the flesh, and the heart cuts the soul!

And as the broken soul slashed out, a more sticky and firmly attached to the curse power of Baiban's soul suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"The power of the curse is really hard to deal with!"

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth. When it comes to the soul, ordinary means are useless. Now he can only hope that Jiutong and the manor are powerful enough.

Jiutong waved his scalpel and quickly and carefully peeled off the curse from the blank soul.

But the curse on the soul is not as easy to deal with as the body, and the blank soul is not as resistant as his own body.

During the process of Jiutong peeling, the blank soul also showed a tendency to disintegrate.

If the soul cannot be restored in time, it is very likely to cause permanent damage to the blank soul.

Da Da!

At this time, Fa Cai also joined in. The Eternal Pagoda hung above the blank soul, releasing an immortal breath to suppress the blank soul.

With the help of the Eternal Pagoda, Jiutong was calmer and could peel more carefully.

But when there was only the last small piece left, no matter how Jiutong cut it, it could not be peeled off. It had already grown completely together with the blank soul!


Seeing this, the blank soul also showed its violent side, and actually took the initiative to crash into the broken soul, cutting off a piece of the soul along with the curse! (End of this chapter)

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