Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 557: Departure to the South Region, a special team combination

At the gate of Lingyin City.

Xiao Yan leaned against the car door and yawned out of boredom.

"President, when will the other teammate you mentioned come? This young master turned down the invitations of several senior sisters and came early. If I had known this, I would not have refused."

"Hehe... I am helping you. You will be grateful to me later."

Jiang Chen twitched his mouth and said, "Also, Young Master Yan, have you explored the surrounding area clearly?"

"Do you need to ask more about such a small matter? This young master has been running around for a long time."

Xiao Yan spread his hands and said, "Except for the abnormal reproduction, I didn't find the Kaitian Cone you mentioned."

"However, the place is now occupied by the garrison troops. Even if it existed before, it is gone now."

Jiang Chen was silent after hearing this. He naturally understood the meaning of Xiao Yan's words, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Whether in his previous life or this life, he couldn't accept the creature of spies.

"Okay, let's stop talking about these boring things. Who is the last teammate you mentioned?"

Xiao Yan rubbed his hands and said, "Could it be some beautiful senior sister? Tsk tsk... maybe this young master knows her very well~"

"But it doesn't matter if she's not a senior sister. There are many beautiful women in the South Region. This young master doesn't mind exchanging feelings with the senior sisters there."

"I think you don't have to work so hard. After all, it is indeed a senior sister who came, and you are also quite familiar with her."

Seeing Xiao Yan's suicidal behavior, Jiang Chen sighed helplessly, bowed behind Xiao Yan, and said, "Senior Baili, I'm sorry to bother you this time."

"It's okay, these are all my duties."

Bai Li Hong Lian rolled over and fell from the Hong Lian Demon Tiger, with a little apology on her face.

"I need some time to hand over the student union's affairs. I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if I have this little time."

Jiang Chen shrugged. Since returning to Chunluogu, Jiang Chen has stayed in school for three days.

In addition to informing Wen Quan about the relevant matters, Jiang Chen also spent some time to rest.

Of course, the main purpose was to check the changes in Fa Cai's ten elements.

The results of the test were the same as Jiang Chen thought. Although Fa Cai's attributes did not change, his suppression of the poison law was much stronger than other attributes.

In short, Fa Cai basically would not be poisoned.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen's determination to find crystals in other worlds was strengthened.

As for where to find it, it was very simple. He would go wherever Xue Bian went!

"That's good."

Baili Honglian nodded slightly, glanced at Xiao Yan beside her, nodded slightly as a greeting, and sat in the co-pilot seat of the car.

Obviously, she heard what Xiao Yan said just now.

"President, you are not kind. Why didn't you say hello to me in advance when you made an appointment with Baili Senior Sister?"

Xiao Yan sat in the back seat with a face full of resentment, complaining softly.

"Didn't I remind you? And don't tell me Mo can't notice it."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. He had hinted so clearly. Who could he blame for his own death?

"It's because someone urged me to investigate the surroundings. Mo was exhausted. What did I notice..."

Xiao Yan looked like he had no desire to live. His previous ease in dealing with women was completely ineffective here.

There was no way. Without Mo, Xiao Yan really didn't dare to die.

"Take care..."

Jiang Chen tried to hold back his smile, but the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK, and looked extremely twisted.

Inviting Baili Honglian to act together was the way he thought of to prevent Master Yan from hooking up with the girls of the Lin family.

In addition to Baili Honglian's combat power, Baili Honglian had a natural suppressing effect on Xiao Yan.

Although this guy did not mean to hook up with the senior sister in front of Baili Honglian, and did not mean to hide his amorous history, but with Baili Honglian around, Master Yan would not go too far.

Emmm... It's okay if he overdoes it, Baili Honglian will beat him to death.

Compared with the consequences of Master Yan's cheating on a girl from the core layer of the Lin family, the impact of Master Yan's being beaten to death will be much smaller, not to mention that he was beaten to death by a woman.

If Xiao Zhe really succeeded the family, this matter might not even cause a splash.

"Everyone is here, can we set off?"

Baili Honglian suddenly turned around and interrupted the two people's whispers.

"Of course, let's go."

Jiang Chen patted the driver's shoulder, and the driver immediately understood, stepped on the accelerator and drove out of Lingyin City.

The reason why Jiang Chen did not choose a faster means of transportation was that he wanted to see if he could meet a few more Kaitian cones on the road.

After all, the original words of the patrol wind envoy were that the avalanche buried Kaitian cones all over the federation. He went from north to south, and he might have some unexpected gains along the way.


Southern Region.

Gusu City.

Jiang Chen walked down from the car listlessly, with resentment on his face.

From the northern part of the Federation to the southernmost part, they didn't encounter a single Sky-Opening Cone.

Even the abnormal reproduction of evil spirits was quite rare.

"Could it be that I was fooled by the Wind Patrol?"

Jiang Chen was a little suspicious. It was difficult to mass produce something like the Sky-Opening Cone. How could it be spread all over the Federation?

Either Xinhuo received the wrong information, or the Wind Patrol was exaggerating!

"Forget it, just consider it a contribution to the Federation."

Jiang Chen sighed. Although they didn't encounter the Sky Cone along the way, the evil spirits hunted a lot, and they also encountered other holes in the defense layer of the sky.

Initially, Jiang Chen thought it was Kaitian Cone who was responsible, but later he discovered that there was really a problem with the defense layer.

Although Jiang Chen gained a lot of life cores through this, the crisis behind it still made Jiang Chen a little unhappy.

"Jiang Chen!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from a distance. Jiang Chen looked intently and saw that it was Lin Mu and Nie Lang walking towards them hand in hand.

"Sorry, something went wrong and I arrived a little later than expected."

Jiang Chen immediately greeted him and was the first to express his apology.

"It's okay, the road has been a little rough recently."

Lin Mu shook his head, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"You said on the phone that there are some things that must be discussed with us in person. It must be related to this, right?"

"That's right."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Since he wanted to consult about related matters, he naturally had to show some sincerity.

Although he suspected that Manager Luo had told the Lin clan leader these things in advance, Jiang Chen still didn't say more on the phone.

"Let me introduce you, this is my senior sister, Baili Honglian, the student union president of Yunyin University."

There were so many people here, so Jiang Chen didn't say much, but introduced them to Lin and Mu.

"Hello, sorry to disturb you."

Baili Honglian took the initiative to reach out her hand, and Lin Mu took it generously and shook it gently.

"I have heard of Senior Baili's reputation for a long time, but it's a pity that I have never been able to see her beauty."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, looked at Xiao Yan aside, and said, "Brother Yan, long time no see."

"Huh? You know each other."

Jiang Chen asked subconsciously, but as soon as he asked the question, he cried on the spot.

Although the four major families are not very harmonious on the surface and are located in different parts of the federation, they still communicate with each other.

And it is not surprising that a monster-level existence like Xiao Yan would be known to others.

After all, in addition to his hidden combat power, Xiao Yan's reputation as a playboy is well-known in the federation.

But after hearing Xiao Yan's subsequent words, Jiang Chen felt something was wrong.

"It's been a long time indeed."

Xiao Yan sighed and said, "Are your sisters okay?"

Jiang Chen: "???"

Jiang Chen was suddenly filled with questions, and suddenly felt that the situation was developing in a direction he didn't know, and that it was almost reaching the end.

"Not bad, they are all in good spirits."

Lin Mu's smile suddenly became a little weird, and he said: "Because of a certain goal, my four sisters have been training with all their strength in the past few years, and their strength has grown extremely fast, so... eh? Brother Yan, where are you going?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that the task assigned to me by Xiao Zhe has not been completed yet. I, the young master, will go back to Lingyin City first."

Xiao Yan still had a smile on his face, but it could be seen from his eyes that Xiao Yan was definitely guilty.

"Xiao Yan, have you done something to feel sorry for others?"

Baili Honglian frowned slightly. She really had no feelings for Xiao Yan and didn't want to interfere in other people's emotional lives.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a matter of mutual consent, so as long as Xiao Yan doesn't mess with her, she doesn't bother to care about it and won't comment.

But if Xiao Yan really did something like abandoning his wife and children, she, the student union president, would have to ask questions.

"Of course not, it's just a misunderstanding between me and Lin Mu's sisters."

Xiao Yan looked innocent and said: "'s all my fault for this young master's damn charm..."

The group of people were silent, but Jiang Chen had already begun to think about the plot.

Misunderstanding, it’s still sisters, Master Yan is really a very good person!

I just don't know how Xiao Zhe would feel if he learned that his brother had provoked a lot of girls from the Lin family's core group a long time ago.

Oh no, it wasn't just provocation. From what Lin Mu said, his sisters seemed to have a deep obsession with Xiao Yan.

"It's really hard to explain this at once, but it's really not Brother Yan's fault."

Seeing Baili Honglian's appearance, Lin Muruo had some realization and said, "Senior Baili, please don't misunderstand me. Although Brother Yan is a bit talkative, he is still very dedicated."

Yeah, yeah, I'm very dedicated to every senior.

Jiang Chen added silently in his heart, and then looked at Baili Honglian with curious eyes.

Although he knew that Baili Honglian had no interest in Xiao Yan, he still couldn't help but want to gossip about this kind of plot.

"Misunderstanding? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Baili Honglian glanced at Lin Mu blankly, as if he didn't know why it was related to her.

"It's okay, I'm just worried that this will affect your cooperation."

Upon seeing this, Lin Mu immediately changed the subject and said sideways: "Let's go, I have prepared the guest rooms for you, and my father will come to meet you in person later."

"Okay, excuse me then."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and followed immediately. Baili Honglian followed closely without any nonsense.

Although she is a senior, the leader of this mission is Jiang Chen, so she will naturally not overstep his authority.

In the corner where Baili Honglian didn't see, Xiao Yan was quietly giving Lin Mu a thumbs up.

Brother Mu is still reliable, this wingman is a professional! (End of chapter)

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