Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 565: Re-entering the Chaos Space

"Jiang Chen, are you sure that the Sweetheart Demon Dragon really agreed to cooperate with us?"

Lin Mu said with disbelief on his face.

"Of course, isn't this a contract?"

Jiang Chen shook the scroll in his hand and said.

The mantra scroll was specially given to him by Lin to make a contract with the Sweetheart Demon Dragon.

The Nirvana Project is of great importance. Once something goes wrong, humans will be completely exposed to the eyes of the wild spirits.

At that time, they will be the sinners of all mankind.

Such a sensitive and important plan, of course, requires the use of professional anti-treachery treasures.

As long as the Sweetheart Demon Dragon signs the scroll of mantra, it must not violate the above treaty, otherwise it will suffer strong backlash.

For this reason, Jiang Chen specially waited in the palace for a long time, waiting until the true spirit of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon returned to its true form before successfully making the contract.

Otherwise Jiang Chen would have come out earlier than Lin Mu expected.

"I just's a little too easy."

Lin Mu rubbed his chin, feeling a sense of crisis unique to businessmen.

It's going so smoothly, but I always feel like something is wrong.

"Although I don't know exactly what you want to do, it shouldn't be without cost."

Baili Honglian denied Lin Mu's view and said, "Jiang Chen, you probably didn't agree to any request that goes against your true intentions, right?"

As soon as Baili Honglian said this, Lin Mu suddenly became nervous.

Strictly speaking, this Nirvana plan was led by their Lin family, and it was only by chance that they found Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen suffered any losses due to their plan, he would really feel bad about it.

"Going against my heart? That's not true. On the contrary, I might have made a profit."

Jiang Chen shook his head, took out a transparent candy that shone with white light from his arms, and grinned.

Life Sugar Heart, this is the extra reward paid to itself by the Sweetheart Demon Dragon. Its ability is also very simple. When Jiang Chen's pets suffer fatal attacks, they can be brought back from the brink of death.

Although this is a consumable item, the amount consumed depends on the degree of injury.

With the same fatal injury, the life force required to treat an ant and a giant dragon is naturally different.

According to the description of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon, this life sugar heart can completely restore a Moonlight-level creature that is only half-breathed to the state of a dragon and a tiger.

In other words, if it were used by them to make a fortune, it could probably be used many times.

The purpose of Sweetheart Demon Dragon's doing this is naturally to make Jiang Chen feel more at ease helping his baby dragon clone to level up.

After all, the place Jiang Chen was going to now was quite dangerous.

"That's good."

Baili Honglian breathed a sigh of relief. She was invited to help. If anything happened to Jiang Chen, she would be the one to blame.

"But Jiang Chen, what exactly did you promise?"

"The creature that can make the president suffer is not yet born, so don't worry about it."

Xiao Yan approached Jiang Chen, with a righteous expression on his face, and said: "President, as the first member you recruit, I have the responsibility to accompany you through thick and thin, so..."

Xiao Yan's eyes swept imperceptibly around him, thinking about the four sisters day and night, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Master Yan, didn't you say that Mo is recuperating? I think it's useless to go there, so you can just stay outside with peace of mind."

Jiang Chen directly ignored Xiao Yan's request and smiled at the four sisters who were thinking about him day and night: "Four... sisters, please take care of Master Yan."

"No problem, we will definitely take good care of Brother Yan!"

Without waiting for Xiao Yan to speak, the four sisters agreed directly, hanging on Xiao Yan like octopuses, and at the same time gave Baili Honglian a provocative look.

"That's good."

Jiang Chen grinned, glanced at Li Tianqi who was walking out of the palace with his sweetheart dragon in his arms, and said, "Everyone is here, let's set off."


Lin Mu and Baili Honglian nodded slightly and followed Jiang Chen away without looking back. Although Li Tianqi didn't know why, he didn't respond to Xiao Yan's plea for help and quickly chased after him.

Although things developed a bit quickly, he had already accepted the status quo of his contract with the sweetheart Demon Dragon.

The most urgent task is to quickly improve the sweetheart dragon.

Although it was a bit unkind, Li Tianqi still looked forward to the day when he could officially control the solar creature.

Perhaps, by then, I no longer have to be afraid of the Sweetheart Dragon and can return to the Federation and do what I want to do?

"You can't do this to this young master..."

Looking at the four people's retreating figures, Xiao Yan was about to cry without tears. He wanted to follow but was held tightly by the four sisters who were thinking about them day and night.

"Brother Yan can't go."

"Be good and stay with us."

"Disobedient brother Yan..."


With the guidance of the key of Wings of Chaos, Jiang Chen and the four of them did not need to hit their luck to find the entrance like before.

"Jiang Chen, am I doing this right?"

Li Tianqi injected his spiritual power into the Wings of Chaos, and a mist of chaos suddenly appeared in front of the four people.

"As expected, it is convenient to have the key."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. He already had three keys, but they have not been used so far.

But just the ability to open the entrance to the next level at any time is enough to make Jiang Chen look forward to it.

As we all know, the most valuable things in the secret realm are hidden inside, and the outermost layer is basically used to eliminate players who take advantage of the situation.

If you have the key, you can skip the time of searching for the entrance to the next level and go straight into the forbidden place.

But I heard Ye Cang say that the person who holds the key will accept a more difficult test, but I don't know if it's true or not.

"Let's go and see what the forbidden land is like after we have the key."

Jiang Chen summoned his pet spirit and entered the chaotic space with expectation.

It was still the space without heaven and earth, without top and bottom, and it seemed no different from the last time Jiang Chen came.

"Is this the inner space of the forbidden land? It is indeed different from other forbidden lands."

Baili Honglian looked at the chaotic space in front of her, and her eyes were also full of curiosity.

Baili Honglian, who could be called the queen by the soldiers of the 318th Barrier, naturally had enough adventurous spirit.

In other words, if she didn't have enough adventurous spirit, even if she became a six-path player, Baili Honglian would not be able to grow to this level.

"It's really different."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Not only was the way to spawn monsters in the chaotic space completely different from other places, but there was not even a bit of natural treasures.

Jiang Chen didn't know the benefits of the forbidden land before, so he didn't feel anything, but now he thinks that everything seems wrong.

"Are all the good things on the third floor, or is it like this in all forbidden places?"

Jiang Chen stroked his chin, thinking about the possible results.


Perhaps he smelled the power of chaos here, the sweetheart dragon was quite excited, greedily swallowing the energy in the air.

The wings of chaos in Li Tianqi's hand also reacted.

Just as the sweetheart dragon swallowed the power of chaos, the wings of chaos quietly flew up, hovering above everyone's heads and shining.

And in a place where the light of the wings of chaos shone, several slime monsters emerged from the chaos.

Just like last time, the number of slime monsters refreshed was the same as the number of their creatures.

It's just that the slime monsters refreshed this time did not show any attributes, just like the surrounding space, chaos.

"Chaos attribute?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. The monsters he encountered when he brought the key in were indeed a little different, but it was really unexpected that a slime monster with chaos attribute appeared.

"But I didn't expect that in addition to the attributes, even the combat power levels are different this time."

There are four people in total, two B-level controllers and two C-level controllers.

As for the pets, in addition to the black iron-level sweetheart dragon, there are also the star-level red lotus magic tiger and Titan dragon lizard, the gold-level cloud boy, and the three golden pets of Fa Cai.

The number of slime monsters summoned by the Chaos Space is exactly the same as their corresponding levels.

"Four star-level, six gold-level, one black iron-level, and all of them are chaos attributes."

Bai Li Hong Lian quickly scanned all the slime monsters and said: "The trial mechanism of the forbidden land is much fairer than I thought."

Generally speaking, it is a life-and-death struggle in the forbidden land, and you never know when some opponents far beyond your level will pop out.

It is definitely conscientious to refresh the same number of enemies of the same level like the Chaos Space.

"It is indeed fair, but it may also be due to absolute self-confidence."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Or, there are stronger beings waiting for us behind."

"In that case, let's get rid of these guys first."

As soon as the voice fell, the Red Lotus Demon Tiger rushed out first.

Dozens of red lotuses flew out of the Red Lotus Demon Tiger's mouth, circling around all the slime monsters, and the surging red lotus fire burned the enemies mercilessly.

As the signature skill of the Red Lotus Demon Tiger, the Red Lotus Fire can burn the enemy's body and soul at the same time.

If it is paired with the Law Projection Fire Red Lotus, the effect will be even stronger.

But this time, the Red Lotus Fire suffered a Waterloo.

No matter how the Red Lotus Fire burned, these Chaos Slime Monsters did not show any signs of injury, and even became more energetic.

"Chaos gives birth to all things, but I never thought that the Chaos attribute actually has the characteristic of swallowing."

Jiang Chen's mind appeared the scene of the sweetheart dragon swallowing the Sweetheart Demon Dragon's corona.

"No, it's not swallowing, it's just simply restoring other energies to chaos energy."

"Then don't we have any way out?"

Lin Mu had a headache. His Yunwu Tongzi was originally a supporting one. Even Baili Honglian couldn't do anything, so he was even worse.

"Not really, chaos only restores energy, but ordinary physical attacks should be fine."

Jiang Chen grinned and said, "Although there is no evidence, I always feel that we will have a lot of gains after defeating these chaos slimes."

As soon as the voice fell, Fa Cai suddenly jumped out and smashed a chaos slime into pieces with one claw.

There was no recovery, and there was no unexpected anomaly. There was only a chaos-colored light ball left at the place where the chaos slime was originally.

That feeling was the same as the natural treasures in other places! (End of this chapter)

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