Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 564: Destruction and Reconstruction, Nirvana Plan

"Ahem... It was an accident just now. I can't control the twin runes perfectly, so this happened."

For the first time, Sweetheart Dragon showed an embarrassed look and tried to explain, but looking at the expressions of the crowd, it was obvious that he couldn't erase the image of the silly and cute young dragon just now.

"Considering your help to me, I can fulfill one wish."

Seeing that the explanation was useless, Sweetheart Dragon immediately changed the method and changed to inducement.

"As an ally, these are what we should do."

Hearing that Sweetheart Dragon took the initiative to mention it, Jiang Chen smiled secretly in his heart, but pretended to be humble on the surface.

The initiative has been in their hands, so the previous plan can be overturned.

"Your Majesty Sweetheart Dragon, are you sure you are really okay now?"

"Yes, yes, are you really controlling two bodies at the same time now?"

Li Tianqi was also a little anxious. He and Sweetheart Dragon had already signed a contract. If there was any problem, he would be very sad.

Although, these two guys were originally the same.

Sweetheart Demon Dragon was silent after hearing this, and glanced at the Candy Dragon beside him. The Candy Dragon immediately understood, rolled up Xiao Yan and others and left the palace.

Although Sweetheart Demon Dragon reached a cooperation with the Federation, it did not mean that she trusted humans.

There are some things that he would only allow Li Tianqi to know.

Emmm... Now add Jiang Chen.

"As you have just seen, I have no way to control the direction of my true spirit for the time being, and it is very likely that it will be transferred to another body inadvertently."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon pulled his "own" body and said: "Although this body has comprehended the law of chaos, it is currently only in the contact stage. Both the soul and the body are very low-end and cannot perfectly carry my true spirit."

"So once I enter this body, I will also enter the early stage of wisdom and cannot deal with things in the outside world."

At this point, Sweetheart Demon Dragon suddenly felt a little melancholy.

The young dragon no longer has the law of life that it originally mastered, so it can't make desserts. It's boring to think about it.

"So that's it..."

Jiang Chen understood. The scene described by the Sweetheart Dragon was similar to what he guessed. Even though the twin runes had been established, the true spirit would be out of control due to the previous changes.

But this helped him a lot.

"Your Majesty the Sweetheart Ink Dragon, do you have enemies in the wilderness?"


The Sweetheart Dragon turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"I mean, if your current situation is sensed by other creatures, will anyone come to trouble you?"

As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a huge pressure fell on Jiang Chen, directly pressing Jiang Chen to the ground.

Although Fa Cai, Bai Ban and Jiu Tong came out to resist at the first time, their strength across battles seemed particularly humble in the face of Sun-level creatures.

Fortunately, the Sweetheart Dragon did not really want to hurt Jiang Chen, and soon restrained his pressure.

"The situation you said is indeed possible."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon changed to a comfortable posture and said: "We, the Sun creatures, have completely comprehended a law, which is equivalent to the law star. Once we have an accident, the law star will have the most direct manifestation."

"Before, because my true spirit was transferred to the larvae, the life law star had fluctuated, and those guys should have noticed it."

"Fortunately, you appeared in time, allowing me to control the life star again, so those guys did not move."

Speaking of which, Sweetheart Demon Dragon suddenly glanced at the east and said: "Speaking of which, the two stars above the east of the Federation have been dim for a long time."


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, as if he understood the reason for Ye's abnormal behavior during this period.

"But these are all your human affairs, I don't want to care."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon yawned and said: "As you said, I do have some enemies, and it has also tended to approach me before."

"But as I burst out the two origins of the law before, that guy retreated again."

Speaking of this, Sweetheart Demon Dragon hesitated and said: "But I can't be sure whether the true spirit will suddenly transfer to the larvae, and how much will be transferred, so..."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon looked at Jiang Chen and said: "Help me solve this problem, and I will agree to another condition of yours!"

Sweetheart Demon Dragon is really desperate to seek help from a human for something that the Sun creatures can't solve.

But in fact, it has no choice.

Sweetheart Demon Dragon glanced at Li Tianqi, who looked serious but confused, and sighed helplessly.

Although I like tasters, it seems that they are of no use at this time.


Hearing the words of Sweetheart Demon Dragon, Jiang Chen also fell silent.

It's not that I'm bothered about what to do with the Sweetheart Dragon, I'm just not used to the fact that the Sweetheart Dragon is so serious all of a sudden.

Is it because the Twin Runes separated the unserious part?

Well, this is a good ability.

Jiang Chen silently memorized the additional effect of the Twin Runes, and responded to the Sweetheart Dragon after a little thought.

"I do have some ideas about how to solve this problem, but I dare not guarantee it before enough attempts."

"Do you really have a way?"

The Sweetheart Dragon's eyes lit up. Although the Twin Runes were fun, it was also very unhappy to become a "retarded" dragon like a young dragon.

"I can think of two options right now."

Jiang Chen pointed to the twin runes above his head that had not yet dispersed and said, "The first way is to become familiar with the twin runes as soon as possible, at least to the point where you can freely switch between true spirits."

"Of course, this process may be quite uncontrollable, and it may even be impossible to exercise at all when your true spirit appears in the baby dragon, but this is definitely the most fundamental solution."

"As for the second's even simpler."

Jiang Chen looked at the drooling sweetheart baby dragon in Li Tianqi's arms and said: "Increase the strength of the sweetheart baby dragon as soon as possible. In this way, no matter where your true spirit is, it will not weaken your combat effectiveness."

"Emm...then I'll choose the second option."

Without any hesitation, Sweetheart Dragon chose the second way.

After finally returning to the original body, of course you should seize the time to eat dessert, who would waste time practicing.

"Yes, and this is the most suitable place for the sweetheart dragon to practice."

Jiang Chen did not refute and agreed.

"Jiang Chen, do you mean to let the sweetheart dragon go to practice in the chaotic space?"

Although he had never gone in, Li Tianqi also knew that Jiang Chen and his party fell into the chaotic space in order to find him.

Now that he has mastered the Wings of Chaos, he can naturally know some information that he usually doesn't know.

"Yes, that's right there."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and said, "It just so happens that I also have some things that I want to go there to verify."

"It would be great."

Li Tianqi was ecstatic. Although the Titanosaurus was already at the star level, he really didn't know how to fight.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been cornered by a few silver-level lizards.

But with Jiang Chen here, he could lie down in the back.

"That's the best thing."

The Sweetheart Dragon is also very happy. With someone helping to upgrade it, it can eat desserts with peace of mind.

"Now that the deal is established, it's time for me to state my conditions."

Jiang Chen raised his head, looked at the Sweetheart Demon Dragon who was already looking forward to the future, and said: "At some point in the future, I hope you will do the Federation a favor."

"Huh? Help the Federation?"

The Sweetheart Dragon frowned. It was good that it had formed an alliance with the Federation, but that was just an exchange of interests. If it really wanted to help the Federation, it would still be a little reluctant.

"Don't worry, this favor will not affect your position. The other major natural disasters will not think that you have turned against humans."

"Hmph! I don't care what they think."

The Sweetheart Demonic Dragon snorted coldly. Although it was not the strongest among the great natural disasters, it was not reduced to the point where it needed to care about other people's thoughts.

It simply hates the feeling of being restrained.

emmm... Although now in a sense, it is already bound.

"At the opportunity I have given, I hope you can take the initiative to break the federal barrier!"

Jiang Chen's words were so shocking that both Sweetheart Demon Dragon and Li Tianqi were stunned on the spot.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you're not crazy?"

Li Tianqi smacked his lips. He was also from the Federation and knew how important Tianqi was to the Federation.

And Jiang Chen actually let the Sweetheart Demon Dragon destroy the Tianqi System. This is absolutely crazy!

"I am not sleeply."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet, so don't worry."

"I hope you can take the initiative to break the core of the Heavenly Chasm, and then use your power of law to help rebuild the Heavenly Chasm system."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, broken and then established, Nirvana reborn, this was the plan Chief Lin told him.

The current Tianqi system is riddled with holes. No matter how it is repaired, it cannot cover up the previous problems. Instead, it will accumulate contradictions.

Under such circumstances, it would be better to destroy the old defense system and rebuild a new one.

In the words of the previous life, instead of wasting time on modifying a system with constant bugs, it is better to simply rewrite it.

As for the time it takes to reconstruct, there are some other issues involved, and the most important one is the Sweetheart Dragon.

Letting the Sweetheart Demonic Dragon take action can not only grasp the timing of the collapse of the natural moat system, but also speed up the construction of the new natural moat with the help of the Sweetheart Demonic Dragon's law of life.

Originally, Jiang Chen was still having a headache on how to convince the Sweetheart Demon Dragon, but the sudden change of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon undoubtedly helped him a lot.

However, this also brings new problems.

"Reconstructing the Tianqian system? Aren't you afraid that I will turn my back on you?"

The Sweetheart Demon Dragon was quite amused, but Jiang Chen didn't care.

"Of course I'm not afraid. After all, we are considered allies now, right?"

Jiang Chen shrugged. Chief Lin's plan was not only told to him, but also required many factors. When all the factors are gathered, there is no need to worry about the betrayal of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon.

"In that case, then I..."

The Sweetheart Demon Dragon's voice suddenly stopped and was replaced by a silly "ouch" sound.

Well, a problem arises... (End of chapter)

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