Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 542 The Hidden Volcano

"There is actually an evil meteorite hidden here. Is this the reason for the abnormality in this forbidden place?"

Jiang Chen looked at the polluted sea beasts around the evil meteorite and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Judging from the previous performance of the Spiny Hammer Shark, the spread of evil energy should be very fast.

If this meteorite had been here a long time ago, then this sea area should have been completely polluted long ago.

But judging from the current situation, these polluted sea beasts seem to have no intention of leaving here. They are just quietly surrounding the meteorite, as if they are hibernating.

"This seems quite problematic."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, always feeling that there was something wrong here, but he couldn't see it right away.

"Whiteboard, why don't you try again?"

Jiang Chen patted the whiteboard and said.


Baiban heard the words and chose to refuse without hesitation. There was something on the thorn hammer shark just now that attracted me, so I was so tough.

This uncle is not interested in this broken stone.

"Not interested? That means there is no curse power in it, right?"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. The evil energy on the Spiny Hammer Shark must have come from these meteorites, but the curse power contained in it did not seem to come from here.

As a result, it seems that a new problem has arisen.

"The disappeared area of ​​the island, the evil meteorite, and now there is a curse power of unknown origin. Why does it feel like this place is getting more and more complicated."

Jiang Chen scratched his head. The forbidden place behind the water pearl was much more complicated than he imagined. He was completely sorry for the identity of the miniature coordinate flame.

Looking at it like this, there are probably more dangers in the Forbidden Land than he imagined.

"No, it seems there is no way for these evil energies to spread?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly discovered some clues.

Although meteorites are constantly releasing evil energy, the evil energy always moves within a certain range, and there is no possibility of leakage.

Even sea beasts passing nearby will subconsciously avoid this trend.

Just like when you get close to the island.

"Maybe these things are not just coincidences."

Suddenly, Jiang Chen seemed to connect all the questions together.

"Jiutong, let the remaining shadow beasts explore the surroundings to see if there are any similar meteorites."

"Baiban, you go back to the island now to feel if there is any evil energy left."


Bai Ban's expression turned bitter. He had just explored the entire island, so why should he do it again? Aren't I tired?

Thinking of this, Baiban suddenly showed a painful expression, covered his head with his paws, foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Da da……

Seeing Baibo's poor acting skills, Fa Cai also followed suit and lay down on the ground, his movements were the same as Baiban's.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the torn whiteboard stood up helplessly, glared at Facai hatefully, and swam to the island listlessly.

As for the Jiutong side, they spread out a dragnet, transformed all the surrounding sea beasts into shadow beasts, and started a carpet search.

As Jiang Chen expected, there were actually many similar meteorites around the island, but their sizes and locations were very confusing, and there was no pattern at all.

But one thing is the same, that is, these evil energies cannot escape too far, and the surrounding creatures cannot get close to this area.

It was as if someone had blocked these evil energy meteorites, not only preventing the evil energy from escaping, but also prohibiting other creatures from approaching.

If this is really the case, it means that the island is also enveloped by such a seal-like power.

And inside the island, there is likely to be another stronger and more dangerous force.

It might be the main meteorite, or it might be...the devil!

"But whether it's a demon or a meteorite, even if it explodes in the air, it won't have this impact point."

Jiang Chen looked at the location of the meteorite marked by Jiutong on the three-dimensional map with confusion. The more he thought about it, the stranger it became.

According to this impact point, the largest meteorite definitely landed on the island, but there were no signs of impact on the island.

The riddle remains unanswered.


Not long after, Whiteboard also ran back, but the results he brought back made Jiang Chen a little disappointed.

There is no trace of evil energy at all on the island, and the power of the curse is even less present.

"Did I think wrong?"

Jiang Chen scratched his head and glanced at the sky.

The main meteorite is not there. Could it be that it broke into these small pieces and fell in after hitting the outer space of the Forbidden Land?

But if this is the case, this small island without any signs of life cannot be explained.

"We can only leave here and consult Wen Quan first."

The things involved here were too complicated, and Jiang Chen couldn't think of a better explanation for a while, so he could only choose to leave.

Fortunately, although this place was weird, it still couldn't stop the power of Shimen, and Jiang Chen left the island very easily.

But after Jiang Chen left, a large cloud of fog suddenly appeared on the island, gradually covering the entire island, and then all the surrounding sea areas.

And this fog came and disappeared very suddenly, and the island returned to its original appearance in an instant.

It's just that the boundary line of the small island has spread outward unknowingly, and the spread range of the evil meteorite has also been compressed a lot.

But these changes were covered up by the endless sea. On the surface, the island was still exactly the same as when Jiang Chen came.


Morning Star Company.

Wen Quan, with a pair of bloodshot eyes, looked carefully at the island map and meteorite landing point restored by Jiutong, thinking.

"According to your description, this island is indeed a bit weird."

Wen Quan pointed to the three versions of the holographic projection of the island map in front of him and said, "The first two maps and the third map are almost identical in form, but the area is completely different."

"This kind of thing cannot be explained at the geographical level, but it makes sense if it is explained by supernatural power."

"Supernatural power... Do you mean that there is indeed a powerful creature hidden on the island, and part of the area is hidden?"

Jiang Chen's heart tightened. If this is really the case, then he really has to consider whether to go there again.

"I can't be sure of this for the time being, after all, I only know a little about geography."

Wen Quan scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "But I have some guesses at the moment, Brother Chen, you can refer to it."

As he said, Wen Quan clicked on the third map, and after some operations, the projection map began to move.

The meteorites followed the lines and flew back to the island, and finally gathered at the same location.

Later, under Wen Quan's operation, a volcano appeared on the island map, which coincided with the landing point of the meteorites that flew back.

"Is this... a volcanic eruption?"

Looking at the island map that had been reshaped but had no sense of disobedience and was even more reasonable, Jiang Chen suddenly understood.

No wonder he couldn't find the main meteorite. It turned out that these stones were erupted from the island.

Only in this way can the previous doubts be explained.

"This is the most likely possibility I have deduced. As for how they concealed the terrain, I am not sure."

Wen Quan hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother Chen, do you usually read novels?"


Jiang Chen was stunned. How could this be related to novels?

"Although it is fictional, something in the novel can explain this situation."

"That is... the formation."

Wen Quan showed a rare strong interest and said: "According to the setting of the novel, some formations can form their own space, or isolate a certain area from the outside world, but it cannot be distinguished from the outside world."

"Although I have not been to the scene, but listening to your description, Brother Chen, it is very likely that it is a similar formation."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that if this explanation is given, everything can be explained.

Although this world is mainly about beast control, some things are indeed very similar to what he saw in the novels of his previous life.

For example, treasures, such as the Four Symbols Formation.

"If we explain it on the premise that there is a formation on the island, then the source of the curse power you mentioned, Brother Chen, may also be explained."

Wen Quan paused and said, "There are only two purposes for this kind of concealment formation. One is not to let people find this place, and the second is not to let the things inside get out."

"There should be similar formations around those evil energy meteorites, so the evil energy cannot spread."

"As for the sea beasts inside, they should be sealed in by the formation, so they can't leave."

"But this formation is likely to have loopholes, or its influence is limited, causing the star-level thorn hammer shark to accidentally enter the evil energy area and leave smoothly."

"However, the formation itself has a corresponding emergency mechanism, which applies the curse power to this thorn hammer shark. As long as the curse breaks out, it will wipe out the vocabulary shark and the evil energy together."

Wen Quan said all his guesses in one breath, but saw Jiang Chen staring at him in amazement, his face suddenly turned red, and he scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"This is just my guess, Brother Chen, just listen to it, don't take it too seriously."

"No, I think what you said makes a lot of sense!"

Jiang Chen looked serious. Although it was just a guess, it could perfectly explain all the peculiarities that Jiang Chen encountered on the island.

Moreover, he also deduced the real purpose of this island.

This is a large sealed place!

And the sealed one is most likely a demon!

"I'm glad you can help Brother Chen."

Hearing Jiang Chen's affirmation, Wen Quan couldn't help but smile, and his original fatigue was swept away.

"Brother Chen, do you have anything else to do? If not, I will continue to work."

"Yesterday I thought of a new idea. If I give me a few more days, I may be able to fuse the two treasures you gave me, Brother Chen."

"Really? Then you hurry up and get busy. I'll wait for your good news!"

Jiang Chen rubbed his hands happily. I don't know how much the camera that has been fused with the forbidden treasure can grow. (End of this chapter)

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