Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 556: He is truly unworthy of being a human being

Spring falls outside the valley.

Jiang Chen slowly walked out of the shadows with Fa Cai, looking at the corpses of poisonous snakes on the ground, he frowned slightly.

Although Xiao Zhe had asked people to gather all the poisonous snake corpses and destroy them together, there were so many poisonous snakes that they couldn't be cleaned up at once.

Looking from a distance, it really makes one’s teeth sore.

You can tell just by looking at the expressions of the envoys and pet spirits responsible for cleaning up.

Of course, there are also some who are very happy.


Looking at the inexhaustible supply of "spicy strips" in front of him, Bai Ban's face was full of happiness. While stuffing the poisonous snakes into his mouth, he let the Wusheng quicksand stuff the extra poisonous snake corpses into the wine gourd.

Although the levels of poisonous snakes are not high, they gather sand to form a tower, and the toxins have different properties. Mixing them together and soaking them will also help improve the Huangtian poisonous body to a certain extent.

Although the nine tubes are not as exaggerated as the whiteboard, they are still looking through the pile of snakes.

There are many recipes that require the use of snakes as ingredients, so you can just collect some and save them for later use.

However, Jiutong is not as open-minded as Whiteboard. It is still very particular about the quality of ingredients, so the collection speed is not too fast.

"Jiang Chen, has the situation been resolved?"

Seeing Jiang Chen appear, Xiao Zhe immediately walked over and asked in a deep voice.

"Solved, but it's much more troublesome than we thought."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, then closed his mouth and said no more.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhe did not ask further questions and nodded as well.

"I'll ask you the details when I get back. Let's help deal with things here first."

There are too many venomous snake corpses scattered in Chunluo Valley, and a lot of toxins have escaped. If not dealt with properly, this place may completely become a highly toxic place.

By then, even if no one comes here to cause trouble, it will be easy to cultivate some terrible poisonous creatures here.

"By the way, where is Master Yan?"

Jiang Chen looked around, but could not see Xiao Yan.

"I said I hate these ugly things and ran away first."

Xiao Zhe's face darkened, and the familiar black aura reappeared.

"That's it... Then I'll look for him later."

Jiang Chen understood and wanted to ask Xiao Yan to help find the Sky Cone. It seemed that it would take a while.

Although he had reached a deal with Xinhuo, Jiang Chen would not wait foolishly for the patrolman to come to him.

It has been said that special space creatures can sense it, so Yi Mo's ability can definitely do it.

When the time comes, let Xiao Yan find out first, control the situation first, and wait for the patrolman to arrive before completing the transaction.

Tsk... As expected of me.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Xiao Zhe immediately saw some clues. Whether it was Jiang Chen's hesitation just now or his current attitude, he realized that things in the valley were unusual.

In fact, Jiang Chen was not willing to share it with the people present.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhe couldn't help but think of his previous guesses.

That, or those spies hidden within the Federation...

Maybe there is such a person hiding next to them.

"That's right. If possible, I might go to the Southern Region."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, and Xiao Zhe immediately understood what Jiang Chen was thinking. He paused and said, "I will help you with the school. You can leave at any time."

"Well, thank you very much."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Although he now has the rank of colonel, he is still a student, and Yunyin University will not open too many backdoors for him because of his contribution.

Clear rewards and punishments have always been the Xiao family's style. As a university supported by the Xiao family, Yunyin University is naturally the same.

Regardless of what Jiang Chen is doing now, when the final exam comes, he will have to find a way to make up for the missed courses.

"But if you are going to the Southern Territory, I suggest you take Xiao Yan with you. He may be useful in this regard."

As he spoke, Xiao Zhe's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said, "But you must not let him come into contact with the women of the Lin family. I don't want the federation to be destroyed in the family civil war."

"Uh...I understand."

Jiang Chen twitched the corner of his mouth. Although Master Yan's current goals were focused on the seniors at Yunyin University, it was difficult for Jiang Chen to ensure that this guy would suddenly change his taste.

If this really ruined a woman from the Lin family, maybe even a woman with a high status in the family like Ye Ling, he really couldn't tell what would happen.

emmm... I have to think of a good way to avoid it.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the poisonous snakes in Chunluo Valley were finally eliminated.

It's just a pity for everyone that none of these poisonous snakes can generate life cores in their bodies, so everyone has worked hard for a long time, and only the whiteboard and the nine tubes have gained anything.

"Okay, these venomous snake corpses will be buried here first, and the garrison troops will come over to handle the specific cleanup work."

Xiao Zhe glanced at the darkening sky, exchanged glances with Director Zhang and the others, and then issued the return order.

Although there are still many places I have not visited, judging from the current situation, it is no longer suitable to continue shooting.

Anyway, in the words of Director Zhang, the current material is enough to produce the first episode. As for the follow-up content, we will talk about it later.

After all, in Polaris and Daystar's plan, the documentary "Great Wilderness" was not just shot around Lingyin City.

"Huh... we can finally go back."

After hearing Xiao Zhe's instructions, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Lingyin City with tired steps.

But when he saw Jiang Chen at the front, his mood was still a little complicated.

Although everyone worked together, the greatest pressure was still borne by Jiang Chen, a peer and even a junior.

He was obviously from a civilian background, so how could this guy be so good?

However, having Jiang Chen in Lingyin City feels pretty good.

Dahuang Building.

The fifth floor.

Xiao Zhe's face was dark, and he listened to Jiang Chen's narration in silence.

"That's roughly it. You'd better be more careful when issuing tasks next. It will be difficult for the new members of Dahuang to deal with this kind of situation."

Jiang Chen selectively informed Xiao Zhe about the Kaitian Cone, and the purpose was also very simple. In addition to hoping that Xiao Zhe would not suffer losses due to his eagerness to expand the wilderness, he also hoped to use Xiao Zhe's words to make the Xiao family pay attention to this matter. situation.

As for whether Mr. Xiao knew it early, that's not something he has to worry about.

He does his best and obeys fate. He just wants to do what he can do and doesn't care about anything else.

"I will pay attention. It is indeed thanks to your presence this time."

Xiao Zhe gave a rare positive recognition to Jiang Chen and said, "So you plan to go to the Southern Territory to warn the Lin family so that they can pay more attention?"

"That's not entirely true. I just think the Avalanche organization might be making big moves there. By the way, I have some personal matters and I have to go there."

The Huolin Disaster is by far the most disturbing incident caused by the Avalanche organization in the Federation. Even if you only look at some clues, you can tell how much effort the Avalanche has put into the Southern Territory.

And this Sky Cone plan directly affects the Tianqian system. As the Lin family, which is the core of the Tianqian system, Jiang Chen doesn't think that the avalanche will not take action.

In addition, he also needs to go to the Sweetheart Demon Dragon to verify some things about demons.

By the way, let’s go see Li Tianqi again.

"Well, I will report these things to the family. If possible, I think you'd better tell Daystar Company."

As he said this, Xiao Zhe suddenly paused and said, "It's best to report directly to Manager Luo."

Almost all major systems in the federation are provided by Venus. Now that there are such big loopholes in the survey system, it is normal for Xiao Zhe to have doubts about Venus.

In fact, Xiao Zhe has begun to think about whether there are spies within the Xiao family.

After the battle at Barrier 318, many members of the Xiao family disappeared. Although several uncles and uncles said they were on a mission, it seems now that it may not be that simple.

"I understand. I can just inform Wen Quan when the time comes. There are some things I need his help to verify."

Although the patrolman said that the Kaitian Cone could not be tracked, Jiang Chen still had great confidence in Wen Quan.

As long as there is enough information, he believes that Wen Quan can definitely develop special search tools.

By then, the ten primary filling materials for making a fortune will be available!

"As long as you know the number."

Xiao Zhe nodded slightly, then took out a document from the side and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying: "Although it's a little early, since you are going to the Southern Region, help me do something by the way."

"Don't worry, this will be used as a deduction for your upgrade assessment, and your work will not be in vain."

"so good?"

Jiang Chen's face was full of doubts. Although Xiao Zhe was not as sinister as Xiao Yan, he was definitely a standard managerial talent (commonly known as unscrupulous). How could he have such a good thing entrusted to him.

"Of course, I treat every member equally."

Xiao Zhe smiled and said: "According to the information you provided, the expansion speed of the Great Wilderness must be increased again, so I hope you will go to the Southern Territory to publicize the existence of the Great Wilderness."

"If possible, it would be fine to open a large branch there."

"Don't worry about Huang Jing's problem. Daystar's logistics work will keep up with it and will definitely not hold you back."

Jiang Chen: "...I suddenly remembered that the teacher asked me to settle down in school, so I'd better go another day."

"Okay, then I will review your promotion..."

"I'm going, can't I just go?"

Jiang Chen took the document angrily, feeling for the first time the pain and helplessness that Xiao Yan felt when he was threatened like this.

It’s not that I don’t report that the time has not come yet, it seems that I have to accumulate some yin in the future.

"By the way, bring a few extra pieces of Huang mirror with you. If you meet the other presidents of Da Huang, remember to give them one."

"The hardware is already up to date. When the system is upgraded to the point where it can be used in the wilderness, Huangjing will also upgrade itself."

Hearing Xiao Zhe's words, Jiang Chen suddenly ran a little faster.

He doesn't think that Xiao Zhe is planning to give benefits to the first nine people. He clearly wants to use the first nine people as cattle and horses!

Tsk... If Xiao Zhe were to live in his previous life, he would probably be sidelined by all the fortune-telling and 007 stories.

There is no way, they are still using it against the current employees. Xiao Zhe is not even going to let the retired employees go!

This Xiao Zhe is not a son of man! (End of chapter)

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