Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 543 Two collaborations, am I going to get rich?

Dahuang Building.

Fifth floor.

"Are you sure you really hunted these out overnight?"

Looking at the pile of life cores of all sizes in front of him, Xiao Zhe was full of suspicion and said, "And if I'm not mistaken, these water life cores are all from the sea?"

"Are you going to tell me that you took time to go to the beach yesterday?"

The main world is vast, and the Federation occupies only a small part of it, and the only part of the Federation that borders the sea is the South Region.

And Lingyin City is in the north of the Federation.

"It's hard for me to explain this to you, just exchange the points for me."

Jiang Chen shrugged. In fact, he originally wanted to go to the military to do some trading first, get a wave of discounts and benefits, and then give them to Dahuang.

But this kind of behavior is speculation. If the military knows about it, he will not be able to enjoy the corresponding benefits in the future.

The military doesn't mind giving you preferential treatment, because only when everyone becomes stronger can the Federation be safe.

But if you want to make a profit from this, the military is not a fool, and will naturally have thundering means to deal with it.

"It's already counted for you. As long as you pass the assessment, you can be promoted to an E-level member."

Xiao Zhe responded indifferently, saying: "I'll give you a reminder. Although your points are enough, the number of tasks you have completed is not enough, so... hurry up."

Jiang Chen: "... I suddenly want to quit the club..."

"This club will not interfere with the withdrawal of any member, but as an old member before the release of the new rules of the Great Wilderness, your withdrawal behavior needs to be handled according to the old rules, so... do you still want to quit the club?"

Jiang Chen was silent, looking at Xiao Zhe's almost uncontrollable mouth, and sighed helplessly.

He shot himself in the foot.

"Also, where did the food you provided come from? There is no corresponding product at the Venus Star Company."

Perhaps because he was very happy to see Jiang Chen being defeated, Xiao Zhe took the initiative to open the conversation.

He had eaten these foods before in the evaluation competition, but because his attention was focused on the competition, he didn't care.

But now Jiang Chen has brought out many products with completely different effects, and Xiao Zhe is quite concerned.

Although the taste of these buff foods is very devilish, the strengthening effect is really very good.

But he didn't find any similar products in Qimingxing, which made people concerned.

"This is my unique product. Don't worry, I will deposit it into the Great Wilderness Resource Library regularly."

Jiang Chen did not respond directly. It was not surprising that Jiutong could make food, but it was completely different to be able to make this kind of buff food in batches.

After all, the ability of the wooden house was involved behind this, and he couldn't help but be careful.

"Unique product... is it there?"

Seeing Jiang Chen speak so mysteriously, Xiao Zhe seemed to have thought of something, and all the doubts in his heart disappeared.

If it was obtained from there, everything would make sense.


Seeing Xiao Zhe like this, Jiang Chen was confused.

I always felt that Xiao Zhe seemed to think too much again.

But who cares, don't ask about the origin of these things.

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask more. I just want to ask if you are willing to hand over these foods to Xiao's for research."

Xiao Zhe stated his purpose and said.

"Xiao's interested in this?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, but when he thought of Xiao's strengthening potion, he was relieved.

The effect of buff food is similar to that of strengthening potions, but it is simpler and clearer in effect and form.

If Xiao can research the principle, it will be of great benefit to Xiao itself and even the Federation.

"You can rest assured that Xiao will not swallow up your things. If you can research the corresponding results, you will still be the owner of the core patent, and Xiao will share the profits with you in the future."

As if he was worried that Jiang Chen would refuse, Xiao Zhe continued without waiting for Jiang Chen to respond: "You only need to provide enough samples during the research period. After the research is successful, Xiao will give you 40% of the profits."


Jiang Chen was at a loss for a while. He could get 40% just by taking out some food. It seemed that he had made a lot of money.

Thinking that he would have countless small amounts of money coming in, Jiang Chen lost his mind and forgot to reply to Xiao Zhe.

"Sure enough, 40% is still hard to impress Jiang Chen."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe sighed, hesitated again and again, and still said the bottom price given to him by the family.

"I know that this will make you lose a lot of advantages. How about this, 50%, Xiao can give you 50% of the profit, what do you think?"

"Uh... of course."

Jiang Chen smacked his lips. He hadn't said anything yet and he added another 10%. Jiang Chen always felt that if he was still in a daze for a while, it might increase to 60%.

However, Jiang Chen would not do this. Although the profit represented by 10% was very terrifying, thinking of the sacrifices made by Xiao for the Federation, Jiang Chen was embarrassed to be too greedy.

Even if he ignored these, for the sake of the teacher and Master Yan... emmm, Master Yan, forget it. With the relationship between the teacher and Xiao, he would not go too far.

"Very good, I will not make public these foods you submitted to Dahuang for the time being. I will talk about it after Xiao signs a formal cooperation contract with you."

Xiao Zhe's mood suddenly became better.

Helping the family to negotiate such a business will be of great help to him in inheriting the family in the future.

After all, these buff foods are really helpful for Xiao to break through the research bottleneck now.

"By the way, there is one more thing to inform you."

Wen Quan took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying, "Manager Zhang from Polaris called and said that he has a project that he wants to cooperate with Dahuang."

"Because this project is related to you, I need to ask for your opinion."

"Cooperate with Dahuang?"

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and discovered that Director Zhang had sent him a lot of messages, the most of which was about this cooperation issue.

Jiang Chen quickly flipped through the documents in front of him, and his expression became rich.

"You want us, Dahuang, to participate in the filming of a documentary to record the real conditions in the suburbs around Lingyin City?"

Jiang Chen smacked his lips. According to the document, readers of the "Great Wilderness" photo series are no longer satisfied with looking at static photos.

It just so happens that Dahuang has become very famous recently, so Polaris plans to use this momentum to launch a documentary about Dahuang.

"I have considered this project. It is very beneficial to the development of our country. I have also contacted Zhengxin Gym and they are willing to join in and participate in the filming."

Xiao Zhe explained: "After all, the high-end combat power of Dahuang is still too small, not enough to support the entire shooting of Dahuang."

"But these are things for later. Now it depends on whether you are willing to agree to this project."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhe's expression became serious and he looked at Jiang Chen nervously.

Director Zhang's meaning is very simple, that is, this project must have Jiang Chen's participation, otherwise most of the project will not be carried out.

Xiao Zhe was not surprised that Polaris paid so much attention to Jiang Chen. After all, he had also seen the photos from the "Great Wilderness" series, and it was indeed not comparable to others.

So now, the decision-making power completely fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

"Is it like this..."

Jiang Chen felt enlightened and asked directly: "This documentary should be very beneficial to our wilderness, right?"

"Yes, with the power of Polaris in the Federation, this documentary will definitely be promoted on a large scale, and by then the reputation of our wilderness will also be established."

Xiao Zhe nodded affirmatively and said: "Not only that, Huang Jing will also be shown in the documentary, and Venus will definitely play a role in it."

"With these two major companies helping to promote it, the resistance to promoting it to the entire federation will definitely be much smaller in the future."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that this project was said to be a documentary, but it was actually a signal for Polaris and Daystar to officially join forces.

Whether it is promoting the desolate mirror or publicizing the true appearance of the evil spirit, I am afraid it is all to make the federal citizens accept the current sudden situation more quickly.

The Tianqian system has begun to have problems, and no one dares to say how long the peaceful era can last.

"In this case, this project does have great value, but..."

"But what?"

Xiao Zhe's heart tightened. Both Polar Star and Morning Star valued Jiang Chen very much. If this guy suddenly had a seizure and refused to agree, this project would probably go south.

"But... for such a big project, how should the profits be divided?"

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed with golden light. With the two major companies working together, the ratings of this show could not be lowered.

And as the male protagonist of this project, he shouldn’t make less money, right?

Tsk tsk...

Manager Zhang is really reliable. He knew that he was short of money and sent him such a big project.

Coupled with the previous cooperation projects with Xiao, it seems that he is about to make a fortune?

In a daze, Jiang Chen seemed to see countless small coins flying towards him.

"Are you so serious, you just care about profits?"

Xiao Zhe twitched the corner of his mouth. With such a good opportunity to become famous, Jiang Chen actually wanted to make money?

Well, this guy's brain circuit is indeed different from his.

In fact, their origins have determined that their ways of thinking are destined to be different.

"The profit will definitely not be lost to you, as long as the effect is good enough."

Xiao Zhe exhaled heavily and said, "So, do you agree?"

"Of course I agree."

Jiang Chen nodded vigorously.

As a bastard, if you don't want to make money, of course you have to make this kind of legal money, not to mention that he and Director Zhang are also old friends.

"That's good. I will reply directly to Manager Zhang later and will inform you when the specific arrangements are finalized."

Xiao Zhe put away the documents, regained his cold look before, and said, "If nothing happens, you can leave. Remember to stay in shape these two days and don't affect the shooting."

"...Has anyone ever said that the way you pull up your pants and don't recognize anyone is similar to Master Yan?"

"No, and Xiao Yan recognizes people even if he pulls up his pants, so we are different."

Xiao Zhe responded calmly, blocking out all the rest of Jiang Chen's words.

"Okay, you are indeed different."

Jiang Chen sighed. From this point of view, Xiao Zhe is indeed more suitable to be the team leader than Xiao Yan.

It's not about ability or anything, it's just that it's less likely for the harem to interfere with politics.

Because this guy will never be able to leave the harem! (End of chapter)

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