Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 567: Encountering the Devil's Power Again

Affected by the nightmare time, the status of these chaos slimes has declined significantly.

Seeing this, Fa Cai and his party immediately rushed up and launched an attack with thunder.

But the chaos slime did not let it be slaughtered, and even resisted fiercely.

The surface of the chaos slime was seen flashing with light, and the originally empty chaos space was suddenly filled with light.

The Red Lotus Demon Tiger and the Titan Dragon Lizard used the star field to resist at the first time, but they were directly pierced the moment they touched these chaos rays, and they had no resistance at all.

Chaos attribute, as an attribute rarely mentioned in the special system, can be called the upper level of most attributes.

Although it currently only has the ability to restore other attributes to chaos, as long as it is used properly, it can become the strongest spear and shield at the same time.

For a while, the Titan Dragon Lizard was a little embarrassed to deal with it, but the Red Lotus Demon Tiger, who was inferior in bloodline, still did not weaken its offensive.

As an old player of Liudao and the former president of Yunyin University's Combat Club, Baili Honglian is a real practical player with more combat experience than Jiang Chen and his party.

Although the opponent's attributes are a bit difficult, they are not enough to threaten her.

Da Da ~

Stimulated by the Red Lotus Demon Tiger, the desire to make a fortune was also ignited, and he joined the battle.

As for Jiutong, facing such a passionate scene with two pets, Jiutong still maintained his demeanor and obtained the greatest benefits at the lowest cost.

After all, for Jiutong, these straight chaotic rays are really not threatening, and the direction of all rays can be predicted in minutes.

"Jiang Chen, your pet spirit is really getting stronger and stronger."

Looking at the battle in front of him, Lin Mu couldn't help but sigh.

If the previous Jiang Chen was just ahead of him and could be comparable to the monsters of the major families, then the current Jiang Chen is a little beyond his sight.

Lin Mu has every reason to suspect that the four sisters of Chao Si Mu Xiang can't beat Jiang Chen together.

"It's OK. I've been through a lot recently."

Jiang Chen shrugged. Benefits and risks coexist. He has indeed encountered a lot of messy things recently, so this improvement is reasonable.

What's more, he has also gained a lot.

Jiang Chen looked in the direction of the white board, his face darkened.

Relying on the ability of the wild poison body to change its body shape freely, the white board was not harmed by the chaos light, but since the appearance of these two-winged chaos slime monsters, the curse power living in the heart-eating corrupt soul began to become active.

The curse power comes from the Devil Island, and the chaotic space also has a special connection with the devil.

"I hope the curse will not get out of control."

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, but still did not take the white board back to the manor, but just held an object in his hand.

With the cooperation of a group of pet spirits, these chaos slime monsters were finally eliminated, and the three pets of Fortune also ran back with nine chaos cores.

"Yes, now there are 15 Chaos Cores!"

Jiang Chen wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and felt that the mountain of "poverty" pressing on his head had finally moved away.

Even if it was only sold for 10 million federal coins, it would relieve a lot of economic pressure. If it could be sold at a higher price as Lin Mu said, it would be even better.

Just looking at the posture of Li Tianqi and Baili Honglian, it seemed a little difficult to maintain.

Although they did not suffer any substantial damage, the pressure brought by the Chaos Rays still consumed a lot of their physical strength.

If there were more waves, they would not be able to maintain it for long with their physical strength.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately let Jiutong disperse the shadow beast and let Lin Mu take back the pet spirit.

Although the Chaos Core is good, there is no need to risk your life.

Anyway, the manor has recorded the coordinates here, and we can come back later.

After entering the Chaos Space, the coordinate flames representing [Rat] appeared in layers.

The outermost flame is naturally the Sweetheart Kingdom, and the second layer of flame is connected to the Chaos Space.

In other words, as long as Jiang Chen is willing, he can come here at any time.

The most urgent thing is to finish the business first.

Jiang Chen looked in the direction of Li Tianqi, who was feeding the Chaos Core harvested by the Titan Dragon Lizard to the Sweetheart Dragonling.

The Sweetheart Dragonling also accepted everything and ate the Chaos Core one by one.

After eating the Chaos Core, the level of the Sweetheart Dragonling rose rapidly and soon reached the Bronze Level.

"Just eat to improve?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and suddenly felt that the transaction between him and the Sweetheart Dragon would be quite easy.


But before Jiang Chen could be happy for long, the Sweetheart Dragonling suddenly yawned and fell asleep.

"Jiang Chen, the Sweetheart Dragonling seems to be sleeping for a while."

Li Tianqi felt the state of the Sweetheart Dragonling at the first time and informed Jiang Chen immediately.

"Need to sleep? Has the Sweetheart Dragon's true spirit returned to its body now?"

"It seems so."

Jiang Chen understood what he said and had some ideas about controlling the Sweetheart Dragon's true spirit.

"Li Tianqi, when you come here to hunt Chaos Cores again, remember to save more. Don't rush to eat them. Feed them to the Sweetheart Dragon at the critical moment."

"Jiang Chen, are you planning to use this method to control the time when the Sweetheart Dragon wakes up?"

Bai Li Hong Lian noticed Jiang Chen's idea at the first time and said.

"Yes, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon is a great threat to herself and the Federation in this state, so we need to at least have a controllable method."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Although the Sweetheart Demon Dragon did not say who the great natural disaster was that was targeting it, if you think about it for a moment, there was only one great natural disaster that would leave the nest so casually.

The natural disaster of prison, Yama!

Compared to the Sweetheart Dragon, which is not aggressive when it is in a good mood, the Hell's Scourge, which is almost synonymous with destruction, is more terrifying.

Once he caught the Sweetheart Demon Dragon and snatched away the [Child Mouse] when he was weak, the Lin family without the Sun Yao Pet Spirit would not be the opponent of Prison Calamity at all.

"I see, I understand."

Li Tianqi nodded vigorously, keeping in mind what the two people just said.

"Then what do we do next, continue hunting?"

Lin Mu carefully put away his share of Chaos Core and asked.

"Let's see again. We can leave at any time if there is danger."

Jiang Chen glanced at Li Tianqi, who immediately understood and held the Wings of Chaos tightly in his hands.

With the key, they can leave at any time, even if they encounter unexpected enemies.


After hearing Jiang Chen's decision, Baili Honglian immediately started to meditate cross-legged, trying to regain more strength.

But at this moment, new enemies were refreshed.

It still has wings on its back, but it is no longer in the shape of an ooze monster, but in a standard humanoid form.

If it weren't for the attribute of chaos, he would look like an angel.

"The human indeed here."

Jiang Chen's eyes widened. When he came here, he had grown from an ooze monster to a human form bit by bit.

But at that time, angels appeared first, followed by demons.

But now, Chaos Space does not seem to have the intention to cultivate angels and demons, but is going all the way to the dark side in terms of chaotic attributes.

But even so, Jiang Chen still noticed something strange.


The moment these humanoid ooze monsters appeared, the curse in the heart-corrupting soul suddenly went berserk, and it was about to rush towards the humanoid ooze monsters.

Although Baiban tried his best to stop it, it was still somewhat futile, and instead it pulled him over.

"This curse really comes from the devil!"

Jiang Chen felt a shiver in his heart and said, "Everyone, these guys are a little special. Don't take action easily next time."


Seeing Jiang Chen's solemn expression, Baili Honglian didn't say much and asked the Red Lotus Demon Tiger to step aside, but it was still prepared.

She naturally knew that Jiang Chen had the ability to fight across levels, but the power of these humanoid chaotic ooze monsters was already infinitely close to the Moonlight level, and with their attribute advantages, accidents might happen.

As Jiang Chen's senior, she has the responsibility to protect him.

"Okay, if there is any problem, I will open the exit immediately."

Li Tianqi threw the sweetheart baby dragon to the Titanosaurus and stared intently at the humanoid chaotic ooze monster in front of him.

"For fortune, Jiutong, leave one end as a blank slate, and leave the rest to you. The sooner you can deal with the enemy, the better."

The humanoid Chaos Ooze monsters had an advantage in numbers, and they also had the possibility of hiding demonic attributes. He couldn't be careless.

As for the blank slate, he wanted to see what would happen if the power of the curse encountered the humanoid Chaos Ooze.

Ta da~


Facai and Jiutong immediately took action, dividing the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster into two batches and taking them aside, leaving only one humanoid Chaos Ooze monster for the whiteboard.

Although he was unhappy with this arrangement, Baiban really didn't have time to dwell on it at this time.

As the Heart Corrupting Soul and the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster continued to approach, it felt more and more unable to control the Heart Corrupting Soul.

It's not that Heart Corruption and Corruption Soul want to betray it, but it feels a strong urge to devour it from Corruption Heart Corruption Soul.

This kind of impulse even far exceeded the effect when he used the immortal battle rune to condense.

This curse wants to devour demons?

How is this possible? That thing is what I want to eat!

Angry in his heart, Bai Ban simply let go of the restraint on the Corrupted Heart and Rotted Soul, threw an endless stream at the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster, and then took the initiative to pounce on the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster.

If everyone wants to eat it, let’s see who can eat it faster!

Whiteboard's fighting method was not crazy, but it also really angered the humanoid chaos ooze monster.

The moment Bai Ban rushed towards him, the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster directly condensed a chaos sword and slashed straight towards Bai Ban.

Baiban didn't dodge when he saw this, he just let the lifeless quicksand help resist, while he took advantage of the situation and pounced on the humanoid Chaos Ooze Monster, and bit it in one bite!

Faced with the chaotic attribute, Baiban's Huangtian Poison Body suddenly lost a piece.

But correspondingly, Baiban also took advantage of the opportunity to bite off a piece of Chaos's body and swallowed it directly.

Tsk tsk...

It was as if the Huangtian Poison Body had been thrown into a snowfield filled with red-hot irons, and it began to melt on the spot. However, correspondingly, another force was extracted from the Chaos body by the Huangtian Poison Body and added to the white plate's body.

In an instant, the two sides formed a strange balance.

If it continues like this, Whiteboard may really devour the humanoid Chaos Ooze monster.

But obviously, the whiteboard does not have this opportunity.

At the moment when Chaos' body disappeared, a green force emanated from the humanoid Chaos Slime Monster. Although it was quickly covered by Chaos' power, Jiang Chen still noticed it.

That was the demonic energy! (End of this chapter)

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