Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 541 Green Meteorite, Polluted Sea


The soul was torn apart, even a big one like Baiban couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Fortunately, Jiutong was so skilled that he repaired the soul injury at the moment Baiban was injured, and at the same time caught a shadow beast, pulled out the soul and stuffed it into Baiban's soul mouth.

Baiban subconsciously used the immortality to devour the soul completely, and the missing part of the soul was filled up.

"Is this possible?"

Jiang Chen was stunned. The magic of the soul is more mysterious than the law. Although in the teacher's explanation, as long as the true spirit is not damaged, the soul body can be repaired like the body.

But that being said, except for the existence of Hongzhong, there are very few pet spirits that can strip the true spirit.

At least Baiban can't.

And the true spirit does not leave the soul body, any injury suffered by the soul body will cause damage to the true spirit, and it is impossible to repair it like the flesh.

But looking at Jiutong's current appearance, this soul is no different from the flesh in its hands.


Feeling Jiang Chen's gaze, Jiutong bowed slightly, but was not proud of it.

As a qualified housekeeper, it is necessary to master the medical methods to solve various possible injuries.

The same is true for soul trauma.

But there is one thing that Jiutong is very clear about. It can do this not only because of its own skills, but also because Baiban's soul is very special.

Ordinary souls can't stand such tossing, and there is no way to repair the soul by swallowing.

Ga Ga~

After stripping off the curse, Baiban only felt unprecedented comfort in his body and mind, and both his body and soul were much stronger than before.

But after seeing the curse in front of him that almost killed him, Baiban was immediately furious and swung a brick to hit it.

I almost embarrassed myself in front of the boss, I have to let this breath out!

Da Da...

Fortunately, Fa Cai noticed Baiban's suicidal behavior at the first time and forcibly stopped Baiban's action.

This thing is very difficult to deal with. If it gets entangled with this idiot again, it will really be over.

But Fa Cai stopped the white board, but failed to stop the curse power.

It seemed that the curse power suddenly moved after sensing the breath of the white board on the eroding heart rot soul, and it actually took the initiative to pounce on the eroding heart rot soul.

When the brick transformed by the eroding heart rot soul touched the curse power, the curse was actually integrated into the brick.

You should know that the eroding heart rot soul is just a projection condensed by the power of law and mental power, not a physical body and soul, and there is no basis for the curse.

But the curse power was forcibly integrated into the eroding heart rot soul, giving the white board no chance to expel it.

Not only that, after invading the eroding heart rot soul, a strange black thread actually spread along the connection between the eroding heart rot soul and the white board soul.

Seeing this, Jiutong immediately controlled the broken soul to intercept, but these black threads seemed to have no entity and directly ignored the slash of the broken soul.

This is the real curse power.

"Do you have to be so difficult!"

This thought emerged in Jiang Chen's mind, and he frowned at the same time.

This curse is really troublesome. It can't be removed even in this way. Are we going to sit back and watch the white board being eroded by the curse?

"No, if this is really the case, the manor is too quiet today."

Jiang Chen finally realized that something was wrong. According to the usual style of the manor, these things that would threaten him and the pet spirits would be tamed by the manor once they entered the manor, and they would never threaten their safety.

But the white board was tossed to death by the curse this time, but the manor remained silent. It was really unreasonable.

Unless the manor didn't think that this curse would cause harm to the white board.


At this moment, Dongfeng, who had been shrinking in the corner since he was summoned, suddenly took action.

Dongfeng didn't know when he put on the white mask. With a thought, the sword of killing suddenly flew out of the flower garden and slashed at the black silk thread extending from the heart-eating rotten soul.

The black silk thread suddenly broke, and after floating in the air for a while, it retracted into the heart-eating rotten soul, and the sword of killing also returned to the flower garden.

As for Dongfeng, because he was covered by the white mask, his expression could not be seen at all, and he had no intention of speaking, so he could not ask why he suddenly attacked.

"The power of the curse... Fortunately, the sword of killing is here, otherwise this time the trouble is really big."

Jiang Chen silently breathed a sigh of relief. This black thread is obviously the core of the curse. If the thread is not cut off, the curse will continue to entangle the white board.

But he did not expect that the sword of killing would be so powerful that it could even cut off the curse, which really made people feel a lot more at ease.

On the other hand, after the curse power was integrated into the heart-eating rotten soul, it no longer had the intention to attack the white board, but began to erode the heart-eating rotten soul with all its strength.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen seemed to have realized something.

The law spirit projection is a special existence formed by the pet spirit using its own pressure skills to wrap the law power.

Although there is no true spirit in it, it is also a part of the pet spirit soul, and this curse is aimed at the soul!

Now the curse power seems to have regarded the heart-eating rotten soul as its target and began to erode it with all its strength.

But the Heart-Eroding Corrupted Soul did not seem to reject the power of the curse, but rather actively absorbed it.

After absorbing the power of the curse, the Heart-Eroding Corrupted Soul began to undergo subtle changes.

Although it still appears green, it is no longer a pure poisonous dark green, but a dark green with evil energy.

Not only that, Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul also has an aura that makes people subconsciously disgusted, making people not want to get close to it.

If you look closely, there is a hint of black between the two greens.

The same black color as the power of the curse.

"Fortunately, it was stripped out, otherwise this would be your end with a blank slate."

Jiang Chen twitched the corner of his mouth. This form made people subconsciously associate it with "filth".

If Bai Ban's body wasn't hard enough, his soul was strong enough, his nine-cylinder craftsmanship was good enough, and his killing sword was powerful enough, God knows what Bai Ban would be like now.

"But, Baiban, can't you take back the Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul?"

As a projection of spiritual laws, Heart Corruption and Soul Corruption are usually integrated with the soul. Once taken back, it will inevitably pollute the soul again.


Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Baiban was also a little annoyed.

Not only is this something that cannot be taken back, I don’t even dare to throw bricks around anymore...

That damn smelly fish, why did you create such a disgusting thing?

But as he thought about it, another idea suddenly appeared in Bai Ban's mind, controlling the heart-corroding soul to fly freely in the air.

Afterwards, Baiban suddenly left the manor, ran straight into the ocean, found a random wave-chasing fish, and controlled the Heart Corruption and Soul Corruption to hit it.

In just one breath, the aura of Zhulangyu dropped to the lowest point, and he was only a hair away from death.


After the first attempt was successful, Baiban suddenly became excited and controlled the corroded heart and soul to find a new target.

Regardless of their level, the creatures touched by the Corrupted Heart and Soul will all suffer from the same symptoms.

When Jiang Chen left the manor and returned to the island, the sea was already full of sea beasts, and they were all just a hair away from death.

"This guy is too messy."

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while. He actually used the fatal curse as his own weapon. It was really hard for Baiban to think of it.

But this effect seems good?


Jiutong used spider silk to grab a wave-chasing fish and inspected it, only to find that the soul of the wave-chasing fish had been eroded by the curse and there was no sign of recovery.

On the contrary, although Zhulangyu's body is extremely weak, there is no curse power.

"Does Heart Corruption Soul also have the ability to curse?"

Jiang Chen learned about this situation from Jiutong and was thoughtful.

The manor has never rejected this curse from beginning to end. In addition to knowing that the killing sword can cut off the curse, it may have other meanings.

Like, swallow this curse!

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Chen immediately returned to the manor and looked at the separated Huangtian Poison Body in the wooden house, feeling convinced.

In such a short period of time, no trace of the green curse power could be seen on Huangtian's poisonous body, and it had obviously been completely swallowed up.

"You can actually swallow curses, with Bai Ban's physique... tsk tsk..."

Jiang Chen sighed with emotion. Judging from the situation just now, the curse of the Spiny Hammer Shark should be divided into several levels.

The outermost layer is the evil energy swallowed up by the Huangtian Poison Body, while the next layer is the green energy that is like a tarsal maggot.

But the core of the curse should be the black thread.

If he guessed correctly, the black thread is the most difficult source of the curse. Unless it is cut off with a method similar to the killing sword, it will never be able to escape the trace of the curse.

As for the other two, they should be targeted at the soul and the body respectively. From a certain perspective, they are somewhat similar to the toxins on the whiteboard.

Now that the energy curse has been swallowed by the Huangtian poisonous body, Jiang Chen can also feel some changes in the Huangtian poisonous body.

If this is the case, maybe the whiteboard will also have the opportunity to swallow the soul curse and cause the Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul to also change.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly had new ideas about the development of the whiteboard's rule projection.

"Perhaps when the fusion of the Desolate Sky Poison Body and the Heart-corroding Soul is completed, Baiban will be able to master the complete power of the curse?"

Thinking of how difficult the power of the curse was, Jiang Chen suddenly looked forward to the future of the whiteboard.


At this moment, Baiban's shout brought Jiang Chen's consciousness back to reality.

With the help of the curse within the Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul, Baiban successfully smelled the smell of evil energy and found the source.

A meteorite that constantly emits green evil energy!

And the surroundings of this meteorite were filled with creatures contaminated by evil energy.

Not only that, the surrounding sea area also showed the unique green color of evil energy, but they didn't know why it was not triggered. If Baiban hadn't taken it deep into the seabed, they wouldn't have been able to discover it.

"Can just one meteorite pollute such a large sea area?"

Jiang Chen's brows suddenly frowned, and he became more and more afraid of the devil race.

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